We just got a new 44’ center console that came w Humphree Interceptors. They work great as automatic trim tabs. They have an upgrade to an at speed stabilization system called Active Rode Control for many 1,000s. Has anyone tried this? We also have a Gyro. We just did 600 mile run through the bahamas and there were a few days that running 30-40 in 3-4’ waves where this could of been really nice. But it’s pricey so looking for some real experiences. Tim
Humphree has several stabilizers available. We do have Humphree stabilizers on our AB and we're very happy with them. However, likely not the same ones you'd be looking at. I'm not familiar with them using the term "Active Rode Control" and can't find it on their site. They have stabilizers for all speeds including zero and including high speed. They also vary the fins for applications above 40 knots with ventilation. We like having a full system designed and coordinated by them. Know nothing about doing it to an existing boat, however. Very impressed with the company, but we were working with them from Europe so can't speak as to the US.
This is an upgrade to their interceptors. https://humphree.com/functions/humphree-active-stabilization/ For the most part the hardware is already on the boat and it’s mostly a software unlock of $5-8k for this new feature. Could be interested to get some stabilization at higher speeds that gyro won’t provide. The Windy 44’ we just got rides pretty great in the high 40’s. Not sure how much better the active ride control would be.
The stabilizers are already on the boat? It's not going to get high speed stabilization without them, with just the gyro. The RCU simply combines the stabilizers and interceptors for control purposes. I'm shocked a boat would have both Humprhee Interceptors and Humphree Stabilizers and not have the RCU/Ride Control Unit. I still find no mention of "Active Rode Control" as a term but now understand you're referring to the RCU. If I had the other components, I'd definitely add the RCU. I like having everything under one control unit.
My understanding of what Tim is saying is that he only has the interceptors, not the fins. And the software they are trying to sell him is meant to make them work independently for reducing roll, on top of the normal interceptors function of self-adjusting the longitudinal boat asset (which is what he called "automatic trim tabs"), where the interceptors always work in parallel on both sides. If that's right, in his boots I'd rather spend the money for good wine, but I'm happy to stand corrected if I misunderstood.
I have no idea what he's saying. Thinking perhaps he's talking about putting his gyro under the control.
I did wonder about the gyro too. Maybe he's referring to the fact that (AFAIK) Humphree system uses, among other sensors, also a gyro unit as a controller of their interceptors and stabilizers? Which of course has nothing to see with a gyro stabilizer like the Seakeeper/MC2/whatever, but is only meant to "sense" the boat position in real time, driving the interceptors (and/or fins, if present) accordingly. Only trying to guess now, though.
It was my understanding the Interceptors work independently so they not only control pitch, but also control roll. It goes without saying they are ineffective without hull speed.
Interceptors can help some with roll, but "control roll" is overstating what they do. That's why Humphree packages them with stabilizers. I can see the RCU helping a little without stabilizers, but very little. I do not see it eliminating roll in a 44' CC. On a side note, one thing we're observing is that as CC's are lengthening, more buyers are finding a need for stabilization. Gyro's are the most common route, but they don't help at speed and for most users that seems acceptable.
Agreed wholeheartedly. That's precisely the reason why I suggested to not waste any money on such upgrade. Again, assuming that this is what the OP actually has on his boat - we are now doing a bit of guesswork...
The RCU upgrade is just working with the interceptors. The boat has a completely independent gyro. And yes the interceptors and supposedly trying to control some amount of roll and pitch. A test drive may be possible. I haven’t found anyone who will vouch for the $8k upgrade.
Having used the interceptors and having the control unit, I can't imagine just using the interceptors improving roll at high speed significantly enough to make you happy. The amount of impact will depend on the size of your interceptors. Yes, they can help roll a little, but that's not really the purpose of the primary design and the RCU is really designed to be used with both Interceptors and Stabilizers.