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Looking at a 1986 43' Post - looking for advice....

Discussion in 'Post Yacht' started by edg1979, Jul 28, 2020.

  1. edg1979

    edg1979 New Member

    Jul 28, 2020

    I'm looking at a 1986 43' Post. Boat seems to be in good mechanical shape but needs some TLC and interior updating.

    I wanted to get the opinions from Post owners about their experiences, especially any with the 43'. I know Posts were well made boats but I've never run one.

    Please give me the good, bad and ugly.....


  2. chesapeake46

    chesapeake46 Senior Member

    Jul 26, 2009
    Chesapeake Bay, Delaware Bay & S.Jersey
    What engines and what HP ?
    Fished or pleasure ?
    What location ?
    Where do you plan to use it ?
  3. edg1979

    edg1979 New Member

    Jul 28, 2020
    It has the 6-71 TIs with ~600hrs after a major overhaul which currently run strong. >4K hrs on the Onan Generator
    I believe it was a combo but not heavily fished, need to collect more info here.
    Boat is in NC and I'll be using the boat in NC primarily for family weekend retreats to the coast and will be fishing it some. I do plan to do some ICW trips south to Myrtle, Charleston, Savanna, FL, and possible to the Islands if we can carve out the time.

    Thanks for the reply and look forward to your advice....
  4. edg1979

    edg1979 New Member

    Jul 28, 2020
    That’s the one.
  5. chesapeake46

    chesapeake46 Senior Member

    Jul 26, 2009
    Chesapeake Bay, Delaware Bay & S.Jersey
    She's a little rough outside. hence the $ 60 K I guess.
    The woodwork might be a challenge based on what you like.
    The pictures don't really show how coarse the grain might be which would make for a lot or a little sanding.
    If you like it natural then I'd look at the plugs, end grains and joints.

    It has Lenco heat exchangers which help them run cool. It'd be good to know how old they are.
    450 Hp is better than 485 IMO because they were not wound up as tight.
    I would want to see some paperwork on the engine rebuilds. Who did the work and exactly what was done.

    600 hours is not a lot of time for the engines to look so rough in my opinion but maybe your salt air is much worse than here on the C-Bay.

    Looks like it has a filter for the transmission oil which is good.

    Dripless shaft seals are good too.

    The genny needs serious looking at based on what appears to be carbon or soot out the bottom electric end vents near the engine.
    The metal up lift generator muffler could be replaced with a fiber glass job when it fails, eventually.

    The interior looks pretty nice but the carpet is done.
    When there is no linens on the bedding it makes me wonder if it was mostly used for fishing.
    This is my opinion only but hard core fishermen use a boat as a tool.
    It's a means to an end and I find they are less cared for.
    again - opinion only after looking at a lot of Sporties.

    Looks like a Raritan hot water heater which is a pretty good one, I think. ( opinion )

    No riggers so less chance of soft spots where they'd be attached.

    The cleats, chocks and stanchions all look like the chrome is gone.
    Not a deal breaker but I'd be thinking I need to re-chrome or replace them.
    Windless looks rough too. Better see it run too.

    Look for watermarks on the interior wood work near the aft part of the windows. If the scuppers clogged the water often comes in there .

    See if you can get to the window bedding to see if it's still good wood or soft.
    Look for crazing around the base of the front seat corners and the hatch corners, although at this age it is not really a sin to have cracks but if they are NOT there it's a bonus.

    Check the Electrasan head to be sure they work.
    A small, clamp on ammeter like a klein CL800 will read DC current ( along with a whole load of other features useful on any future vessel ) easily and tell you if the plates are drawing current or if the unit needs maintenance.
    needs to be in the water for this tho.

    Overall, she looks neglected. That would make me wonder if the engines & gen were also neglected.

    If you're really smitten, get a boat survey and engine survey but you prolly find a nicer one out there if you look around.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2020
  6. cleanslate

    cleanslate Senior Member

    May 29, 2018
    Cherry Hill, NJ
    I think she looks pretty nice, and as Chesapeake 46 said no riggers, or tower. To me I think the boat was not fished much, if at all. I think Chesapeake 46 was a little hard on the looks of the boat. This interior looks real good AND in original unmolested condition. Detroits are pretty tough motors, and can take a beating. I think they look good.
    All of what Chesapeake 46 said is great info to use. I think you could get it for less, but IMO it's a good looking boat in fair condition.
    Entire rub rail looks straight and true, so it was not beaten up against pilings/dock and some new how to run the boat with out smashing into things. that's a good thing.

    I would put in an offer if it was me. And looking for a sport fish within your/mine boating means $$.
  7. boatpoor

    boatpoor Active Member

    May 4, 2016
    I've never run a 43 but I spent a few hours on an early 42' and have put about 800 hours on a 93 46' which I have owned for a few years with no regrets. They can all be a handful in a following sea but the later(II) models are a bit more docile than the older models. Post hulls are solid and the draft is hard to beat in the size range. The 671 Detroit is in my opinion one of the best most economical engines ever built. What gears does she have?
  8. chesapeake46

    chesapeake46 Senior Member

    Jul 26, 2009
    Chesapeake Bay, Delaware Bay & S.Jersey
    Cleanslate, I dont know w/o seeing in person but when I see chied paint on the door and rust all over the helm, well, that would drive me nuts.

    I'd repair it for my own sanity and certainly if i was selling it.

    Dont know the sellers circumstance but still, a little polish goes a long way.

    My Dad useda say " A little putty and a little psint makes her look like what she ain't"
  9. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Post kids are cool.
    71s Rule.

    Lets get some real pissed off surveyors on board and check this puppy out.
    It may just turn into some thing big and cool...
  10. edg1979

    edg1979 New Member

    Jul 28, 2020
    Hey, I really appreciate everyone's comments and please keep 'em coming. This is what i need!

    My .2 cents, i believe, after speaking with the broker i can get this boat for under $30K which makes those pesky cosmetic items a bit more palatable. I have not seen the boat first hand but my uncle, who's a captain, will be meeting me there to go over it. My dad's a former DD and generator mechanic and worked on tons of Posts at a marina that was a post dealer in the '80s and he can't speak enough about the 6-71TIs or the engine room layout in the Posts. I've got enough experience that i can handle the majority of the cosmetic items over time. Honestly, aside from a sea trial, I probably wouldn't splash her until the spring to get all the work done i could and i'd definitely be getting a survey done. Assuming the engines and main systems are in working order as the broker claims, I'm estimating and additional $10K-$15K to get her in acceptable shape for next season. That's polished, teak sanded and oiled, paint where needed, carpets replaced and new salon furniture (if needed). The rest i will chip away at over the course of a few seasons.

    For the engines and generators: Broker claimed to have her in the water a month ago and she fired right up from a cold start and the smoke cleared in less that 1 minute. There is no paperwork that he's aware of for the major however the cold start seemed to be a good indicator that the major had occurred. Keep in mind the the current hours are after the major. So she probably has many more total hours than 600 which would account for the rust, but you can see the hoses look pretty good. Most of the rust in the engine rust looks like surface rust. >4K hrs on the generator is concerning so i'll pay close attention to that for sure.

    What i would really like to find is a salvage 43' or similar Post I can harvest any needed parts from. Anyone know of a good boneyard?

    Anyone have any recommendations for a trustworthy surveyor in the NC area?
  11. Beau

    Beau Senior Member

    Jan 15, 2010
    Beaufort, NC
    Looks to me from that soot, the genny is fried? IMO all Posts have good bones, its a matter of what $$ and sweat equity it takes to put the "meat" back on them.
  12. cleanslate

    cleanslate Senior Member

    May 29, 2018
    Cherry Hill, NJ
    That’s the right number $30k or under.
    My 42 Ocean Yachts ‘81 $29k, I purchased back in two.I purchased back in 2014.
    And drove it away from Cambridge Maryland up to Philadelphia after sitting on the hard for three years...

    I did some work before I left Cambridge Maryland like getting the tanks polished the best I could change out the oils and filters etc. but she ran fine and since then I’ve been slowly repairing and fixing things overtime , Wow I was still able to use the boat, wow I was still able to use the boat , now she’s completely rebuilt.

    I never had to rebuild the motors they are fine I did replace the generator.

    I would go for it it looks like a nice boat It just need some TLC a little and her looks perfection paint and some polish and wax you’ll be ready to go the interior looks great that doesn’t need much work at all.
    You can’t go wrong for $30k.
    That boat new nowadays is well over $1 million.
    $&@%# NUTs !
  13. cleanslate

    cleanslate Senior Member

    May 29, 2018
    Cherry Hill, NJ
    Lol! That’s true.
    I used to say when I had my Matthews “ Git-Rot n’ Gluvit , **** I love it !”
  14. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Given the boat, the location and price I'd be surprised if she isn't a day charter boat, and run very heavily. The price is decent, but only a very thorough look will tell if it's a good price or a terrible buy. Definitely check hull integrity.
  15. cleanslate

    cleanslate Senior Member

    May 29, 2018
    Cherry Hill, NJ
    No way that’s a charter day boat.
    To clean.
    I think I
  16. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    That's clean? Everything looks good in pictures and she doesn't, and take a look at her stern. Morehead City is all heavily used fishing boats, and I'll stick. She was a day charter. Ask around the dock. But still she is what she is, cheap as long as you have deep pockets to bring her back or at least keep it maintained. The main thing I'd be concerned about is hull integrity. Everything else will be pretty obvious.
  17. cleanslate

    cleanslate Senior Member

    May 29, 2018
    Cherry Hill, NJ
    I still disagree...
    But I understand your point .
    Maybe so .
    If so she was well maintained.
    It just has a four and five year old lack of love patina to it.
  18. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    You've got the addiction. ROFLMAO! :) Just so the OP knows that the 30 or 50 he spends up front won't be near the last dollar he spends. It looks like a boat to have fun on, not refit. He could spend 3 x's the purchase price and have a boat worth a little more than he buys it for.
  19. chesapeake46

    chesapeake46 Senior Member

    Jul 26, 2009
    Chesapeake Bay, Delaware Bay & S.Jersey
    Post hulls are pretty solid. They have been know to get little pea blisters but I have never heard of one going under because of it

    I would agree she is a project boat & if you have the time and inclination, for 30K , it'd be nice when done.