Interesting thing I noticed is that "Engelberg" has sun-awning pole supports that are curved much like "Event's" (LE199/5501) own. They do give some kind of distinction though, I like it, the dark grey is really working well!
"Engelberg" has a retractable mini swimplatform with steps incorporated into her main swimplatform. First time I have seen this on any on the LE180 models or perhaps LE models in total.
I'm not going to create a separate thread for her new Shadow Vessel, will just keep that information and news with the mothership thread. So yes that is right "Gene Machine" now has her own shadow support vessel called "Gene Chaser". She is painted the same colours as the mother ship and previously was known as "Blue Ocean" before being sold to the current owner and refitted into the state she is currently. Here are a couple sea trial photos from Damen Yachting.