That little “tug” sunk fast and no one gave it a second thought and they even contributed to it when they swamped it to go through the lock. Crazy times in Asia. No selfie time on those boats like haulover
"Tugboat" is a generous term to use for that little guy. Life on that stretch of river seems to be fast and furious!
That makes the Shinnecock Canal look tame, even on July 4th. In fact reminded me of the demolition derby at Riverhead Raceway.
Could you just imagine getting those yachts in with that crowd? I remember someone here freaking out cause a kayak got in his way at the Hillsborough bridge.
Reminds us of downtown Jacksonville FL after the July 4 fireworks. Those that know Jax understand the high current thru town and the FEC Rail bridge that acts as a start gate at the track, Just like above. Sadly, the local water wienies (water cops) contribute more to the mess than help.