Now that Searay is not making big boats (50plus), I am seeking information on Galeon Yachts as one option (I would much prefer a Riv or Viking or Princess but to pricey for me). Anyone have any input on the 50 or 55 Galeon?
The greatest expense in boat ownership is depreciation. Buy quality and it pays dividends on resale and ownership experience.
Capt. J, I have to disagree on your comment. I viewed both brands in detail at the 2019 FLIBS and they are not in the same league. Galeon is far superior in quality than Prestige. While I didn't sea trial a Prestige, I did sea trial the Galeon 500 Fly. A very solid seaworthy boat which is why I purchased the 500 Fly. Granted it is not a Princess or Viking Yacht, but it is currently and affordable quality boat IMHO. Also let me add that the interior is amazing and functional. Doors are solid and do not rattle. Galeon makes almost everything in house when it comes to their interiors.
Thank you for your feedback! How has it been going since your purchase? I noticed the 500 only has 3.5 draft, does that affect the ride when on open ocean? I would feel it gives a bumper ride?
Actually the draft is 4'7" on the 500 Fly. That along with Sea Keeper (standard on this boat) she's quite the solid ride. the best way t make your decision is to get our on one yourself.
I would just mention one thing. You mentioned Searay and Galeon. I hope you're not confining your shopping to Marine Max. There are plenty of other brands out there to be looked at. It's also very hard for me to get insight into pricing on a Galeon as I see new 2020 500 Fly's priced anywhere from $772k (Poland) to $1.4 million depending on location and dealer. What makes you think Princess is so much more expensive than Galeon? Have you been to a Princess dealer? Or Sunseeker? Or talked to Grand Banks? I'm not saying to not buy a Galeon, just make sure you look at the market well.
Thanks, your right 4.7 not to sure where I read 3.5. Yes I noticed they come with a seakeeper too. I am not a new boat buyer, I will be looking for one 2-3 years old.
Thanks for you insight! I am a used boat buyer not new, let someone else take the depreciation hit. I prefer 2-3 years old this hopefully allows for this new boat issues to be somewhat fixed. As I look for used I would 100% like a Grand Banks or Princess and looking. A Riv be nice too. Have my eye on a 55 fly searay too, way over priced, but it had shafts! I currently have a 51 Fly searay. Again Thanks
Excellent. I am looking at the Sea Ray 510 Fly, Galeon 500 Fly and Prestige 500 Fly. Knowing what you know, would you buy that Sea Ray 510 Fly again? Thanks and Happy 4th of July weekend.
a beautiful, well made and fast boat,but..check the deadrise, they typically build 16 degree deadrise to get the low hp performance. check your model, you will also note that piece of info not easy to find.Unless they have re-engineered marine engineering, No free lunches yet..
What is so sinister about a modifed V deadrise of 16 degrees? You seem to be suggesting the builder is trying to hide that spec. Why?
I'm not sure he's saying it's sinister, just that builders do not show deadrise or even hull shape on their brochures and web sites very often. I remember my early days and lake boating and deadrise was a hot topic and regularly shown in specs but seems not today.
Correct ob, also original question was on ride quality on rough water...if anyone knows of a flat keel boat that slices thru the rough water please advise