Norseman: That incident certainly got my attention. During Summer months in my area, jet skis abound. Oscarvan: Thank you for info. I just placed my order.
In the Mediterranean Sea, it is common to raise your anchor daytime signal also when you are dropping anchor while maneuvering inside a harbour, as this warns other vessels in the port about your limitations to moving given you have deployed the anchor. This is particularly useful when yachts have two anchors, one on each side, and the chain is not visible from the opposite side.
One came with our boat, guess I better start using it before a somebody plows into us. Hey, what is that black ball on the bow of that boat over there...they're not moving should I steer around them...should I slow down, nah. Norseman, thanks for the heads up.
Anytime. Ironically my avatar shows my boat at anchor with no ball up. Had a ball on the boat for some years, but never paid attention to it until recent boat crashes woke me up. Too many boaters (and jetskiers) with money and no brain running around, sooner or later they will get really close to my boat when I am at anchor minding my own business. Also a dash-cam permanently plugged in on my charter boat.
Found this on another forum, now doing a copy and paste. Interesting read about shifting responsibilities with or without anchor balls. (No idea who wrote it originally, seems to be a court’s decision)
I just received my Flagstaff mount last week. I needed one for a slightly larger rail and this outfit makes them. The quality of the product is excellent. I decided to use it as my permanent burgee mount and bought a cheap mount from WestMarine for the anchor ball. Screwed the anchor ball to the cheapo mount and put it in a locker. I can attach it in about 1 minute when needed. All I need to do now is go anchor somewhere.
If that's your boat in your profile pic, the run the anchor ball between the two headsails on a line. Very easy.
Thx, good idea. (If you are responding to Norseman) Unfortunately I sold the sweet little cutter 6 years ago, not an option to run the ball up between the foresails anymore. Now I am running a stink potter and post Nr. 11 shows how I installed the black ball on the SP. As far as the sailboat on my Avatar, she is back in Florida, the present owner even rented a dock from me for 2 months to fix her up and “go cruising”. I am crying every day when am see what the last 2 owner’s did to the boat: Complete neglect and stupid maintenance..Yeah, paint the cabin with no masking tape and big brushes, lights, equipment and varnish got a coat of paint because the operator was drunk.. Before picture:
I understand watching other owners boats pass on and get ugly after our services, time and attachment. I am proud to say, my personal boats are still out there and looking great. Yep, rubbing salt on ya. But what are friends for, pass more salt.. Kind of a pet screening, my personal past boats sales were approved by Josie. If she didn't like them, they didn't get our ole boat.
Yeah, rubbing salt, Thx thanks. The guy I sold the boat to passed my inspection, AND he paid cash AND was within $1k of asking price. Then another guy purchased my baby 3 years later, not sure who did what but anyway, a bit of thread creep here, not unusual the last few days..
Indeed. Occasionally looking for my first boat, a famous old Bill Tripp Jr. Bermuda racer named Katingo. Did the St. Croix and St. Thomas liveaboard gig on her back in the ‘80’s and sailed quite a bit on days, no idea what I was doing, never sailed or owned a boat in my life, but had fun galore. Sold her after 3 years and seen her around The St. Croix yacht Club the next 18-20 years when I was down there scuba diving, or on rum and fresh seafood vacations. Then one day she was gone, the local’s was not sure where is ended up, but one dude said she sold, new owner sailed for the US via Bahamas and she sank somewhere in between. No details, just rumors of a wet grave..