Hi I have a quad Volvo 600 IPS with original 2008 Simrad AP 26 Autopilot. Pilot is connected via gateway to Volvo IPS drives. Holds steady on “Auto” but I would like to connect to my new Garmin 8616 plotters and use the “Nav” function. How would/could I accomplish this. Any help would be appreciated.
Both products has a common Quasi N2k . Neither is 100% N2k. Time to contact a dealer familiar with both products. I hope it works out for you. Please keep us up on your results.
I am in the process of the same conversion from that Simrad autopilot to a Garmin reactor 40 autopilot paired with my new 8616 plotters. I have Three 2009 D6-435 IPS-600s. I am currently waiting on an autopilot gateway from Volvo. Please keep me updated with your conversion.
Rob thanks for the note. The boat is a Lazzara 75’ LSX. Lets keep in touch to see if this can be worked in thanks
Absolutely. I've put a few hours into this so far so if you have any question feel free to reach out. By the end of this we'll both be up and running. Love your boat. BTW I have a 2009 52 Ovation. Thanks.
Thank you. It was the perfect fit for my family. Definitely not in the same class as your Lazzara tho lol.
Quick update for those who are interested: New autopilots are only compatible with EVC C3 and above. If you have EVC C1/C2 you need to get new HCU’s to bring your system up to EVC C3.
Not sure why you d want to go they all the trouble and $ to hook up the AP to the plotters. In all these years and tens of thousands of miles I have only used the AP heading function.
If I'm interpreting this thread correctly it would be nice when the AP and plotters work together to compensate and display set & drift and cross track error. Certainly nothing new so I must be missing something here.
If I'm interpreting correctly, it sounds like the problem being described here isn't about connecting AP to plotter... but instead it seems to be about connecting AP to engines/pods. Or at least getting the AP to work with those specific engines/pods. Maybe. -Chris
See post #1, He wants to connect his new plotters and use the Nav function. I'm getting old, Grey and senile, I had to look up just what a EVC 1,2, and 3 was as it's a new world out there.
Yep, understood that, connecting the two should be easy, usable nav functions follow.... as you say, not much new there. But posts #3 and #9 suggest that another problem is getting the (an) AP to work (at all) with those engine/pod versions. -Chris
Hey Ral Did you ever get to the bottom of the autopilot issue? I would greatly appreciate any tips or knowledge that you might have.