Need a new sender and wire for a VDO temp gauge...the number on the top says 1131020392...need a 15 ft or so wire to make the run to the far motor...Napa has them but they only come with a 6ft. Wire...suggestions?
IDK..I thought it's just regular wire. So I guess not. Can't you buy three of NAPAs and tie them together? See what Defender marine has or maybe Diesel Pro or Pro Diesel what ever they are called, they have a lot of Detroit and VDO parts.
Are you dealing with a mechanical temp gauge? The long wire is its capillary not an electrical wire? VDO web site has them in many different lengths. Hit this address, scroll down about 1/3 on the second page. 6' here at NAPA;
Soon the mighty NAPA sites will fall to the level of just another freaking part store. Years ago my NAPA store used to go thru hoops and fires to find things for me. Rochester mechanical / electric fuel level senders. Original VDO colored back lights. Now, like the other spose part stores, if they can not look it up by year model car only, They can not help you. They could be sitting on what you need but they have not a clue. On another thread, a NAPA rep stated they don't have 40w/CF-2 any more. 5 gallon pails were stacked across the front window (part number 75118). Oh; e-bay is my friend. it's where I find most of my 32V spares. Most new.
Gents, I just split this thread into a new thread titled Marine Supplies at NAPA. Moved it to the Tech Forum, but then I attempted to add a post that was chronologically ahead of the new thread and POOF... it's gone! Sorry folks, wasn't paying attention. I was working on script in the background. My multi-tasking skills are deteriorating!
No worries. Gary learned some about NAPA and can save some bux in his future. The rest of us were just remembering out loud, the old days.
NAPA gold filters. not sure of the numbers or yours. but hopefully you have some filter number of ant Mfg. and they can match them up. #75118 HD 40w oil. Your coolant there is Heavy-duty NAPA coolant SCA precharged for H-D engines or what I use Prestone Command heavy duty nitrite free ''black and yellow label '' jug. Hopefully you have triple AAA for the discount. It's worth joining if you don't. It will pay for it's self ,with all the stuff we buy for the boat.
When that time comes, tap before ordering. Everybody luvs those big 8D batteries. For the Bux, do they offer the performance?? Open a new thread when this comes about for your ship. The Forum may have an option.
Dam, That don't look to bad after all. UF Health Shands is putting me back together. Always been a gator fan but now, the pretty doctors and nurses are tending to me. Alive another day to spread my stuff (Crapps).... The Noles guy (Boomer) said it looked o k in another note so I went for it.... looks good ralph!! I wonder if we can buy the 8d batteries in quantity and get a package discount from Napa...this is a Napa thread now anyways
I remember experimenting on our previous boat. Instead of a single big 8D, in the same box 3 G27s will fit. In parallel, near doubles the AH and one heck of starter current. Lot better on your back when changing them out also. We still have a jobber battery shop in Jax we use. Other than a jumper cable set around a year ago, NAPA is just oil and filters for us and our customers.
My store can get them next day, NAPA commercial battery ; made by East Penn Mfg..A.K.A'' Deka ''. The good batteries. Wet cell $215 with AAA discount. My East Penns lasted 6 years, installed fall of 2014. Just now getting tired.
East Penn / DEKA is what I get also. Sad news, The DEKA 8V195 battery is not available any more. Remember, My boat is still 32V (4 x 8v). The Group 981, 8V flooded, 19 inch battery was discontinued last year. I have to find room for the 25" batteries in my battery bilge when the 19" batts start failing. Not sure I want to go to the 10" 8v golf cart batteries.
WhAAtt?! That's a lot of batteries CR. You should repower with TESLA engines! CR call Deka Factory Store Fleetwood Pa., out side of Reading 610-682-6361 they sell direct there, although I have never made the trip. But I may this time. It might not be worth it to me on gas and tolls since I only need two 8Ds. But they have new and refurbished Deka batteries for sale ready to go. If I were you, I would call them and explain your need. Maybe they have them or can rebuild your batteries? I'm sure some how they can get them to you by common carrier truck . They just might have those 8V195s
East Penn notified us of this long ago. Since they only make the 19" batteries a few weeks a year, the distributors reluctantly agreed to buy extras on the last run. Some also ordered extra on the 25" batt. Amazingly, there are no 19" batts in any where house already. Already bought up by smarter (mo money) than I. Unlike the batteries of old where 2v cells were assembled in a tub (truly rebuild-able), the Deka 19 inchers are not easy to service. The larger batteries are. So, I'm not to upset with the trends of old battery technology and mfg plans on this. It more or less had to happen. It's just the unplanned consumption of hooch figuring out a new battery lay out and watching young people kill their backs moving heaver batteries into my bilges. I'll probably have East Penn send down a case of ET or like to help us out.