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Question About Sailing SuperYacht Interior for a Story

Discussion in 'General Sailing Discussion' started by Nomadicus, Jan 27, 2023.

  1. Nomadicus

    Nomadicus New Member

    Jan 27, 2023
    I am new to this forum.
    I am writing to request help doing research for a story that occurs on a large sailing superyacht.
    I am hoping that someone might be willing to look at the EOS sailing yacht, and the new Koru sailing yacht by Bezos, and give me some sense of what the interior might look like, based on their personal experience inside yachts, and especially superyachts. What would be on uppermost level of rooms/interior? The second level below? The third? Where would main stateroom be, upper floor with better view, or below on second lower level? Etc. Photos attached, of Koru.
    I understand this is a speculative question.
    I have sailed on small boats but never been on a superyacht.
    I am not asking for a prediction of stylistic or decorative preferences, but in a broader sense, there are crew quarters presumably in the bottom or lower in vessel. There is a state room, some VIP guest rooms, some standard guest rooms. There is a galley, fridges freezers, etc. Some large entertaining area on upper level? A living room or kitchen for crew. Presumably jacuzzis, a small pool, and large common areas. A massage area, a gym, some kind of office, etc.
    Can someone who knows yachts, sailing super yachts especially, maybe look at these two yachts, and give me some informed speculation about interior layout?
    Has anyone been on a superyacht? What kinds of luxuries have you observed above and beyond the obvious, that are cool and impressive, and would not occur to a person who has not been there?
    I want to write a fight scene that occurs atop a mast, one that is not preposterously unrealistic, and might also ask questions about this.
    Finally, could one hide something in one of the radomes on a mast?
    I have attached pictures of Bezos new yacht, Koru, to help visualization.
    Thank you to anyone who can help. This, just to be clear, for fiction writing. Thanks again koru-1.jpg koru-2.jpg koru-3.jpg koru-6.jpg koru-5.jpg
  2. Fishtigua

    Fishtigua Senior Member

    Jul 20, 2007
    There wouldn't be a fight scene on the masts. The only way up there is by bosun's chair controlled by a winch below or from a dockside crane.

    One yacht did have a hydraulic elevator, a bit small for a dust-up. Yacht-Bella-Vita-Mast-Elevator.jpg
  3. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
  4. Nomadicus

    Nomadicus New Member

    Jan 27, 2023
    First, thanks for replying and trying to help me.

    I have done some research, but my ignorance makes it hard to know what to search for. It is not laziness, but just tremendous ignorance. I have never been on a boat longer than 50 feet. I looked carefully at links you provided.

    Just to beat it to death, thanks again.

    I guess one thing I struggled with is only pictures of huge interiors were superyachts, nonsailing, but the two sets you provided very helpful.

    Couple other questions if feeling generous.

    On the upper cabin level, the front would be the cockpit or whatever, where captain looks out steers boat. Entering from rear, you would have the saloon or salon, whichever called. What would be behind that moving forward in lots of boats? Would the master stateroom/bedroom be up high on that level, for better view, or on second level (of rooms/cabins/whatever). Or maybe behind that is dining room? A living room area?

    When you have full blown kitchen tables and chairs on back on boat that big, how do they stay there when sailing? Magnets? Little nodules in floor they sit in? Pack them up every time sail? I have been on small sailboats, but nothing that was like a penthouse in a sailboat.

    On the second level, assume you have guest staterooms. Walking in from rear, another Salon? Then hallway to guestrooms? Then past that master suite/stateroom for owner? With some kind of entry area with desk, couches, vanities, whatever? On the koru, there is this forward section no windows, on that second roomed floor, below the upper roomed/cabined floor. Is the master cabin there? Wouldn't they want windows? If not, what is forward with no windows?

    Would there be 2 lower levels, or one. There is one with small circular portholes. Are the guest cabins there? Crew quarters? Where is fridge, galley etc.

    The upper windows permanent closed, or open to allow air in?

    I don't want to turn this into brain surgery, but anyone who had ten minutes to write even a brief description, would be super grateful. I am not just being lazy, but I am so ignorant I don't even know something as basic as where master stateroom would be.

    Thank you again for anyone that can help.
  5. Nomadicus

    Nomadicus New Member

    Jan 27, 2023
    I'm going to add this to story. Thank you. Could a professional athlete climb up at least to the radome, without the bosun chair? Or it is just super slick/slippery and utterly impossible?
  6. Ken Bracewell

    Ken Bracewell Senior Member

    Feb 9, 2006
    Somewhere Sunny
    I'd suggest an internet search of large sailing yachts with "and general arrangement plans" which is what we call floor plans on yachts. I just searched "yacht Athena general arrangement plans" and was able to find theirs.
  7. Ward

    Ward Senior Member

    Jan 18, 2010
    Vancouver BC
    Another suggestion: go to one of the Yacht Charter websites and specify that you want sailing yachts and a minimum size of, say, 200' There are pictures and layouts of Athena, Maltese Falcon, Black Pearl, and others...