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Exumas guidance needed

Discussion in 'Marinas & Waypoints' started by gcsi, Dec 14, 2022.

  1. gcsi

    gcsi Senior Member

    Mar 18, 2011
    I've positioned the boat (75' Hatt MY) in Spanish Wells and plan to use that as starting point for exploring Exumas. The tender (38 open fisherman) won't arrive until mid January. Our first trip will be between Xmas and New Years, a few questions:

    - On our first leg, before entering the park, I would like to do some spearfishing to stock the fridge with fresh fish. Limited to areas I can reach in the RIB. Still fairly competent in the water but 50 foot is pretty much my free diving limit (old age...). Any suggestions for a "fishy" area that I could access via RIB? Don't need exact locations, just an area location would be great.

    - Does it make sense to spend a few days north of the park? Anchorage suggestions?

    After spending a few days in the park, same set of questions for areas south of the park.

    My previous experience (45yrs+) has been in Abaco. Other than the very northern portions of Abaco, the fishing pressure has pretty much crushed the free diving. Not uncommon to work hard for 1/2 day to find a few fish for the table. Hoping the Exumas will be a bit better.

    This is my fist trip to the Bahamas where fishing / diving will not be primary focus. With any luck at all will be able to spend 1/2 day to get some table fare then move on to more touristy things.

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

  2. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
  3. Ken Bracewell

    Ken Bracewell Senior Member

    Feb 9, 2006
    Somewhere Sunny
    That's pretty much all you'll need to know. There is loads of fishing on the ledges between the banks and the sound.

    Just in case you're not aware, Spear Guns are illegal and you can only spear with a Hawaiian Sling or Pole Spear.
  4. gcsi

    gcsi Senior Member

    Mar 18, 2011
    Admin / Ken:

    Thanks for the info about anchorages. Anyone have any recent experience in the water looking for table fare?

    Using Green Turtle to Cherokee Sound as an example, in years past fish were plentiful. However, the area has been severely overfished and is essentially barren with respect to accessible (50' or less) free diving. Yes, you will find the occasional fish, but requires extreme effort. If northern Exumas is a similar environment, I'd like to know up front so I can plan for a deeper more remote location with respect to the reefs. If, on the other hand, fish are still relatively plentiful, I should be able to work deep cuts between islands with good flow.
