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Sabre 48 question

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by Rickfisher, May 6, 2021.

  1. Rickfisher

    Rickfisher New Member

    Mar 28, 2021
    In looking at boat choices, one I really like visually is the Saber 48.

    Lots of them for sale but I've always dismissed them because of the Zeus Pods.

    I went to the Saber website and see that they still offer Zeus Pods. I didn't think any MFG still offered them, I appear to be wrong.

    Does anyone have experience with the Saber 48 ? Is it a quality boat ? Is it as seaworthy as say a similar sized Riviera?

    I assume they are successful with Zeus?
  2. tusindtak

    tusindtak Member

    Jun 2, 2013
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Ordered a new Prestige 590 with Cummins Zeus QSC 8.3 - 600 hp. Could have got v-drives as a lower cost option. I’ve had shaft boats previously. Expect to be happy with the net of pros and cons between shafts and pods that I am sure you have researched.
    Good luck finding your boat.
    Saber definitely a good looking boat.
  3. Rickfisher

    Rickfisher New Member

    Mar 28, 2021

    Congrats on the new Prestige. I had a chat with with a mechanic who works on pods, he said the number one problem causing issue he sees is maintenance. It was an education, he said to see if there is a baseline record for water in the pod oil and to keep track of changes.
    It gave me some faith in the technology.
  4. sgawiser

    sgawiser New Member

    May 13, 2008
    Jupiter, FL
    Check with Sabre on availability of Zeus Pods. The performance numbers on those are dated 2011.
  5. Adopo

    Adopo Member

    Feb 19, 2021
    South Carolina
    My two cents....I think Sabre is one of the better boats out there, US built in Maine. Have looked at a number, but have no experience first hand other than internet research, searching forums like this one, speaking with brokers, and the company. The Pods, from what I can gather are great if you follow maintenance to the T, but can also cause problems from something as small as wrapping a line, I think I even read some heavy fishing line caused one to leak but could have misread. Also have heard that Zeus and Cummins have parted ways and some people seem to question future service etc? So that seems to be the negative talk, the high cost of maintaining the PODs and if you have to replace them. American made, faster, better in my opinion. Also, go to the owners forum to find out more. And, they are pleasing to look at in my opinion, just would want one with a flybridge. Speaking of internet research, that's about all we can do until we have personal experience, take into account what others have said their experience is. I did read that it is better to buy the Volvo pod combo, but then I read that it is more costly and difficult to get Volvo parts.:confused:
    Last edited: May 10, 2021
  6. Scott M

    Scott M Member

    Mar 9, 2016
    Annapolis, MD
    An acquaintance purchased a new Sabre 42 five years ago and sold it 2 years later. Constant issues with the pods and could never get them right. I believe he had IPS...not Zeuss. I do not know how much of the issues were his fault, since he was a novice...I am guessing some.

    With regard to Volvo parts, my first hand experience with them is that the parts are widely available, easy to get and NOT expensive (contrary to all the comments in this forum) . This may have had more to do with the model engine I had (D12-800), as they are widely used in long haul trucks.
  7. Rickfisher

    Rickfisher New Member

    Mar 28, 2021
    Thanks for the replies .. thats helpful.
    Taylor satt likes this.
  8. Prospective

    Prospective Senior Member

    Sep 27, 2016
    New England
    I would say that Sabre's are very high quality boats. I have a friend with 2004 36' flybridge and I've spent a fair bit of time crawling around in it. It is very well put together and has held up well for it's age. I would also say that Sabre owners as a general rule, tend to be pretty good with maintenance and upkeep compared to some other demographics. I have been on a couple of 48's at boat shows and think it's a wonderful boat with a great layout. It is also very attractive and nails the downeast cruiser look in my mind.

    But with all of that said, I have relegated it to the list of boats I would love to own... IF they didn't have pods. The added hassles of pods, in terms of maintenance and reliability just don't seem worth the benefits of interior space, maneuverability, and economy. I agree there seem to be a lot of them out there for sale. I don't know the reason for that. It has been a very popular boat for Sabre so I'm guessing they made a lot of them. But I also wonder if owners are getting out of 10 year old boats to avoid costly problems with the pods.
  9. Rickfisher

    Rickfisher New Member

    Mar 28, 2021
    Prospective, that's great insight.

    On the used market I've seen quite a few 12 years old boats with new zeus pods. None are Sabre but Searay and Riviera.

    I wonder, how much is that ? $ 80,000 ??

    If you where to pay $800k for an 8 year old 48, should you get ready for a pod replacement bill ?

    Can zeus be rebuilt before they need to be replaced ? In this market I don't know if someone can negotiate much off a used boat.

    Another question, are 2021 replacement pods better or different than 2012 pods which need to be removed ? If treated properly will they last longer?
  10. cleanslate

    cleanslate Senior Member

    May 29, 2018
    Cherry Hill, NJ
    Pods, joysticks...are for video games, i.e., Pac-Man etc.
    From all of the posts above, sound like junk.
    Why do people try to reinvent the wheel? IDK.

    I totally agree, it is a very well made , sharp looking vessel.

    Nothing beats good old shaft, strut, prop set up along with Morse/Teleflex cable controls-problem solved. All of my equipment is 40 years old, no issues thus far other than replacing a stiff cable and replacing C-clips on a rare occasion , which you can get from the local hardware store. My running gear is also holding up well after all this time.

    What about Eastbay? That's another sharp looking Downeast boat. Or are they Pods too?
  11. Rickfisher

    Rickfisher New Member

    Mar 28, 2021
    Pods are the norm on East Bay as well.

    I like the look of them as well. I spoke to a broker today who said the used boats with Zeus are bringing a lower and slower resale. He said the 2017 and up models had Volvo and sell rapidly for way more money.

    I get the feeling in the 40 to 55 foot range pods are here to stay and Volvo is clear winner.

    I like the Downeast style. Could be my age lol but it's a very comfortable look. I may have to wait and raise my budget.

    I like the layouts and build of the Cantius, Riviera and Fairline GT .. but the style of the Downeast boats is great to me ..
  12. cleanslate

    cleanslate Senior Member

    May 29, 2018
    Cherry Hill, NJ
    I love Downeast boats. They look like a boat , walk like a boat , and talk like a boat ! :confused:
    I'm not a fan of the space ship looking , ultra modern , windows galore boats .
    I'm a bit of a purist. Hence my displeasure of Pods and giant jet ski ( Hinckley) boats.

    Perhaps you check out other builders such as Duffy, Lyman-Morse, Wilbur, Jarvis-Newman, Ellis , Mast and Mallet, Bruno-Stillman and others . There are many Downeast boats out there . Many with out Pods.
    Some of these I suggested may be a bit to rustic on the interiors. But you just have to weed through them on the Internet to see. All of them are good sea boats , well built.
  13. Rickfisher

    Rickfisher New Member

    Mar 28, 2021
    I've been looking at Vicem. I find the interiors beautiful and the exteriors very down east. The interiors may actually be too nice for me but I am a Woodworker and see the workmanship.

    They still use Pods which is fine with me. Seems like it's here to stay. I will look at those lines you mentioned .