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Yachts almost 100% Solar Powered (Generator On Board)

Discussion in 'General Catamaran Discussion' started by DocCuzi, Nov 17, 2021.

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  1. DocCuzi

    DocCuzi Member

    Sep 26, 2021
    Maryland (Soon Florida)
    I just sent to the forum admin the brochure from Silent Yachts. Perhaps he'll post it as it will likely provide more clarity than I can. I do know they offer 3 setup's for LIPO batteries. There is a maximum setup and.... a generator for days that the sun..... well just doesn't appear (and we all know there can be quite a few days of that). Additionally, the yacht has an option for a kite which I've got the quote on.

    The kite is much more efficient than standard sails. I don't know that companies name off hand but I have their materials also. I do believe it's possible. Might I suggest you query them in youtube as there's a captain that has an older silent yacht, I believe a 64 which is't nearly as efficient that he sailed from Cartagena Spain to Palm Beach Florida. I can send you a private link if you'd like to watch that and hear his assessment.
  2. KoffeeCruising

    KoffeeCruising Member

    May 27, 2018
    Doc… there’s marketing and there is reality.

    When in some future date Pascal starts posting his experiences operating “Silent” or solar eYachts in the real world, I’ll gladly listen to his counsel, just as I’m gladly listening to his counsel now of how these may not be ready for prime time.

    Its hard to defend the proposed efficacy of something that doesn’t yet really exist in multiple real world applications.
    DocCuzi likes this.
  3. DocCuzi

    DocCuzi Member

    Sep 26, 2021
    Maryland (Soon Florida)
    As we say where I'm from, "I'm Drinking the Cool-Aide" by the pitcher. There's space for two yachts, the ultra economical, and the definitely not economical lol. My Avatar shows one end of that spectrum, and this thread represents the other. If Covid isn't raging late Mid spring, I'll be going to both Italy and Ft. Lauderdale to see both crafts of interest.
  4. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Pipe dreams and caviar wishes
  5. rtrafford

    rtrafford Senior Member

    Jul 13, 2019
    Vero Beach
    Not for nothing, but two boats...two displacement motor yachts will deliver you in grace and style with a carbon footprint far below the combination of the avatar photo and Sunshine Sally...and you likely arrive on time in spite of cloud cover.
  6. rtrafford

    rtrafford Senior Member

    Jul 13, 2019
    Vero Beach
    Keep the pipe dreams, and just feed me the caviar.
  7. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Looking forward to your report on these. I hope you can operate these crafts off the dock and include in your report how long they lasted, even on a sunny day.
    Until then, I have go by the numbers, what I have already read myself and what I have observed.
    Interesting reads in the pro boat mfg site.
    and more
    Not going to do what I'm understanding you are looking for
    DocCuzi likes this.
  8. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    Don’t get me wrong, it would be great to have a silent boat and not run a gen 24/7.

    I achieve that, of close to that, 20 years ago by putting an inverter and 8 golf cart batteries on my 53 Hatteras. That cut the gen hours by 75% BUT I couldn’t run the AC which in my case was no big deal from October thru May as old boats have excellent ventilation. I m also lucky to use boat in Miami where there is pretty much always a breeze

    otherwise, the best and cheapest source source of on board energy if you want comfort remains a diesel generator...
  9. DocCuzi

    DocCuzi Member

    Sep 26, 2021
    Maryland (Soon Florida)
    I've seen a few of these but not witnessed any first hand. I saw a few in FLIBBS videos from this year and also, The Boat Show Videos. When I come to Ft. Lauderdale this year, there should be a 55 on hand for a sea trial according to Phillip the company Rep. I am likewise, waiting to get to Italy to get a sea trial on the AB80 which isn't electric powered at all. I do have a couple of articles and links on Silent but for fear of violation, I'm avoiding posting them. I'm also looking at a boat from Jaguar... one of their 37 footers and to rival that, I'm looking at a company called Lifeboat that has a 32 footer that's swift and nice. Those would be my go out, enjoy yourself and bring home some fish boats....
  10. DocCuzi

    DocCuzi Member

    Sep 26, 2021
    Maryland (Soon Florida)
    Silent's come can be ordered with a 100Kw generator to assist with recharging the batteries. They recommend 5 to 6 Knots for "infinite Sailing", but if you have need to run at 20 Knots top speed or thereabouts, you're going to need the generator because draw on the batteries in that scenario will drain them out quick. There's also a solar kite option which I'm going to incorporate.
  11. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    Let me repeat this on last time. I am not concerned or talking about propulsion but just about house loads like Aircon, water heater, heads, water pumps, lights, watermaker, electronics, lights, coffee maker, davit to launch the dinghy, etc etc. solar just isn’t enough to power all this
  12. DocCuzi

    DocCuzi Member

    Sep 26, 2021
    Maryland (Soon Florida)
    The Yacht is "ALL ELECTRIC" and has on board a 100KW generator that charges the batteries if they run low. All systems run from the batteries. I hope I've explained this better than in previous attempts....
  13. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    The boat is not ALL electric if you have a massive diesel generator to power it. Do you know how much fuel a 100 KW generator burns in this pipe dream of yours?????? You could have a diesel catamaran with twin yanmars, do 8-10 knots with a 10 kw generator and burn less fuel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you're willing to bob around at 5-6 knots like a drunken cork like you posted about, the twin diesel catamaran would be twice as efficient.
  14. DocCuzi

    DocCuzi Member

    Sep 26, 2021
    Maryland (Soon Florida)
    I give up. I'm merely pointing out some nice features of the boat and it feels like no one is open to hearing. It's ok. I've had a few AMG's, a Few M series BMW's and a few electric vehicles alike. My choice(s) in sea vessels will be no different. I guess I'll just see some of you out and about on the waterways in a couple of years.

    Perhaps then the discussions will make better sense... Thank you all for your commentary

    DOCKMASTER Senior Member

    Feb 26, 2012
    Ketchikan, Alaska
    I would be interested in some real world test results and what you find. Maybe these work great and maybe the technology isn’t quite there yet. But you have to start somewhere. Please let us know what you discover. Otherwise it’s all just theoretical.
  16. DocCuzi

    DocCuzi Member

    Sep 26, 2021
    Maryland (Soon Florida)

    I Promise....
  17. rtrafford

    rtrafford Senior Member

    Jul 13, 2019
    Vero Beach
    From experience, no one here is adverse to learning, opposed to discussing. You're preaching a pipe dream based upon technology that cannot deliver the consumption you'll desire, yet you're asking for feedback, and folks are "discussing" and providing you with that feedback. Many here have experience with inverters and developing an expansion of their battery systems. The electric drive technology has been around for a long time. At the end of the day, horsepower is required to charge the batteries and to run the heavy load of appliances/systems. If you don't want to burn petroleum, and you want silent running, sailboats have been available for a very, very long time.

    But you're flaunting an avatar featuring, I don't know, perhaps 3,000 horses, pouring fuel through 3" lines and wanting to balance that with solar that isn't yet even suitable for power within a house much less a boat calling not eh batteries for propulsion.

    Happy to discuss. Happy to give feedback. But don't besmirch the forum because you don't like the feedback and want to dream of 50 knots on Duracells.
    bayoubud likes this.
  18. DocCuzi

    DocCuzi Member

    Sep 26, 2021
    Maryland (Soon Florida)
    I'm sorry you feel that way. I am not besmirching anything. I found something I thought exciting and expected and felt we could all discuss it. Respectfully, what I'm receiving is attacks because no one believes. It's cool though, as I said, I'll proceed down my own paths as I've done on all accounts. I'm very certain, I'll see/meet some of you along the journey and be able to share information first hand. This is not simply a matter of desiring to not burn fossil fuels, but if I can identify some multi-purpose ways to achieve all of my personal objectives, then why shouldn't I? I've spent more time in the AB forum than here because that'll be the 1st vessel procured. This will be more of a novelty item as was my first Tesla.
  19. German Yachting

    German Yachting Senior Member

    Jul 26, 2010
    West Coast
    An all electric boat will happen eventually that can power aircon, etc. but just not right now. Battery densities are going up, electronics are becoming more efficient, and solar efficiency can go up as well (granted, 5 hours a day is a more realistic estimate to use than 8 hours). I don’t think you could ever 100% rely on solar, though. You would need to have wind to help out (or regen if sailing) to cover the cloudy days.
  20. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    My point. You need that big generator to run the boat ...

    btw a single 100kw gen is just plain dumb. No redundancy. Twin 50s would be a much better choice.

    and to answer capt J’s rethorical question... right now we re burning 60/70 gallons a day running either of our 45kws. So... that 100kw must be burning 100/120 GPD. That s a lot of tankage for a green eco friendly all electric boat
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