This captain had a great idea for a practically free, new up to date radar system. Just a small deductible to pay in dollars and pride... zaza
Will the insurance company agree to pay up based on the boat owner's/captain's OJ's defense, if the boat does not fit you must acquit?
Humm,good point dont know..perhaps a plea of temporary insanity would be best..and frankly makes sense
Sadly, As I have stated before; NO laws yet exists for being stupid. Case history proves again and again, stupid people get off and not go to jail. Overloaded boats, un-secured guns in the hose of youngsters, Operating a ship during a hurricane, leaving pets and young ones in a locked car & not understanding vertical clearances.
Maybe his Radar was broken and he just didn't see the bridge. Hmm, wonder what the clearance was on the prior bridge ? Hey he might have started out last night in a 80 meter superyacht and this sportfish is all that's left.