This thread should be pulled, because it's humiliating all of us with human boats. Not later than yesterday, I was crawling into a corner of my engine room just to reach a valve for the periodic check. Now, your photos of folks standing around the engine, with crane rails installed above it, and still plenty of headroom to spare, almost make me cry... Jokes aside, great report, keep 'em coming!
My friend Please don't take this as an argument, just a different point of view. AND this is O K. When this guy purchased the big boat and her tender; in writing was the oil change and rebuild schedules on both. Yes, it is a very large money game. Great differences between the big and little boats. IMO; Investment was made at the boats purchase, Maintenance is everything there after.
Indeed this engine room is pleasure to be in. Having suffered for years in smaller boats i really enjoy it . re 16V396s I was talking to the guys yesterday who were saying they are far more complex to rebuild having a lot more parts. They said the 2000s series are a walk in the park compared to 396s
All the heads are torqued. First specified torque plus a quarter turn with a LONG wrench. Or 2 quarter turns… I forgot which. Good thing I only take pictures. If you zoom in you can see the vertical yellow marks on the head bolts being turned horizontal. Engine is back in place attached to the gear. Exhaust flanges installed and ready for manifolds
Holy cow ! Look at all the 4”x4”s under the motor! Wow! Heavy , heavy. Here in my aqua - neighborhood the old DD mechanical motor mechanics have moved on to the heavens . ( you know the kind I mean the ones that could “feel” the engine and do the work in their sleep ) Wonder how much it is to pull one from the grave to do a on board rebuild on a in line 71 series? Ugh , priceless … something that was once a dime a dozen has certainly changed over time.
Sadly, these kids can not spell 71 or recognize one if they were sitting one. I envy them. Look at their hands,,, CLEAN. They would not even open the valve cover on a 71. They know where the clean money is. I'm getting tapped on for a re-build and I can not do it. I'm making calls, Ole guys are retired and gone hunting. If I only had 2 young, strong, mute and hungry backs that wanted to learn a good trade. Looks like a complete engine removal for in shop rebuild is all that is available around Jax. I'm going to spec cutting the hull open to get it out.
Yeah . Yeah ! That’s what I was thinking , in all of the photos. Clean hands , clean everything. Are they that exceptional? CR that’s the nationwide Detroit diesel story it’s the same all around seems to me. Insane to cut the hull out! What? I do love my old J & T 471s, they keep on running along , but not to Bristol yacht standards for me. Bottom line we are all fanatical about our boats on here.( even the captains, as it should be). I’ve got the bread, but I sure am apprehensive on the very few that I have to choose from to do an overhaul on the engines. Thinking it might just come down to me , and some help. Checked into re-powering $30k each for Cummins rebuilt / repower . Not installed. I forget the model number….350 Hp or so. Got that $$ to but the boat is not worth it . Anyway chin up as they say.
Actually these are not 4x4s but … 6x6s! these guys have worked on 92s and I m sure 71s too. And yes every part gets cleaned with clean shop rags and brake cleaner. Every part was inspected and painted in the shop. They had to return one head which has a bad valve retainer. Then every hole was taped before being transported to the boat. I swear when I get in there I feel like I should wash my hands In some of the pics you can see a notebook on top of the engine. Every step, every torque is recorded along with pictures taken of everything. Every bolt gets a marking. I ve seen something I didn’t even know existed till today… a gear reduction socket drive. 4:1 ratio for the final torquing of the head bolts.
Torque multiplying wrenches. I have often wondered how they work. I have sets of beam and clickers with 3/4" heads. Just give some safe room to pull or push. Watching a skinny asp punk push one of these around and with no effort, was torquing down MAN heads. Kind of helped me feel older. F M
Painting marks on bolts is pretty std practice in the automotive classic car world too , as Is torquing everything up to spec inc suspension components as well as the motors .A lot of parts are alloys esp cover plates = easy to over do it and fracture or distort = oil weeps . I note the head bolts appear new they should be single use stretch bolts and normally you go back within a specific time frame ( once the things up and running ) and re torque them up . So there will a follow up visit ? The note pads as said above are to see the torque specs and maybe , due to the sheer number 16 heads + other stuff act as a aid memoire , so they can tick off what’s been done and keep the order correct . Looks like some sort of red Permatex gasket sealant is being used too ? All good stuff . Edit ….occasionally you can get the torque wrenches recalibrated , they go off .They should when new come with a calibration cert , well they do in Europe.
Really, I was talking about the hull side. Cut it open, reach in and grab the whole engine/clutch. No interiors destroyed above the engine room.
I ve seen pictures of engines being pulled out of the hull sides. The glassing/welding/painting after the work isn’t the biggest worry. To me it would be all the stuff that would have to be moved and disconnected outboard of the engines incl wiring. going thru decks seems to be a lot easier unless a ton of stuff in running in the ceilings
stb hull side; A battery charger, some water lines and batteries with cables. The air/box vents. Going up still leaves no where to go, the back of the saloon has a single wide door/hatch. Thought about going thru the saloon top also, more stuff in the way up there. When Hatterass of Liquordale messed this boat up, they did a great job messing everything possible up. The lesser of evils; out the side If I can not find some nimble ole-timers to in-frame it.
I missed the start of this exchange. I guess it all depends on how the ERs are set up and that depends on a number of factor. Older boats including Hatteras usually had narrower beam so fewer systems were installed outside of the engines. I ve seen wider beam boats with fuel tanks outside the engines… or generators… or triple chiller systems…. Moving all that would be a nightmare. most boats, at least in this size range have the salon above the ER so usually pulling the engines isn’t too hard. Yes there are exceptions incl some galley up Hatteras where the galley is above the ER… time for a new galley I was really surprised to see how small this MTU block is and that it could have gone out the crew companionway and transom door if angled just right
Very common on aluminum and steel vessels. Referred to as a WEP, (welded equipment penetration) Painting and fairing of the replaced WEP / blending the hull side panel patch and boot stripe is costly. Often times requiring the re-spray of the entire side of the vessel due to linier urethanes not blending well like an acrylic urethane would and the WEP being very noticeable topcoat wise. I've never encountered this on a fiberglass vessel and would think it difficult due to the extra glass reinforcements needed when glassing the panel back in.
Helped on a glass DeerFoot (SV Moonshadow) Dark color hull. You could not see where the hull was cut, Beautiful job. Great boat and great owners. I was planning to work on a houseboat Roamer with the same engine replacement (long,, long ago) plan but it never happened.