Sea trialing a 44 Ocean SS, 6-71TIB later this week. Boat has a fresh bottom (blasted / blister repairs / barrier coat / bottom paint). Engines 500 hours SOH, (were maintained by one of areas best DD mechanics until retired). I am looking for 27-28 kts WOT and 24 kts cruise around 2150, full fuel 6 people on board. Am I being realistic? My Viking runs the same cruise speed / RPM as it did at the factory test (I have the original test logs) so I expect the Ocean to be able to run close to the factory brochure performance, after adjusting for the heavier weight of full fuel and crew from the test report half fuel and I expect two people. Thanks - Greg
Used to run a 43 back and forth from LI - Miami, but that had the Yanmars. So the speeds won't relate much. We ran 27-29 kts. Rode hard in a short (2') head sea, ton of fun on flat or rolling water, scared the hell out of me in maybe 17' quartering and confused seas but got me home. Did my fastest trip in that boat, 5 days.
Yes, I think it should run about 2 knots slower than the Ocean test numbers. Most Ocean's did after their first year. A lot of people don't realize that 10 years and 10-20 coats of bottom paint will slow a fast boat down 2 knots........ Each can of bottom paint weighs like 50 pounds.
This one was fully stripped so no bottom paint build up, but a couple knots for full fuel and the enclosure would not be too upsetting. What HP were the Yanmars in the 43? Thanks.
Here’s a colorful read on a r3view of a 44 Ocean SF.
Interesting to compare to a 44 Ocean MY test report:'+ocean+44+super+sport+boat+test&source=bl&ots=GBOvSI_-nn&sig=ACfU3U3iiTB-eyUiqiuXRVik2M7l1Dw4Hw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiOt9jf6fjrAhXNGc0KHVmmB3AQ6AEwG3oECAYQAQ#v=onepage&q=44' ocean 44 super sport boat test&f=false A 44 Ocean Super Sport should have done at least as well in a factory fresh condition.
Mine has gotten fat and can not achieve those numbers. The engines can only turn 2250 at WOT and 21 kts with boost around 13 psi. Would love to see your boost pressure and RPM/speed curve if boost gauges are installed.
Over the years I've run sea trials on a number 1980's model Ocean Super Sport all with DD 6-71 power. 44, 46, and 48 feet. Most were 485hp TIB versions I think. As I recall they all ran equivalent to RPM. 1900 rpm=19 knots, 2100 rpm=21 knots, 2300 rpm=23 knots, etc. The exception being the 48 which was a little faster than that at the top end. These were all older boats at the time and loaded with years of add-on equipment.
You should highly consider taking some pitch out of your propellers or switching to propellers with less pitch to achieve WOT rpm's. It's very crucial for Detroits to see WOT rpms.
Thanks. Will see when owner gets port engine to pull rated RPM where numbers fall out. If cruise is only 21 kts at 2150 it's not going to come home with me.
If it's a relatively bare boat, with tight motors, and propped correctly, who knows ...skip breakfast that day lol.
Fresh bottom so no water weight gain. Props are one of the two sets of original. Didn't see a lot of owner added junk/weight inside. Only performance loss items are the enclosure and outriggers, which would be on almost all boats built.
Makes me think, my props are 24 ×27, the bridge enclosed and out riggers and I have a davit and 12' center console dinghy so maybe add 1000#. Did all Oceans come with granite countertops?
Nope, granite counter tops were unheard of in your day......formica then corian.....then granite came much later.
Detroits need to see rated WOT rpm's at WOT in order for longevity. They do not survive being severely over-propped......if a D.D. is rated to turn 2300 rpms, it should be propped to turn 2300 rpms at WOT full fuel/water or more rpms (most like to see +50 rpms), otherwise it's overloaded at all rpm levels......and they don't survive nearly as long as they should. If severely overpropped (100-200 rpms too much) they'll run excessive EGT's at cruise rpm's.