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40 Convertible shipping ?'s

Discussion in 'Cabo Yacht' started by Breckster, May 16, 2020.

  1. Breckster

    Breckster Member

    Aug 22, 2013
    Bay City
    Any information on 40 Cabo convert. height for shipping? Can I assume the tower/hard top where constructed and/or installed upon arrival on the East coast? Was the bridge left on or installed at dealer? Approx height? any other information anyone can share? Props, rudders removed?

    Running into Erie Canal issues, (parts won't open till mid-Aug) and would like to use "new to us" purchase this summer in the great lakes; mid-Aug summer is two weeks from being over ‍♂️
  2. CaboFly

    CaboFly Member

    Aug 24, 2018
    When Cabo built the 40 FB they left California for the East Coast with no hard top. Local dealer would work with owner in designing hard top and outfitting boat. Further more the bridge itself was installed at the dealer during commissioning. If you look closely at how the main house and bridge are secured it is possible with a lot of work to remove but I would not advise to do so. I did this to a previous boat and considered it with the Cabo until I saw how well they secured the two parts and decided it was not prudent to attempt. I guess what I am saying is while possible to make a 40 road ready I wouldn't advise after being fully rigged. I would ship or run on it's own bottom. I have attached the sheet I put together at time of purchase to prepare for shipping. If you remove the outriggers you can use the standoffs to secure your antennas in down position and easily get the boat under 17ft total height from waterline.

    Attached Files:

  3. Breckster

    Breckster Member

    Aug 22, 2013
    Bay City
    thank you for the information.. on her own she will go :)
  4. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    I did a lot of flybridge installations on Cabo's back in the day for a lot of Cabo's international dealers. The dealer usually had the hardtops designed/installed at Pipewelders in Fort Lauderdale as well as outriggers and electronics and enclosure, boat shipped with none of that. The 40' cabo FB is actually not that difficult to remove, flybridge/helm station are one piece and screwed to the house with a lot of screws and we 5200'ed it. It's been a long time since I installed them as that went in house so to speak around 2005 (cabo offered that service for their international dealers), so going by memory. 2 people I worked with or for became Cabo factory employees and I went off to Belize to run a new 45' Express for an owner that was supposed to become a dealer but didn't. I think there was a stud at the back of each FB side that the flybridge slid over and a nut to tighten it to align all the FB, but the FB floor was already pre-drilled so just screwed the screws in. The steering hoses (3) have to be disconnected. The electronic engine stuff was just harness plugs, and so was the wiring harness for the FB switches. Props were off, rudders were installed. FB sat on cockpit gunnels. Boats were shipped on lowboy trailers. The boats were pretty low with the FB off and sometimes angled a touch bow high on the low boy.

    Where is the boat now? You can go up the Tenn Tomm route to get it into the Great Lakes, which is how I'm taking a new Sunseeker Manhattan. But that route closes July 1st.
  5. Breckster

    Breckster Member

    Aug 22, 2013
    Bay City
    Thanks Capt J for the info. The boat is laid-up in Wilmington, NC at current. Had planned on continuing north through the Erie & Welland canals but at current.. things are a little behind because of the "covid crisis". I was contemplating different ideas/ways of getting her to lake huron in a reasonable and economical way. Thought about "shipping" her via ship: quites from 35-73k, trucking.. 30k but do not want to take her apart the more I think about it.

    Waiting it out and making it a family trip up the Hudson and on to the Erie is probably what we are going to do. Worse case scenario, use the boat in the Carolinas and try again next year: which is probably the best idea!
  6. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    According to the canal authority the current thru-navigation opening date for the Erie is "before July 4th".
    However other problems could persist in Canadian waters (Welland Canal). Watch that thread for info.
  7. Breckster

    Breckster Member

    Aug 22, 2013
    Bay City
    I've signed myself up for the "alerts".. I need the Eastern portion E2-E23 to be open and I believe it still shows a few locks opening between July 4th and Aug 10th. Heard from a reliable source, that I might open up fully sooner? fingers crossed