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Tollycraft vs. Hatteras vs. DeFever

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by RossC, Jun 10, 2023.

  1. RossC

    RossC Member

    Jun 3, 2023
    Rehoboth Beach, DE
    44' Tollycraft CPMY with 6V53TI's. 2400hrs on both. Don't see these engines too often. Are they reliable pumped up to 370HP? Sounds like a lot for a relatively small engine. I imagine the answer depend on how they were run and maintained.

    48' Hatteras LRC with DD 453N's at 112HP, 600hrs port/300hrs starboard. Not many hours. It either sits on the dock or they were rebuilt. Seems a little light on HP but could be a great fuel efficient hull speed trawler. Appears to have had a complete retrofit right down to fresh paint not too long ago. Really like the layout on this one.

    43' Albin with single Lehnam with almost 7000 hours. Has everything we're looking for, but still has original steel fuel tanks.

    They all show well in photos. The Hatt and Tolly appear to be liveaboard and I've not yet figured out how often they leave the dock. Both have modern electronics ands that the first thing that gets neglected on a dock queen, so there is hope.

    Locations are all the way from VA down to FL so it's a significant road trip to look at these. I'll know more after talking to the brokers.
  2. RossC

    RossC Member

    Jun 3, 2023
    Rehoboth Beach, DE
    Also found a 47' DeFever with 3208TA's, One is fresh with 40 hours. The other has 6600 hours. My spidey sense tells me that this engine is not far behind the one that just got a rebuild. Other than that, boat seems nice and not far away to go look at.
  3. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Like the DDC 92s, the 53s have wet liners also.
    IMO; Lean to the 71s if you can.

    Forgot about Tolly's.
    I thought they were a good boat.

    On that 6V53TI package, You need to look at the raw water pump, buried way in the back under the exhaust cross over and low profile turbo / inter-cooler.
    Please, really look at it. You need 4 elbowed kid with a rubber backbone to change that raw water pump impeller.
    Then, imagine doing that service when the engine is hot.
    DDC did a great job putting HP in a real small package with that design.
    It was the 53s where the term Screaming Jimmy came from. Not sure if Jimmy was the engine or the tech working it.

    The LRC, with its displacement trawler hull, is a great example of no need for wasted HP.
  4. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    370hp out of of 318 cid? I d pass

    the Hatteras LRCs are among the best trawlers and are highly sought after. Top quality build and system incl fiberglass tanks taht will last as long as the boat. Some of the other boats you mentioned don’t even come close

    Personally I d stick with twins for redundancy and maneuverability. Bow thrusters especially electric aren’t the most reliable thing.
  5. RossC

    RossC Member

    Jun 3, 2023
    Rehoboth Beach, DE
    Leaning toward the Hatt LRC. Appears to a nice boat but it's also the most expensive, oldest on the list and furthest away. 1976 and $245k, but just about everything appears to be new or no older than 2016. It would be a fun adventure bringing it home.
  6. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Think of the Chevy 327 vs the 350. Shorter stroke, less displacement, higher RPM, the 327 made more WOT HP.

    Scary thought; I think I heard about a 400 HP 6V53TA but I can not find a cut sheet on it.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2023
  7. MBevins

    MBevins Senior Member

    May 23, 2008
    Windsor On. Canada
    Hatt LRC, they command the money because they are highly sought after, you won't lose on them,.
  8. RER

    RER Senior Member

    Jan 20, 2009
    Newport Beach CA
    By now I’m sure you’ve figured out that you’re shopping a lot of used-up worn-out boats.

    With the exception of a couple of Hatteras, the rigs you’ve mentioned aren’t worth what you’re going to eventually have invested in them.

    Even those old Hats could conceivably cost six figures in upgrading and repairs before you could make the kind of runs you’re talking about. But at least they are decent boats.

    Continuing to search without a new budget, I wouldn’t expect much of a change in your results.
    ddw1668 likes this.
  9. Hatterized

    Hatterized Member

    Jul 24, 2018
    Annapolis & St. Pete
    a transient 48Hatt LRC was docked next to us a few years ago at St.Pete YC, she had been very well kept and updated nicely, owner said numerous times that she was truly a well handling mini-ship with all the amenities of a 5 diamond hotel that was a cost efficient vessel to operate

    sorry i can't remember the name but she stood out in any marina and was not a dock queen

    enjoy your boat search !!
  10. RossC

    RossC Member

    Jun 3, 2023
    Rehoboth Beach, DE
    Hatt is under contract. Survey on Friday. Tolly and Albin available. Also found a 84 DeFever with Lehman 135's. High time though. 9000 hours. They are asking 180k. It has a very roomy engine room. Looks like 5' headroom or so. Also looks like an in-frame on Lehmans isn't un unsurmountable task should they ever need to be done.
  11. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    I used to have neighbor with a 53 DeFever cockpit. I helped him a few times and we went out with him a couple of times. Ok boat, so so quality. Had a few issues here and there. On a scale from 1 to 10, the Hatt is a 9, the DeFever a 4, maybe 5.
  12. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Before you start thinking about rebuilding Lehman engines, Please gather serials numbers, clutch type and some pictures together. Contact THE only shop to do Lehman business with;
    Some heat-exchangers, manifolds, oil coolers and early heads are not available any more.
    Some clutch change out work has been required on some of my past customers installs also.

    I would give DeFevers a 5.5 to maybe 6.5. Ole Albins get the 4 to 5 scale. Spilled blood in those also.
  13. RossC

    RossC Member

    Jun 3, 2023
    Rehoboth Beach, DE
    79 Hatteras 58 MY with 8V92TI's. This one one is close so might try and get on board tomorrow. How are the 8V92TI's on fuel if you keep your foot out of it.
  14. RossC

    RossC Member

    Jun 3, 2023
    Rehoboth Beach, DE
    So if I go much bigger than 40, I go on a waiting list for a slip. Insurance might also be an issue. I have owner 38 and 42. When I do an online quote with United Marine Underwriters I get a message saying that the quote was submitted for review. For a 48' it went right through and was cheaper than expected. Only $1200/year for the DeFever and no problem at the marina. They will only insure the DeFever up to 150K so I guess that's a good bargaining chip on price. I think 180K is high for an '83 with 9K on the engines.
  15. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    i ve run one a few times. About 9 to 10 gph at 9 kts.

    I don’t like the 58MY because it has no side decks so line handling is a little more difficult and everytime you want to go from the bow to the stern you have to come inside thru the salon. Also, being an extended deck house, the aft has almost no ventilation and gets very hot.
  16. ranger58sb

    ranger58sb Senior member

    Aug 20, 2013
    Chesapeake Bay, USA
    Under your contract, your survey scheduled? Or somebody else's?

    Guess I'm not finding the listing for this one. I see a '77 on BT with rebuilt 120-hp DDs in Seabrook TX, asking $225K.

    Of the several you've mentioned, one of the Hatt LRCs would probably get my attention first. Not a fan of having 32VDC systems in boats of that era, but folks here and elsewhere have said that's manageable.

  17. RossC

    RossC Member

    Jun 3, 2023
    Rehoboth Beach, DE
  18. RossC

    RossC Member

    Jun 3, 2023
    Rehoboth Beach, DE
    I was thinking $300K would get a decent boat. I called on the GB than had 3208TA's just out of curiosity. Other than the obvious, here's a short list of things that were not in the ad.

    Original fuel tanks. Rusted on the outside but not yet leaking.
    Leaking teak decks. Bungs missing. Loose boards.
    4 Broken side windows.
    Anything painted needs repainting.

    Owner wants $249K because he just installed all new Garmin electronics last year, which I could do for around $6000.

    If it's the right boat at the right price, it doesn't last long on the market. Honestly, we went from a budget of $100K to $300K and the boats in the 250-300K range don't look a whole lot better than ones in the 100K range. Very frustrating for me and the brokers. I wish I could drop $1M+ on a boat but that's happening. Probably have to wait a bit closer to fall. Boats get cheaper up here off season.
  19. ranger58sb

    ranger58sb Senior member

    Aug 20, 2013
    Chesapeake Bay, USA
  20. RossC

    RossC Member

    Jun 3, 2023
    Rehoboth Beach, DE
    Might go look at a 2005 Heritage East 36. It's a little small and may not have enough storage for our toys. 4 scuba tanks and dive gear for 2. Other then the forward stateroom, I don't see where I could stash a few tanks.

    The good....Nice moden electronics with chart plotters and integrated radar with MFD's at both stations. Appers to be in pristine condition cosmetically. Has Cummins 5,9 6BTA @ 200HP.

    The bad.....Engine has 4800hrs (maybe not that bad). Northern Lights genset has almost 12,000 hours. They spent a lot of time on the hook evidently. Reviews say it should go 15000-20000 if properly maintained.