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2020 Ft. Lauderdale Boat Show: POLL

Discussion in 'Boat Shows & Yacht Watching' started by YachtForums, Sep 9, 2020.


Will you attend the 2020 Ft. Lauderdale Boat Show?

  1. YES

  2. NO

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  1. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    The county gave it a whole hearted approval. BUT, I believe Show Management are the ones pushing hard for the show. Keep in mind they delayed Palm Beach once to a later date before cancelling. From what I hear from the grapevine, a good number of yacht manufacturers are not going.
  2. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    The show managers who need it to take place to be able to retain the money they've been paid. If you paid for a slip and the show takes place and you don't show, that's your problem. If the show doesn't happen, then the promoters have the problem.
  3. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    There ya go.
  4. bayoubud

    bayoubud Senior Member

    Feb 19, 2017
    FLIBS is definitely important to the boating industry. If Marine Industries is willing to make the investment to put the show on, then good luck...hope it goes well. It might turn out to be a good show without the usual huge crowds. If in a buying mode we would go if there were boats of interest to look at.
  5. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    The car shows are important to that industry, electronics, jewelry, etc. etc. Everybody wants to make money. We get that. Sturgis did the same thing. Hear all the stories of fun that was had? No, you're hearing how infections spiked on all the states surrounding it where the riders came from. This could backfire on the industry and the city.
  6. yr2030

    yr2030 Senior Member

    May 28, 2020
    We haven't decided on whether or not to go.
  7. MWY1205

    MWY1205 New Member

    Aug 16, 2018
    Lauderdale by the Sea, FL United States
    Yes, we will go .
  8. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    And how long will it take you to make the 6 mile drive? lol
  9. bayoubud

    bayoubud Senior Member

    Feb 19, 2017
    Still don't think it will be crowded as usual. So, on a smaller scale a safer environment for those that attend. Florida's industry is tourism and boating. Go for it and stay safe!
  10. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    How do you go for it and stay safe at the same time.
    Going for it puts you at risk around other people you do not know.
    Staying safe is not going around people you do not know.
  11. bayoubud

    bayoubud Senior Member

    Feb 19, 2017
    I think most people that attend feel ok with the exposure. I would not go unless feeling comfortable with the rules they are setting up. Supposed to be similar to Disney. My point is if they are going to have the show there will be people attending. We will have to wait and see how many attend. I hope they have a successful show for all of the vendors, local businesses, and employees.
  12. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    More important will be how they feel about the exposure about 3 weeks after.
  13. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    I believe the show can be relatively safe for those who attend. Note, I said "can be" as I don't know whether it will be or not, how strongly they will enforce the protocols established. However, I do not feel it can be a successful show and most definitely not a successful international show. I don't see those with spaces rented getting their money's worth. Perhaps brokers and others will get the equivalent of a Palm Beach show at FLIBS prices. Local brokers will likely show, but many builders have already said they will not be there and international customers and builders just cannot make it.

    I still don't personally think it will happen, put odds at less than 50%, but it may. May even be successful for some, but not for others. May be a spreader event but doesn't have to be.

    The show taking place will be very inconsistent with everything else scheduled and cancelled in Fort Lauderdale.
  14. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    The problem isn't the rules. It's people from all over the world/country bumping elbows with you. Then someone has it, they spread it to 4 people who take it to 4 different places in the world. This is how it spread in the first place.

    Who wants to go to the show when half of the vendors and manufacturers won't be there? I can name half a dozen main stream yacht builders that everyone knows, that won't be there.
  15. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    Yes, what is interesting is all the FL people coming and one exhibitor from California has said he is, but no foreign customers or builders have posted here or been mentioned as coming and no others flying in, just driving, outside of Mag Bay.

    As to people from all over the world bumping elbows, I see no indication people from all over the world will be there.
  16. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    IF it happens, I'm sure there will be some vendors from various countries and their employees. I'm sure there will be some foriegn buyers/lookers at the show.....perhaps even ones that have been here a while but then will go home to another country. Who knows.
  17. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    I called people out as Less Than Smart in an early post (sense deleted).
    No matter what you do for your self, There are others out there that will get under the fence and carry a cloud of exposure with them.
    SPS is what brought the bug to us and keeps it around now.
  18. bayoubud

    bayoubud Senior Member

    Feb 19, 2017
    Could be the people that show up are buyers.
  19. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Hope so. Wish them well.

    Who knows if the buyers, sellers, gaukers are safe or not is my query.

    You think you are going to get quality time to look around and somebody else has cleaned every surface, hand hold, door knob and hatch latch well before and after your short visit?

    Buyers can find lots of pictures and comparables on line for near any model boat. The listings at the dock, I am sure are already on line.
    Any broker worth a dime, has hundreds more pictures to e-mail you.
    If you are still interested, make a private appointment with the boat and lower the SPS ratio.
    These appointments will also allow you more time to examine the boat.
  20. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    I found Triton's survey most interesting, especially the comments.

    Comments range widely from saying the virus is fake to talking about how irresponsible Fort Lauderdale is to allow it. However, over 50% said they would not attend. Many of those were regular attendees. On the other hand 25% say they will attend so does that make it worthwhile? Much like this poll it doesn't distinguish country of those answering but in the comments haven't seen anyone from outside the US say anything. There was one post that indicated that silently Informa has granted refunds and is holding spaces for 2021. If so, I applaud them.

    I saw brokers who said they had clients ready to buy at the show and would definitely attend. On the other hand there were posts indicating a lot of exhibitors not coming and over the past few days I've heard of quite a few small exhibitors saying they won't be there. Previously, I'd just heard of builders saying that.

    I found many of the comments interesting but especially this one as this group could have easily attended and is choosing not to.

    Nautical Structures does not plan to exhibit at this year’s FLIBS, should it be held. We believe it to be irresponsible under the current pandemic to invite our clients to a boat show in Broward County. We believe it unfair to ask our employees to participate and potentially expose themselves to this COVID virus. Further, with virtually none of our European, South American and Asian clients able to travel to the U.S., the ROI from this show this year will be non-existent. With Monaco, Cannes, IBEX and METS all cancelled, it is hard to believe Informa will actually put on FLIBS. My opinion, for what it’s worth, is that if more companies and industry leaders were open about their intentions, Informa may be more willing to make a hard decision for the best interest of our industry and the people that live, work and play in our industry.
    That brings a couple of additional thoughts to mind. First, showing at FLIBS is expensive even beyond the slip or booth fees. Getting boats in and out, hiring additional staff, taking employees away from their regular jobs, travel if not local. The show fee is just a part of the cost. Second is the tight lid that has been kept so far on who isn't attending. Makes sense that if Informa has let them out without consequences, they have no desire to say anything that might harm the show. However, when more names of those not showing do become known that may change the minds of many closer to show time. Or if names don't become public and people just show up to find out, that will definitely harm the show.

    For those who are attending, I ask this. What percentage of non-shows would lead you to change your mind? Is it 10% or 25% or 40%? What if all the small boats are there but a lot of yacht builders missing? Brokers there but builders not? It seems that if you're going for very specific business reasons and know that can happen, then attending makes a lot of sense. However, if you're going just to look at yachts or equipment, you really don't have the information yet to make that decision.

    Now I don't agree with one portion of the above post I copied. That's the part about being unfair to employees. I do believe that one can protect local employees and be responsible to them. As someone who has businesses currently operating in South Florida, it would be hypocritical for me to say otherwise. Protecting against foreign travelers isn't an issue as they're not able to come. Protecting against crowds, you just don't allow a crowd in your area. If I had customers coming in to see yachts I had for sale as a broker, I'd absolutely meet them (at a distance). I would require masks and I would have someone wipe the boat down as soon as they got off. It would be one customer at a time. To me, it's not so much "can it be done" but "does it make sense to do it."

    One other thing I'm curious about. Someone commented on no ground breaking new builds. Well, how much of the show attendance is to see what is new? Builders certainly try to promote new models or boats.

    Is it safe to attend? I can't answer that. Is it even safe to leave home? It's all to a degree. Unfortunately, our safety is dependent on others. Will we encounter those who have recently been exposed and lie about it? Absolutely yet, but how many and will we safely encounter them through distancing and masks. We have to assume others are irresponsible. Schools have certainly taught us that with quickly with parents sending kids who have been exposed and even kids they know have Covid 19 to school and exposing others. Every day during this we're subject to the morality of others.

    Does anyone have an idea of what percentage of attendees to FLIBS are normally from outside the US? What percentage of serious buyers are from outside the US? Something tells me that percentage may be far less than their promotions of the show have led us to believe. If so, that customer not attending is far less harmful than we might think.
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