Well, I hope so. The boat is on the hard, and we had the Bimini and cushions taken off. probably not much else we can do except hope that all of its 70 tons stays put
Miller is far enough up in Fannin Bayou that you shouldn't have any problem even if the track shifts west a few miles.
I hope the best for you. That boat is super tough and has been through the last storm through there. I think it was Michael in 2017 or 18?.
Yes, I think it was Michael. The previous owner lost both boston whaler tenders that were on the boat in that one.
Well after looking at options for the deck and you folks opinion having much weight as well. As much as I want to keep the teak it is just not feasible to keep it. Im thinking of doing the removing the worn out teak and replacing with Coosa board. I like the Nydacore but I have concerns about puchering it because it is a core product. Am I over thinking this?another issue with the teak is I can't find anyone here in my area(Ft Myers,FL) that will do this and if they can the price makes absolutely no sense. they should use a mask and and a gun when quoting this kind of work.
Use the material of your choice. I chose Nyda because it was available with a factory fiberglass lamination in place, and once installed it offered a reasonable R value with the dead air space. The combination gave me a faster finish with a terrific outcome for a former crew stateroom that had been converted to a queen VIP below. The fiberglass skin makes it very durable for impacts. If you drop something substantial on it...like an anchor...it will damage, but so will Coosa or pretty much any substance or finish.
Tom, I thought the boat is up in the panhandle if you're doing work up in this part of the state, I would source out this project you're not far from good resources. over in mobile ala or I think in Pascagoula. I forgot the name but some of the fishing trollers boats are made up in this part top notch carpenters. your labor will be normal than south Florida for sure.
Restoring a deck is more of a focused project because you aren’t removing the entire structure and starting from scratch. Often, individuals choose to restore their deck if there are only a few problem areas, including rotting wood.
Hi Classic, Yes, you are right! There are many good resources for boat carpenters in Mobile, Alabama and Pascagoula. These cities have top-notch carpenters who specialize in building fishing troller boats. The labor cost in these areas is also generally lower than in South Florida.
Any contact info on someone that area might be good. Maybe I could get them to come to Ft Myers .I would obviously pay extra for that
I am curious if you replaced the deck yourself or did you hire someone. Also if you did do it yourself where did you get the Flexiteak and at what cost if may ask.
My maintenance/repair guru made the templates. Wes sent them to the Flexiteak dealer in Seattle. They sent us the product made to our templates. I used a local flooring contractor to install it given it is basically the same as installing linoleum or other similar type flooring. I don’t recall cost but can look in my records if you really need the info. However, being in Florida I would think you would have a number of companies that would do the whole job turn key for you.
Thank You. I'm still on the fence about it. However I was quoted 150.00 a square foot installed. I need 533 sq ft by my cal. I have to remove the old teak as well. If you do the math it seems pricey but needs little to no maintenance. Any price comparison would be welcome.
$150$ a sqft for the fake stuff? Yikes… we just paid about $110 a foot for the real thing here in Miami.
Yikes is right!!!! I am looking into the real stuff myself. I'll post the out come. How many square ft is that in the Picture?