That I can relate to. I'm looking at an AC replacement on the Viking this spring, must say I'm not looking forward to it. Two days of work, 3 days recovery.
Well watching somebody else work, is hard work.. It does take energy passing tools and hopefully cocktails. Hurry up and learn things, I wanna change injector heights om my 12s. Need a strong arm on da crank shaft ratchet. We can pass each other refreshments while working. Da brain needs lubricants also.
Well if I remove the belt driven water pump and the fuel filter mounted on the front of the engine I could probably sneak my way around the front and reach with a long extension to get to the bolts to remove it..maybe..
The starter thing is becoming a little bit of a PIA. Seems to me the 40MT is no longer made by Delco, now obsolete. Plenty of remanufactured units out there, NAPA remanufactured Wilson starter $350. New car quest starter $400 probably made overseas somewhere. China ? I question both their reliability . I just found a reputable rebuilder near me . I’m choosing to get my starter rebuilt with supposedly American made parts. $390.
I just had a new MTU starter fail after just a year … yep. Made in china. Glad we kept the old one which was still working but couldn’t get parts to get it rebuilt. The new ones are half the weight. Says it all
I don’t know I get the feeling that all the parts are made overseas including the work I’m having done all mine. Working on painting my exhaust manifold from 1979 raised letters stamped on it “Hecho En Mexico “. My alternator bolts were metric also. Oh well hope for the best.
A lot of cranking and whining, yea, yea, yea. Ya think that missing brush screw on the pic bottom means anything? Where the other screw IS, the plate has been hot a few times. I've seen lots worse still cranking it out. Sometimes, ya really need to pat our ole starters for what it does, where it does it, the environment it does it in and how long it's been doing it. And not been touched, cleaned, oiled or even thought about in years. Amazing..
Just pulled both of my partners Leece Neville direct drive alternators. Fried bits and pieces were falling out of them. I am supposed to provide rebuildable cores. Looking forward to this adventure...
Now your tech will measure the bore and order the rite class size liner. Getting the new liner to fit the case is very important. Expansion, heat transfer and long life depends on this fit.
Also removed and installed all 5 main bearings today. Very interesting, methodical job. I’m sure glad I have my new mechanic buddy to help. This is definitely the point I would have been in trouble. It takes two people. I did the bull work , the man with knowledge did the top bearing removals and installations.
Nope . Mains really could have stayed in. Very little wear. we did check for any excessive play in the cam , back and forth.
The top crank bearing caps are usually still tight. I can imagine your looking at the top cap and wondering WTF? They don't get any wear. Roll one out, roll one in.... repeat.. Your kid using Plasti-Gauge to check clearance? In the days of LBCs, It was rare to replace the top caps. Used Plasti-gauge to tighten up the new bottom cap. Oh, knowing in 500 hours, you were going to back in there any way, we saved the bottom rod caps.