Hope this is within the forum rules (or at least I get some answers before I am kicked off ) I have a 68 Queenship for sale in Soverel Harbor. We just launched the boat after bottom paint and misc yard maintenance. I am looking for someone who can manage the care and scheduling of service people as well as go over the boat and get her dialed in and looking good. She looks a bit seedy right now. The owner is a good guy not a cheap skate and appreciates good advice and care. In a perfect world we would like someone who can run the boat as well. If you have any leads please let me know. Appreciate it.
I hired a man that lived on an older Sea Ray express at Soverel. I hired him to manage my boat. I was disappointed and I found he lacked integrity. His initials were D.R. If you want more info you are welcome to private message me.
Get in touch with Capt J. Not sure if he goes that far north, but maybe he knows someone if he doesn't.
I can’t believe I am going to say that I agree with you but I do. A few years back when the 70 Johnson I used to run was in FTL while being up for sale and I didn’t have time to go up there, I used J. Great service and price. He knows the right people to get work done.
Once you get past that I'm from NY you might learn that I've learned a few things over the past 60+ years of running boats. Plus I'm a very sweet person.
Our contacts are a big part of the value in a captain or boat manager. I kept a black book of good and bad people to deal with up and down the coast in almost every field you can think of. Since nobody can know everything who you know is almost as important as what you know.
Did you talk to Donna at Soverel? She takes care of several of the boats there and has a network of people. She took care of my 48ft kept at Soverel and has helped with a cc I have now at another location while looking for the next one. PM me for contact info.
What are you trying to say, walgreen? You have to give us more than that if you expect us to make a good guess.