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Replacing/Upgrading 20 yr Old Monitoring System

Discussion in 'Electronics' started by JadePanama, Mar 24, 2022.

  1. JadePanama

    JadePanama Member

    Jul 11, 2018
    Hey everyone

    I have a custom built 2001 76' Rayburn. It had what i am sure was state of the art in its day monitoring system that was based off of an old Mitsubishi MELSEC FX2n-32MR-DS system with several add ons. It has wired monitoring to Smoke detectors, CO2 monitors, door sensors, bilge pumps, sirens ... you name it. Basically it combined what would be a pretty complex home type system with several yacht systems, and had monitoring panels throughout the vessel.

    It was decommissioned sometime in the past by previous owners.

    I would like to set something similar up, especially all the central monitoring for all of these to use again and likely a new one has nice internet capable control. What I am struggling to find is the right type of solution / vendor to work with on something like this. I love systems like Maretron etc but while they handle the vessel stuff well, they really dont do the fire/smoke/co2, security system type stuff.

    would love anyones input on this. All the wires are hard wired and ran into a nice cabinet in the utility room and could pretty easily be tapped into a new system.


  2. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    What you had sounds like the old Hatteras system that they did keep up to a point.
    There is a non Hatteras company that still services their stuff AND make new systems that may work for you.
    Dig into the back pages of this site.
    You may get some ideas if not find the vendor of your next monitor system.

    My next offering is these folks.
    They can offer the telemetry for your remote monitoring also.

    Please keep us up on what else you find and the path you pursue.
    JadePanama likes this.
  3. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    I'd suggest googling "yacht security systems" and you'll see a lot of systems that handle what you want. We use GOST (, but it may have more features and cost than you're interested in.
    JadePanama likes this.

    DOCKMASTER Senior Member

    Feb 26, 2012
    Ketchikan, Alaska
    X2 for GOST. I installed one of these systems two years ago and happy with it. They are customizable to as much or as little as you want. Not certain if it will interface with all your existing sensors but if they all come into a panel I’m guessing they can connect. In addition to monitoring, I installed 6 cameras. I can view the boat from anywhere on my phone or tablet. I also put a monitor on the bridge so I can see the engine room while underway. Lastly, the satellite location tracking is an added plus should some unauthorized person decide to take your boat for an unscheduled adventure.
  5. Ken Bracewell

    Ken Bracewell Senior Member

    Feb 9, 2006
    Somewhere Sunny
    Maretron can handle all of this stuff as well. You just need to find someone familiar with the system to integrate the various sensors.
    When I joined my last vessel there was Maretron system installed within the previous 3 years. I was underwhelmed with the system, and there were many features not working/connected. I then hired a very smart engineer, and over the next two years he customize the system to integrate every sensor on the boat.
    JadePanama likes this.
  6. captholli

    captholli Senior Member

    Jan 4, 2010
    In The Bilge
    NightWatch Industries can handle all of the mechanical Engines, gens, pumps & electrical, fluid tanks along with the smoke / fire sensors, Hi fog etc. Very nice / user friendly panels. Local FL. company in Jupiter FL that has hundreds of new and retro fits. Very good reputation for after sales service and support. Norm Dahl is the owner and a very smart cookie. Very few manufactures produce their own sensors and I believe NightWatch incorporates Maretron sensors in their interface.
  7. cnvsback

    cnvsback Member

    Nov 18, 2009
    Fort Lauderdale
    I've also had good experience with NightWatch on a few US built 100'+ yachts. Norm's son Taylor is highly knowledgable and their systems have been retro fit to many vessels to work with some existing sensor manufacturers. The NightWatch stuff is robust and not overcomplicated IMO, easy to troubleshoot, and their support is awesome if needed. They are also capable to remote access the boats systems for diagnostics providing you have a good wifi connection on board, also very useful and effortless.

    Not sure if the OP's boat is based in Seattle but if so that would be a further consideration for selecting an installer.
  8. JadePanama

    JadePanama Member

    Jul 11, 2018
    Awesome. Thx for these. I had googled for the Yacht Security Systems but just didnt find what i was looking for. When just looking at Gost on their website it wasn't apparent that they did all of this. Same for Maretron. Will also take a look at NightWatch. I don't mind spending the $$ to get it right. I love hearing from you all that they do indeed offer this and now I know who to dig deeper with.

    The vessel is currently covered with 3 redundant camera systems for surveillance (24 cameras with motion detection and instant notification), remote triggered alarms (siren/led strobe) that I can manually trigger, and a robust Peplink router/backbone system connected to 3 different carriers with unlimited data sim plans for transparent perfect coverage everywhere in the PNW. We like to work on the boat so supporting both the wife and I flawlessly was a critical element.

    We are moored in Downtown Seattle on South Lake Union, and unfortunately our slip is ungated. As you probably have heard, local politicians have made the police force powerless to enforce and stop thieves so I have to take it on my own. And while doing this, it would be great to take advantage of all the work done on the vessel for other emergency monitoring (fire/co2/water) and have it integrated into one awesome system.

    thx again for the ideas above and will run them down.
  9. ychtcptn

    ychtcptn Senior Member

    Jul 8, 2005
    Lighthouse Point, FL
    Whatever system you choose, make sure the company is strong and will be around in the future. This is a common problem with boat alarm/monitoring systems.
    Being as you are in Seattle, you might want to reach out to Westport, they have their own system they use on yachts, or even Delta?
  10. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    very true. All of us with ISIS systems are struggling to keep them going.
  11. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    Yes, a UK company that apparently built a specialty just out of replacing ISIS systems, headline:

    "Grundon Marine to replace another ISIS 2500 alarm & monitoring system". Painful headline to read, I'm sure.
  12. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    I ll have to check them out although I m not sure using a UK based company would work well for us.

    the biggest issue with replacing an isis system it having to run new wiring. Isis used fiber optics to transmit data from the collection points to the main computer. Must have sounded like a great idea 25 years ago…. Need to find a system that would use fiber optics as well
  13. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    Wasn't suggesting you using them but just confirming how many have the problem you have that they've built so much business on it.
  14. captholli

    captholli Senior Member

    Jan 4, 2010
    In The Bilge
    While commercial ships monitoring systems have been around for a long time using solid-state and analog components for tech. N/C -N/O contacts etc. for vessels basic monitoring needs. Modern day yacht monitoring manufacturers are a relatively young breed with some of the first using digital equip. 30 yrs. ago and they were always problematic with the sensor/panel interface and miles of hard-wired spaghetti bombs and junction boxes galore (loose or intermittent connections) and very time consuming to trouble shoot. Pascal mentioned ISIS using fiber optic and that was certainly a step fwd. and a bold choice in the late '80s early '90s with all of the excitement and much marine press/ hoopla about ex NASA engineers developing a new vessel monitoring system in Titusville, FL. and at that juncture in time, it was a fantastic system but now is antiquated and no longer supported. Nowadays most if not all modern marine monitoring systems of the last two decades use CANBUS that cross pollenated from the automotive industry. I would consider Maretron to be an industry leader if not THE leader in marine automation equipment and vessel monitoring systems and by luck Maretron is another local Jupiter FL. Co. that is relatively "young" as they've only been around since 2003 with their equipment before they were quickly acquired by a long standing marine electrical manufacturer Carling Electric out of Texas. Carling was famous for their "Carling switches" and marine circuit breakers of the '70s and '80s. and is a well-respected outfit. I can't recall any marine vessel monitoring system manufacturer that's been in business since the 1990's that is still doing robust business today other than NightWatch . Not saying that there's not a better system out there other than NightWatch but just because a company has deep corporate pockets doesn't necessarily mean longevity & support for any one system. Deep corporate pockets certainly don't hurt innovation through R&D. but a tough choice indeed for any new or retro fit system with a lot of players out there but much better than it used to be.
  15. Vintimar

    Vintimar New Member

    May 31, 2023
    If you are still looking for support with your existing ISIS system, you can contact me. I have been supporting a few yachts on the west coast that have ISIS systems including one that had their DPU fail on them . I can also repair DAUs and DIUs
  16. Ken Bracewell

    Ken Bracewell Senior Member

    Feb 9, 2006
    Somewhere Sunny
    I assume this is Vinit? If so, this is one of the best techs you'll find for this type of work. Good to see you on Yacht Forums, Vinit!
  17. rtrafford

    rtrafford Senior Member

    Jul 13, 2019
    Vero Beach
    I think you can get a converter to translate the fiber optic to digital. That might open up some doors for you?
  18. Vintimar

    Vintimar New Member

    May 31, 2023
    Hi Ken, Yes it is me. It has been a while. Good to hear from you
  19. Rob Glassman

    Rob Glassman New Member

    Jun 6, 2023
    Boca Raton, FL
    Good Morning JadePanama,
    I'm interested to know if you've selected a system since your last post in 2022?
  20. JadePanama

    JadePanama Member

    Jul 11, 2018
    Hey Rob.

    Yes, I actually did a pretty extensive Maretron system. Added SIM100 devices to monitor contacts for doors, smoke detectors, Motion Sensors, Bilge high water sensors and CO sensors. Also dropped in tank sensors to all 4 fuel tanks, fresh, and grey water. Hooked up sensors to all 3 ac systems (shore, and both gens), as well as dc monitor. Then added temp probes for engine room, egt, raw water sensors to detect failing impeller etc. Run indicator modules to track bilge pumps, and one of my favorite, used DC Relays to and relay contactor breaker switches to control many AC circuits on the vessel. I can now from anywhere turn on engine heaters, the chiller system, Air Compressor (for horns), underwater lights, sea water washdown etc. I also put on J1939 sensors to feed in all the cat and twin disc data. I must say i am VERY happy with the results. I love that I can just have an ipad running at home on my desk constantly displaying my Moored screen (top pic below). I can instantly see what's going on, if power is out etc.

    The vessel made it pretty easy. There was a central utility room with hard wires run to every door, window, port hold, high water sensor, bilge pumps, CO, Smoke detector etc. Just had to tone out a ton of wires and it went together well. Then got a NMEA drop into the engine room and could wire up the rest pretty easily. Also added some automation like detecting when grey water tank is 60%. Hooked up strobes, and sirens as well for added functionality. There is so much that can be added, and the interface to program / set everything up is pretty straightforward and intuitive. (ok, I spent my life in tech so that certainly helps)

    I have a few more things I will continue to add and tweak, but overall I'm pretty happy and I think I have maybe around $8k total into it including nice big bright touch screen monitors that look great next to the big Garmin screens PO put in.

    Here is a look at some of the screens I have setup. I have alarms set to trigger based on a ton of events. While underway, moored, and away from vessel.

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    Last edited: Jun 16, 2023