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Nice classic 82’ for sale, built 1962..

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by Norseman, Sep 12, 2023.

  1. Steve in SoCal

    Steve in SoCal Member

    May 6, 2007
    Land locked in woodland Hills
    I gota say, I am no marine engineer or seasoned master just an airplane driver that plays with boats. I find a lot of gaps and misses in the video above. That said, the couple in question are popular with boat video tours like a handful of others on youtube. I don't think they are 'brokers' but get a spiff if they get a lead?

    Their older videos claim they are BOTH USCG captains? Sure seems like the depth of knowledge is shallow for credentialed seafairers? I really got a laugh with them unable to ID the gyro compass.

    They are like a lot of folks in their age group, they grew up in modern times and pre-digital stuff is bewildering. They seem to have very limited knowledge of ship systems especially older stuff. They do a reasonable tour of the boats they show, better than a lot of broker produced videos.
    YachtForums likes this.
  2. mapism

    mapism Senior Member

    Aug 9, 2008
    Well, I gave you the exact sizes of the boat they toured, to start with.
    Happy to post also the dimensions of the actual VZ 56 or any other detail, if you wish - just ask.

    Besides, just check out the spot the difference below.
    Do you really need more evidence of their cluelessness?

    Here's one of the many photos of the VZ 56 that you can easily find simply googling for it:

    And this is what they presented as a VZ 56, but is actually a VZ 18 (also googlable, obviously):

    So, if the paperwork would have said she's a ketch, they would have presented her as such? :D
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2023
    Fjol70 likes this.
  3. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Bingo, we are in the same boat, so are a few other souls on this board.
    (Retired from 37 years of flying but also had jobs on boats/ships and been doing charters, deliveries, but mostly pleasure cruises.)
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2023
  4. leeky

    leeky Senior Member

    Jan 2, 2011
    Here's a picture of a 2001 VZ 56 Fly that's for sale on YachtWorld:
    It looks like the boat in the Nauti-Styles YouTube video that you referred to. The VZ 56 in your post #22 looks like a 2006, not a 2001.

    The paperwork statement was her explanation for why she thought the boat had a lot of volume for her size, i.e., the boat's LOA was actually 65' and not 56'. You should realize she's not as clueless as you so desperately want her to be. She kept saying that the boat had a LOT of space for a 56 footer, so she's not clueless. As far as her presenting the boat as a ketch had the paperwork said so, I am the one who's clueless about that. I can predict everything except the future.

    Now, I'm waiting for you to explain the difference in the pictures that you and I have provided as VZ 56's. I've given you my explanation, but I don't know the VZ 56 like the back of my hand as you said you do. I had never heard of it until your post #18.
  5. mapism

    mapism Senior Member

    Aug 9, 2008
    Well, if nothing else, goes to prove that at Denison they are as clueless in their advertising as those youtubers, about VZ boats. :D
    BTW, it's interesting to see that out of several YW ads for VZ56, all of which show the correct model, you picked the one and only wrong one from Denison, which is referred to the exact boat of the YT video. Talk about self-fulfilling prophecies! o_O

    Ref. the production years, the VZ18 in the YT video and in your pic was never labelled as VZ56.
    What actually happened is that the VZ56 (in my previous pic) was initially introduced as VZ16, and for a few years the yard sold in parallel the VZ18, that was actually a 20m boat, and the VZ16, that was actually a 17m boat.
    Shortly afterwards, the yard changed the models designations from meters to feet, and the boats became respectively the VZ64 and the VZ56.
    But in that occasion, the 16 remained almost unchanged, while the whole superstructure mould of the 18 was completely redesigned, with a style more similar to the 16, and introducing also hull windows.
    Here is how the VZ 18 appeared after this rather radical redesign, and the name changed to VZ 64:
    This doesn't change the simple fact that none of the 18 like the one in the YT video and in your pic taken from Denison ad ever left the factory with the 56 sticker on them and/or on any paperwork - also because that would have been a laughable mistake, from a builder who did have a pretty good reputation.

    Then again, any broker is free to advertise a boat with a wrong model designation, of course.
    But if you think that whatever a broker writes is a good excuse for publishing a downright wrong YT video, fair enough, I'll tell you what: you will continue to like their videos, and I will continue to think they are garbage - fair and square.

    Oh, and you can save yourself the effort to insist asking me further explanations on the differences between the two boats, because that's beyond a joke.
    What part of "one is a 56 footer and the other a 64" you don't understand, exactly?

    Mind, I could write pages about other detailed differences, having been onboard several of both these boats, but I have a funny feeling that you don't really care, and all you are interested in is prove that I have an ax to grind against those folks that you declared upfront to be a fan of.
    Now, guess what? I don't care about them one bit, and I never watched any of their videos.
    The one and only reason why I watched this one is that the forumite Liam (who also knows these boats pretty well, being based in the Med) pointed it to me, just for sake of having a laugh.
    So, rest assured that I won't lose my sleep over the fact that you will remain a fan of some youtubers I couldn't care less about. :)
  6. leeky

    leeky Senior Member

    Jan 2, 2011
    There's no sense in continuing this discussion(?), because you've started pretending that you know what I'm thinking and the reason for my statements. You are correct about my liking the Nauti-Style YouTubers' videos, though. I think they are great at what they are trying to do, which is giving a video tour of a boat -- and nothing more.
  7. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Gentlemen: Let’s not escalate this silly conversation…Jeez.
    No doubt Mapism knows his Italian boats and can tell the difference in a nanosecond, and Leeky likes the Nauti-Style You Tube couple.
    The point of this thread was the old classic 82’ steel yacht for sale for a song.
    No doubt the YouTube stars are confused about gyro compasses and ancient autopilots but they do put on a good show with old boats and short skirts dancing around on my iPad screen, for that I give them a thumbs up..:cool:
  8. Steve in SoCal

    Steve in SoCal Member

    May 6, 2007
    Land locked in woodland Hills
    Regarding youtube presenters, there are plenty of folks that present car, boat, plane and, many other things with errors. Some errors are out of ignorance some are old myths and others are mis-stating data they have been told. The couple that did this video are very good at doing these walk through videos, in spite of their lack of knowledge of many things on the boats.

    I will give them a pass on their ignorance of systems on larger older boats. Frankly many younger boaters don't have a clue about these systems either! How many young pilots even know what an ADF is? The way youtube presenters get popular is making videos anyone can watch and enjoy. Kind of like how the U.S. government writes documents at the fifth grade level so most can read and understand them. They may not be very tech savy but they have grown a youtube channels enough to build a new Bering 75, that my friends is success any way you slice it!
  9. mapism

    mapism Senior Member

    Aug 9, 2008
    In this respect, I fully agreed with your OP comments, and also with the others that followed from Fjol70, Pascal, and CRalph (in a nutshell: intriguing boat, annoying bimbo).
    To the point that I refrained to add another along the same lines - which in hidsight, would have been quicker and easier!
  10. jsschieff

    jsschieff Senior Member

    Apr 3, 2010
    Middletown RI/Stuart FL
    I've been zinged for admitting I like the Nauti Style You Tube videos but they are more thorough than most people who do yacht You Tube videos. Videos on yachts done by major yacht brokerages skip all technical data, never go through crew areas, and rarely go through the engine rooms. The perky blond and her partner might make mistakes when they describe yachts, but at least they describe the yachts in reasonable detail and go through crew areas and engines rooms. If you enjoy looking at boats of all kinds, their videos are entertaining and informative if you can tolerate her hyper-perkiness and vocal trills.
  11. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    Well we all know that brokers only show what they want you to see … it’s a pretty low bar.

    I guess she no worst than most of the other YouTubers out there
  12. abfish

    abfish New Member

    Sep 3, 2020
    Morehead City
    My take on Nautistyles is that it's entertaining and well produced. They do not profess to be experts on any of the vessels that they review.

    Also as someone who only speaks English, I am impressed with their command of marine terminology in a non-native language. Other than boat owners, most Americans don't know port from starboard.
  13. mapism

    mapism Senior Member

    Aug 9, 2008
    What do you mean other than boat owners?
    ...Sorry, couldn't resist! :D
  14. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Sadly, you have a point.
    There are lots of boat owners out that don't know port/Starboard or their left from their right at all.
    It gets dangerous in Aqua Space in a hurry with these kids out there.
    Rule #2, B; it is a stretch sometimes...

    Without coaching, I wonder if the twit we are talking about, has a clue either.
    Just like the T V remote, My mouse button works just as well;;; Change the channel when twits are on the screen.

    Seems some like those videos.
    I have to remind my self, others walk a different path. I can only hope they take all media with a grain of salt.
    I, just change the channel and remind my self of Rule #2, B..