As Europe hurttles towards wind and wave power, can I have my normal hurricanes back to 3 a year, not 25?
To clarify, the Paris climate accord had the US paying a huge amount, as usual, while giving exemptions to the worst offenders. Not our responsibility to subsidize bad behavior by other countries. I'll vote for that!
That about sums it up. 'Not my job'. Let those who have the most to lose deal with it. Now who might that be?
Yep, that sums it up. If you look at the top 10 Co2 polluters 2018 (we are #2), all are capable of cleaning up their own pollution. China gets a free ride until 2030, India says they only need 2.5 trillion subsidy to clean their mess by 2030, and so on & on. All sounds good but most are not meeting their pledges.
The beautiful thing about pollution is that although it'll get those down wind or down stream it'll probably kill your own people first. So don't worry about China or India. But should we worry about ourselves since many of our military basis and many places like Florida will soon be under water. Although our current pollution is just over half that of China a lot more of what's in the water and air are from us from before we had stringent regulations and since we dumped many of those regulations. So it's kind of inescapable that we are the big slobs. Should the world condemn us and sue us for their costs? Fair right? It's also inescapable that we will be one of the biggest victims of it. But I've got no grandkids and I don't live on the coast so why should I pay to subsidize all those people who do. Not my problem.
The problem is that slobs are very good at making their problems everyone's problems. We shouldn't pay for India or China to clean up any more than those members of the Paris accord who pollute less than us should pay for us, and as soon as we figure out how to keep their pollution from sinking our military basis and the homes of all the rich folk with their waterfront homes I say don't. But if your neighbor dumps his garbage on your lawn do you clean it up or leave it? Yes you can beat them or sue them, but the garbage is still on your lawn.
Here is an example of sea level trend over 120 years. That’s the Fernandina Beach NOAA station sea water levels since 1897... in a 120 years, sea level has risen by just under 3”. Three inches in 120 years! And the trend is linear, there has been no acceleration whatsoever. So... i m not worried about Florida Or some of our military bases being underwater anytime soon! But again this scam is big business. Hundreds of thousands of experts, researchers, consultants and activists are making big bucks.
Please, CO2 is not a pollution, it is rather a fertilizer. It has made our world greener, deserts shrinking, harvests bigger and as you know, it is used in greenhouses. There is a discussion among scientists if and to what extent it may increase the global temperature, but there is no established formula to determine that effect. If you don't believe me, there are many scientists (and politicians) that would like to get such a formula, this is also what the IPCC is trying to figure out... You can read all of their published reports without finding it today and you probably never will...
I don't think anyone here has the expertise to settle this. In fact I don't think the argument will ever be settled since there's money involved. But what I do know is that if you can't eat it, drink it or breath it then it's probably not good adding it to our diets, lungs or atmosphere. For decades the PCBs that were pumped into the Hudson River were harmless, even after the rashes and cancers started showing up, but these days being able to eat stripers and swim in the river is kinda nice. Somehow all it took was a poorly educated folk singer who cared.
What are you talking about, you are having CO2 in your lungs all the time, every breath you exhale is with CO2...? The outdoor concentration of CO2 is today just over 400 ppm, in a conference room 2000-5000 ppm and data collected on nine nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines indicate an average CO2concentration of 3,500 ppm with a range of 0-10,600 ppm, and data collected on 10 nuclear-powered attack submarines indicate an average CO2concentration of 4,100 ppm with a range of 300-11,300 ppm (Hagar 2003).
As a former U.S. Navy submarine sailor, I can attest to high CO2 levels in U.S. nuclear submarines; sometimes the scrubbers just couldn't keep up. The only noticeable effect of high CO2 levels was bad headaches. When most of the crew were complaining about headaches and the risk of us being detected was low, we'd go to periscope depth and ventilate the boat.
I think AMG just did. Global warming is a cycle just as global cooling. Yes money is involved which controls everything. So, rather than control over population the powers to be will try to fix the adverse effects. They have chose human produced CO2 as the culprit for global warming rather than a repeated event. It happened in the past without our help.
Oh good it's settled. Then we won't be hearing about it anymore. No more debate about it or money spent.