So, hull 309C. USCG looks like it’s been updated due to a period under Cayman registration. Originally, perhaps White Eagle or Barefoot? 71 feet…
I thought the same as you. The interior needs updating . How were the decks?I can't remember. Mine are needing attention
So far I’ve found one soft spot to peel apart, but otherwise we just need to repaint the green non skid. Somebody’s design tastes were pretty bad back then
That's what I thought but I confused the names. I used to be service manager for Burger and kept as much information as I could.
Oh, someone did a add on in its life. Beautiful boat original design never had the fish deck. you will have fun with this just remember once a classic always a classic you will always get the smiles.
Pretty sure I saw a full hull number listed for her showing 309C...I'm showing 319C as the former Delicto/Katerina/Masons Candy which I've been aboard, a 67 foot Sparkman... 309C is former Carrot Top/Little Eagle...? 309C also shifted out of the US to Cayman, and that would explain a USCG number that is out of sequence for the time. It's a big database, and I could have something wrong...
Thank you all for the info, sounds like it's a "captain says press on". I'll just keep the spare close at hand.
lol, in fact, set it right next to the present one...and it'll remind you why the heck it's aboard and doesn't end up in a container in your garage when you're 500 miles away and need to swap...
....and Antilles left USCG documentation for foreign waters. Her USCG number should be six digits starting with a 5. But she has a more current USCG number, which would be in line with her coming back to the US...but USCG seems confident in 309C as belonging to her?
I was interested in buying a 64 burger and my broker said I should not buy because simply a battery costs 10k Is that correct ? Is that what batteries for burgers cost ?Wonder why he would say that if it’s not correct ? Love u guys !!!
Well, to give your broker every benefit of doubt, there isn’t enough context here to dispute his cost estimate. I converted the entire boat to Odyssey 31 series 12V in various arrangements of voltage and parallel. Each 12v battery was around $400 to the door of the boat. Are other conversions and wiring projects required?
<--- 32Volt boats are around and well. 8v batteries in a boat can be a headache to the person not familiar with them. Quality battery chargers cost bux for any voltage. Quality batteries cost bux for any voltage. IMO, find another broker.
I agree with finding another broker. There are a few that truly know their stuff. However sadly there are more that are wanna he’s. Always verify what they tell you.