Just completed a 5 week trip from San Diego To LaPaz. Wanting to do some trips heading north. Any good info on places to visit headed north would be appreciated! Looking to leave Mar, April. Very flexible....
It was amazing! We slowed to 8 to 10 knots and had 400 gal left when we pulled into Cabo. Went to Loreto and loved that area. So now looking to head north for a trip. Any ideas? Thanks for checking in!
Did you carry any extra fuel on deck or rely on your main tanks? If so, what kind of setup did you use and did your have to transfer any fuel to your main tanks? I would always spend some time in Mag Bay, but more from a fishing than cruising perspective. You might be able to do some whale watching along the way at a few selected spots.
I just used my internal tanks. I have 1500 gal so slowing down made it super easy. I actually used much less fuel than I expected doing the 10 knots.
Nice to have a 400 gallon reserve on your main tanks, keep in mind that you will burn a little more going "uphill".
Just curious, is current constantly heading S, along the CA coast? @ the OP: sorry, can't help with your question. But well done re. your trip to La Paz, I'm envious!
Predominantly yes along the Baja Coast. https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1002/2014JC010405
After rounding Pt. Conception, consider stops at Morro Bay, Monterey, Half Moon Bay and San Francisco Bay. A lot to see and do in Morro Bay, Monterey and SF Bay. You should have no problem with dock space this time of year. Half Moon Bay is only about 20NM South of SF and worth a day stop. It is home to Mavericks big surf competition Fishing village type of atmosphere with restaurants within walking distance.