I have a 14” X 18” closed electrical box wall mounted next to my battery charger in my ER on my 56 SS. It has three switches on the outside labeled hi/low, on/off and hi/low respectively. I opened the box and found two transformers and a few relays. It has one 110v lead going in and two 12v leads coming out. Any idea what this box is for?
Working on the picture but if so, why would t have three switches on it —- hi/lo, on/off, and hi/low.
Here Is a photo (I hope) showing the AC line from the bottom and two DC lines from the top. The three toggle switches are not pictured but are on the left side of the box. Hope this helps.
That is a 120Vac to 12 or 24Vac step down box. AC step down transformers. The relays may be for bypass or for bright / dim for the lights. It converts 120Vac (dockside electricity) down to a voltage (12 or 24 (32?)ACv) for interior lights. You may think you interior lights are DCv from the battery, but the same bulbs can run from ACv. Until it sells (probably never) one like it is on e-bay. https://www.ebay.com/itm/STAHLIN-12...972370?hash=item46a13f0452:g:jMUAAOSwZ15dqLgi I think this ad proposes power for electric fishing reels. Not sure a DCv motors can run on ACv. So bunk on the title of the ad. But, low voltage Light bulbs can run on ac or dc volts.. Does all of your low voltage lights work off the dock, with no gen-set or inverter running? I had a similar system on my 34 (glass) Pequod many years ago. jlresq, Where is your ship hiding. If close, I can show you all about these things. ,Ralph
Look under your cockpit covering boards port and starb for 12 volt electric reel outlets or for an outlet for a gin pole with a 12v winch .
. This is actually a AC to DC step down box. See those little square things with yellow red and black wires going to them? Those are full wave bridge rectifiers. They convert the low voltage AC from the transformer to DC. It is an unregulated chopped DC but it would work fine for lighting or electric reels.
It is for Electric Downriggers or reels. Had one on my Pursuit. You should find outlets somewhere near the stern, they may look like regular electric outlets, but they are there for the power fishing equipment.
If that is the case, I can just turn the box off since I never use those. So now the question comes down to whether it is for lighting or reels.
Trak Has good eyes. I did not see the diode packs. So it does out put a noisy DCv. Still could be uses for lights but electric fishing reels seems a better use now. I'm guessing the hi - low switches are for different voltage power reels (or down riggers). To know for sure, pull out a volt meter and check it all out. Think we all are learning something here.