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1000 Diesel Service cost

Discussion in 'Engines' started by R&R, Nov 18, 2022.

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  1. R&R

    R&R New Member

    Jul 27, 2021
    Chesapeake Bay
    Apologies if this is redundant, I've tried searching the forums but our search functions seem lacking (Or I'm just not good at it).

    I'm looking at a 1989 boat with twin CAT 3208 (375HP) engines. Broker acknowledges that 1000 Service has not been done (1624 hrs and 1325 hrs).

    Is there any way to even begin an estimate on cost for service?
    Baseline assuming no major issues?
    I've heard $10k per motor as a starting point.

    Thanks in advance
  2. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    It depends on what needs to be done. You need to talk to cat specialist or surveyor. I sincerely doubt it would be that high. A few years back I paid about $5k per engine for 1400 hp 3412Es

    now, in your case the low annual hours may mean there will be more things to address. Based on the 33 year old age, I would not focus on the 1000 service But on the condition of the engines. If you go forward with an offer, request a cold engine start and short sea trial BEFORE surveys to make sure the boat is worth surveying. Cold start smoke can reveal a lot.
    bliss and R&R like this.
  3. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Why are you looking at a boat with high HP (stressed) 3208s.
    I luv most Cat engines but have to suggest caution, to all that looks at these engines.

    Please, have a real Cat tech look them over real good and answer all your questions.
    Not a friend of the broker or seller.
    Finding that real Cat shop, that will be supporting you after your purchase, is a good start.

    Does the boat have a web listing? Maybe someone here knows the boat.
    Lots of cool YF kids on the Big Bay.
    R&R likes this.
  4. R&R

    R&R New Member

    Jul 27, 2021
    Chesapeake Bay
    Thanks for the quick response.
    This is an estate sale, so I'm not sure sea trial is an option. Broker has survey in hand from March of this year.
    I recognize this is big risk, for now I'm just looking to get eyes on the boat before going further.
  5. R&R

    R&R New Member

    Jul 27, 2021
    Chesapeake Bay
    I was hoping you'd jump in on this Post. I've seen some of your responses on other threads and it always looks like solid advice.
    My impression from those comments was that the 375s are on the borderline of meeting with your approval.
    Right now it's all extremely preliminary...may have more questions after laying eyes on her.
  6. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Yes, the 375s are not the rebuild/replace every year engine. I recall 425, 450 and 485HP versions that make my spine shiver when I think about them.
    My Fave was just the straight turbo 260HP that could last years and years.
    R&R likes this.
  7. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Just found this in what is left of my archives;

    Attached Files:

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  8. R&R

    R&R New Member

    Jul 27, 2021
    Chesapeake Bay
    I hear you. I've always been a gas motor guy, even there I'm cautious about overpumped turbo or super-charged motors.
    Again, very preliminary, but I'm already looking at Annapolis School of Seamanship and their two courses on diesel maintainance for owner/operators. And looking for Cat service technicians in my local boat owner network.
    Thanks again for chiming in.

    DOCKMASTER Senior Member

    Feb 26, 2012
    Ketchikan, Alaska
    I owned a 1983 boat previously with 325hp version pair of 3208’s. They were great motors. Never gave me any issues. I’m not sure what year they switched over to the bronze turbo outlet mixing elbows. The 83 versions I had came with cast steel elbows and you can imagine what the saltwater side looked like. The replacement bronze elbows were expensive and that was 20 years ago when I replaced them. These motors are also finicky about ample airflow. If the air filters got the slightest bit dirty the engines would start to smoke from lack of air. My opinion is the 375 hp version is the very max you can push these motors with any reliability and I would make sure they are propped correctly to reach max RPM and not been overloaded. I would never consider the 425 hp or higher versions. And many people will tell you that a 3208 cannot be rebuilt which is a myth. You can get them bored and add liners. But in today’s world that might be cost prohibitive vs. just replacing them.
    R&R likes this.
  10. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    march survey by the seller is worthless. Barely worth your time reading it.

    unless the price is such that you can budget rebuilding both engines, you need to do a preliminary sea trial and then a full survey and sea trial
    R&R likes this.
  11. R&R

    R&R New Member

    Jul 27, 2021
    Chesapeake Bay
    I appreciate the advice about potential risk. I suppose that's what I'm trying to get a feel much am I putting at risk with potential engine repair. The asking price is very good. I'll know more after I get a look at her and can ask more questions.
    I don't *need* this boat in any sense, just examining a possible opportunity.
  12. ranger58sb

    ranger58sb Senior member

    Aug 20, 2013
    Chesapeake Bay, USA
    FWIW, I found the ASoS diesel courses very useful.

    Another FWIW, when we were shopping on this current boat, lack of service records indicated work not done. I contacted a "local to the boat" engine dealer (MAN, in our case) in advance of making a second/reduced offer and asked for estimates for all catch-up service work... assuming NONE had been done recently. Their estimate was within a few hundred dollars. I'd guess a decent CAT dealer ought to be able to do that for you.,

  13. R&R

    R&R New Member

    Jul 27, 2021
    Chesapeake Bay
    Great info. Thanks.
    Interestingly, I've thought of doing exactly the same. I received the Engine survey from March and it's apparent that maintenance has been neglected for quite a while, but I think there's enough info to take to a CAT service tech and get a rough estimate.
    So far, the only recommendation I've found is Shore Power on KI. Can you expand on who MAN is?
  14. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    MAN is an engine mfg company.
    Cat, MAN, MTU make up some of the engine mfgs for our boats.

    It is very important for a boat owner with MAN engines, to find a real and good MAN shop.
    It is very important for a boat owner with MAN engines to stay in good standing with their area MAN shop. Bringing coffee helps.

    I stay tight with my Detroit shop. Christmas dinner scheduled Dec 9.

    When you find your next boat; Finding your next best friends will need to happen before the ink dries on the purchase contract.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2022
    gr8trn, bliss and R&R like this.
  15. chesapeake46

    chesapeake46 Senior Member

    Jul 26, 2009
    Chesapeake Bay, Delaware Bay & S.Jersey
    There is a place called T & S marine in Chrisfield .
    They are THE Cat mech around here.
    They quoted a friend $ 28 K for a replacement 370 hp, 3208 about a month or 2 ago.
    I am told the 370 was a dog and they may be hard to get parts for.
    T & S is supposed to be the best atound here.

    410 Nine Six Eight twentynine seventy.

    Also, I have no real time knowledge of your engines so , just passing on info.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2022
    R&R likes this.
  16. R&R

    R&R New Member

    Jul 27, 2021
    Chesapeake Bay
    Thanks. Having been a non-diesel guy, I'd only ever heard of Detroit, Cummins and Cat. Great info.
  17. R&R

    R&R New Member

    Jul 27, 2021
    Chesapeake Bay
    Phew, Crisfield is a long-haul from Annapolis. But I'll give it some thought. Thanks!
  18. cleanslate

    cleanslate Senior Member

    May 29, 2018
    Cherry Hill, NJ
    My current 1981 boat with high horse power , 350hp each Johnson and Towers Detroit diesel 471, are still running very well. Boat sat on the hard for more than three years before I got it. It’s all in how the engines were used and maintained along with a little bit of luck.

    I didn’t buy it with out a good sea trial.
    Before I handed over the cash, we ran the hell out of it , up and down the Choptank River to make sure everything was in satisfactory working condition, not perfect but satisfactory to me , given the age of the boat.
    I also purchased the 42’ boat for under $30k…

    A good sea trial along with your surveyor on board , will bring out the gremlins and the problems with the motors far better than any mechanic can by just looking at it at the dock/on land. This will certainly clear the air and help you make your decision.

    if you cannot sea-trial the boat I would walk away and look at something else.
    Also when it’s in the water you’re able to check out everything on the boat including the generator the air conditioners the heads etc. and make sure everything is or is not working.

    I am writing this post while sitting on the sofa in the main salon currently enjoying the boat dockside here in cold NJ going on our 8th year with the boat.
    R&R likes this.
  19. R&R

    R&R New Member

    Jul 27, 2021
    Chesapeake Bay
    So...I've got a little more info. I have the survey, engine survey, sea trial reports that were done in March when the owner was apparently attempting to sell the boat.
    Long story short, it's a rough boat, and the sea trial had to be aborted because the engines and props were in such poor condition.
    Now the owner has passed and his heirs simply want to get rid of the boat without performing any repairs...they have no experience with boating, so I suspect they don't understand how difficult this will be to unload, and may not have the funds to bring the boat to "sellable" status.

    I will most likely walk away, as everyone suggests, but morbid curiosity still has me wanting to go look at and walk through the boat with the broker. It's still a temptation... '89 Hatteras 40DC asking $27,500.
  20. cleanslate

    cleanslate Senior Member

    May 29, 2018
    Cherry Hill, NJ
    Ok if that’s what they will do .
    It’s a 10k boat then . Unless they launch it. They can/ should pay the yard to do it for you.

    Clean the props yourself . Forget about the bottom not that big of a deal.
    Put them under a load if you can , that is good thing . See what happens.

    You can run the boat on the hard with city water and a hose to the engine strainer to hear / see them run and get the to temp.
    Do not put them in gear. You will bern out the cutlass bearings.

    if the engine cooling water pumps are belt driven you can disconnect the belts and start them up also and keep an eye on the temperatures before they get too hot and shut them down. If no water is available.

    I would be interested myself also.
    It definitely has potential.

    no one’s going to buy that boat the way they’re trying to sell it so you have all the leverage in my opinion.

    if it gets that far make sure all the engine intakes are clear and clean no water restrictions. Make sure all engine impellers are “ok” to run the boat for a bit .

    3208 Cats are good motors .
    Good it’s not a Sport Fisherman, they usually get beat up.
    Double cabin MY , usually less hours and not run as hard.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2022