Considering 2 early to mid 2000 30m Benetti, one has 1350 MTU M90 and the other 1000 CAT C18. Which is more reliable and roughly how will fuel consumption per hour compare?
I ran a then new, 30 ish meter benetti (98'), but it had MAN's and was probably a 2017. It seemed to have adequate power but was more HP. I'd say the C18's are more reliable, but have to change aftercoolers in them every 6 years. But not sure if the C18's would be enough power for that yacht. Mtu's will be a little quieter.
It's a displacement hull so only does 12 knots no matter how much power you give it. Trust me, the one I ran had 1400hp MAN's I think, and I tried
Look carefully at the service history , that’s probably going to be the decider .How ever if equal then the intercooler debacle with CAT s are inho best avoided , so it swings to MTU or MAN if possible .
The C18 is an excellent motor, very very reliable, provided you replace the aftercooler every 6 years.......probably less expensive to maintain over time compared to MTU/MAN, IF you follow the service requirements by the book (cleaning all the coolers every 2 years specifically).
Who does follow the MAN service schedule by the “ book “ ?? In France and Italy the certified MAN agents themselves don’ t even . Assuming all temps / readings are within spec Maybe perhaps with new - re warranty issues , but once out of warranty folks just do a full strip as and when . Depending on the instal a lot slowly drain down when stopped so the coolers never really are left to pickle . So if you remove the cost of biannual strip then .......? The hull anodic protection and separate 24 v ( own starter + electronics ) isolation of the MAN system ensures a more guaranteed protection from galvanic protection . There’s no pencil anodes to risk disappearing out of sight or drying out , or multiple dissimilar metals in the cooling component construction with MAN / MTU ........unlike CAT s . As you say CAT ( law suit losses ) now suggest the after coolers are a throw away part , timed for what ever 6 y ? That’s scary the thought of water entering into a cylinder through no real fault of the operator . Given a choice which is what this thread is about it’s about an informed choice . As said the SH needs going through . Hear of cooling components corrosion here in the Med with CATs C12 , C18,s C32 s from about 2005 up.Boats being stuck away from there home ports awaiting fixes . MAN s the odd sensor, a 48 hr bolt on fix and you are on your way , just run them until it can be fixed . Point is no cooler corrosion if the hull anodes ( easy to inspect and replace ) are good .
The 6 years aftercooler requirement is a CYA from cat for the most part. On the C32s I run, it s about $25k for both engines... that comes down to about $4k a year. Peanuts (or pennys) in the overall picture. Still a lot cheaper than MAN service.
Plus when you deduct what it would cost to normally clean the coolers in that time period, it's really not that more expensive. I haven't found MAN's to be terribly expensive to maintain either.