Hello everyone I am looking to purchase a moppie, something around 25’. I think it is called a MK 2 25 (have also seen a 26). Also called Moppies I think, but Moppie seems to cover many different boats. I would love some help in figuring out exactly what models I should be looking for. A 20’ would be too small, happy with something between 25-30 feet. I was hoping for a hardtop, not an “open” model. I need this boat for summer commuting around islands in Casco Bay Maine; comfy ride in mild chop, a little dry space for people, and above all style (I think these things are drop dead gorgeous). These two images I attached are essentially what I am smitten by. So if I am looking for something like these Bertrams I found pictures of- what are the model types and years that I should be looking for? Also, given that I have seen many of these without a roof, can the factory hard-top be retrofitted? Are these tops ever available for sale by someone parting out a boat, and can one model year’s top be fitted to a different boat (assuming same length). Any education is greatly appreciated.
The first photo is a 28' without the flybridge. It's the best selling model in Bertram's history so you will typically find quite a few on the brokerage market. Most will have a flybridge though - removable without too much trouble especially if the boat already has a lower helm. The lower photo is a 25' ...this is an older model than the 28. There are fewer 25's around but you are likely find a fair amount of hardtop models without a flybridge.
I would agree MrFox that is a very nice boat! I don't think I ever saw a hard top model, in either length. Good luck on finding one, I'm sure you will. Don't forget Craigslist, especially for the smaller boats like you are looking for. People tend to sell/list them on there own. Got both my 22' Chris Craft Dories from there.
that’s a good point, I usually just peruse yachtworld and boats.com- hadn’t thought of craigslist. Thanks for the tip. If anyone has some things to look out for particular to these models it would be great if you could share.
Well ....make sure it floats and runs! Lol . Really. Sea trail run if you can . If it looks good all around , motors look clean , bilge is clean , trailer is in good shape ( if it comes with one) etc you probably have a good boat. Mske sure the fuel tank or tanks are good . Fill them if you can first sniff and look for leaks. Just buy it right $$ and you will be fine when things come up, it won't hurt so bad. It's a great name to start with and a good Bertram era 1960s through the 1970s for that model , I believe . Maybe made them that size in latter years? I'm not sure.
No engines located in the Hamptons. Project boat w/ lower helm. Email if you want to chat. We were going to install Yanmars, trick it out a bit and resell. New plans....
There are several 25's in Harbour Island, Bahamas that work every single day as a ferry and have 2-200hp Yamaha's on them......I've seen several 28's repowered with twin 350 HP outboards and they supposedly run REALLY WELL with the outboards.....that's the direction I'd take...…..Beau's boat might be your ticket.
Thanks Beau- what’s the cabin floor like on that one? I am looking for as wide and flat an area in the stern as possible, not for fishing but to install a nice cushiony bench along the rear, a bit Down East style picnic boat seating layout. I think that means avoiding a stern drive setup. honestly though I have no idea of what kind of budget it will take to get from full project to where I’d like it (I don’t need a trailer queen). I’ll email you next week we can go over ballpark figures and see if it’s an option.
I just bought a 28 Bertram Flybridge in Florida, shipping it to Peru to remove flybridge and convert it to a hardtop which I think is one of the most gorgeous boats ever! Will start posting advances on my project.
Have you looked at the Albin 28TE? Good boats that should meet your 3 criteria. Over 1,000 made back in the day, lots of them still around and for sale.