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87 33’ Flybridge

Discussion in 'Tiara Yacht' started by Tom Norton, Jan 20, 2022.

  1. Tom Norton

    Tom Norton Guest

    My name is Tom in NJ, and the new owner of a very clean 87 Tiara 33’ Flybridge. It is original with 1900 hours, and I am looking forward to keeping this old girl going. Comment, suggestions & advise welcome
  2. BigChief

    BigChief Member

    Sep 3, 2018
    That's a great boat I owned a 1989 for quite some time it's built on the same hull as the 33 open.
    The fuel tank had corrosion problems it should have been replaced already by Tiara. You can call Tiara with the hid number to confirm
    The aluminum water tank between the engine stringers usually rots out,

    The seal around the engine hatch needs to be made make sure it's working well otherwise water will drip all over the front of the engines make the pulleys rusty and chew up your belts.
    The forward hinges for the engine hatch also are steel and usually rust away and you can get some water intrusion in the coreing of the hatch itself which is an easy fix you can take the hatch off and do it in the shop.

    the factory rudder posts supports are steel they usually rust out. Tiara recommends some extruded fiberglass replacements, call them on this too.
    the large aluminum windows along the sides of the cabin may leak, I pulled them out had them stripped and repainted and I reinstalled them it stopped the leaks but it was an enormous amount of tedious work.

    I would replace all of the weather stripping on those windows 1st you can call the company ultra fab to source it.

    FYI I had the bottom stripped and the gel coat was perfect no cracks no splits no blistering at all it was in perfect shape as most of the tiaras are when they go through this process.
    So if you're thinking about doing it for blistering problems don't waste your money.

    That's all I got good luck

    Overall a great running solid boat.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2022
    Tom Norton likes this.
  3. Tom Norton

    Tom Norton Guest

    Thank You for your response Big Chief. My Flybridge did have the fuel tank replaced by Tiara, and an additional 53 gallon reserve tank installed where fish-box was.
    We will use large Yeti cooler & tuna bag for our catch.
    I am in the process of replacing the seals around all hatches, with closed cell rubber to reduce water intrusion. The windows have all new seals, and do not leak, but I will try to leave them shut.
    My engine lift has stainless hinge upgrade, so I should be ok there.
    I will check the rudder shafts when boat gets hauled.
    Looking forward to spring, and hopefully another good Tuna season in 2022.

    Tom Norton
    Compleat Angler. 33’ Tiara
    TomCat. 26’Glacier Bay
  4. BigChief

    BigChief Member

    Sep 3, 2018
    Good luck to you
    It's the rudder support brackets in which the pillow bearing is bolted to the rudder post comes up through it. you access them from inside the boat, lift up the hatches And you can look down on them, from the factory they are steel and easy to identify due to the rust. It's possible that we're already upgraded with the fiberglass extrusion replacement.
    Tom Norton likes this.
  5. Tom Norton

    Tom Norton Guest

    I’ll take a look.. Great info. Much appreciated