With all the drunk driving going on in South Florida I need to do the dayshape Anchor Ball before some idiot on a jet ski or a party tub is going to hit me at a good clip, then his lawyer will say it is my fault because I had no Anchor Ball. Got the cheap foldable one but need to erect it on the bow somehow. Been searching Google and Amazon for a bracket or pole, but no cigar. Any ideas? (Got a SS pulpit, perfect place to display the black ball: picture of boat: www.odincharters.com) https://www.arthurschandlery.co.uk/257-large_default/folding-black-ball-300mm.jpg
99% of SoFl boaters don’t know what the black ball means... but to protect yourself from the Crook, Land, Shark, Pirate, Ambulance & Chaser lawfirm you should be able to attach it to a clamp on flagstaff.
Yeah, need a clamp, but probably have to make something myself, West Marine won’t know what I need, or are talking about. Seen quite a few mega yachts with a proper ball and bracket, clamp, whatever on the pulpit: Hoping they are using something I can get my hands on.
Do you know how far that case goes - Zero. Any of you repair folks who deal with insurance claims knows how the carrier handles it. Whether its a dented hull or a blown engine or a collision; cost of defense against cost claim. Please don't play the holier then thou card if you deal with insurance claims
All of our managed boats, including ours, hang the ball from anything there is. One boat halfway up an outrigger, but it's up there. I order the folding balls for all of our new customers. Anchoring on the StJohns river is a treat. But CYA is a must.
Holier than you? Where did that come from. I guess sarcasm is next on the endangered species list, right after common sense
It's the self declared resident grump. Grumps gotta grump. No, it may not make a difference in the insurance claim... but if there's injury or death there's jury trials and THEN the lawyers will use anything against you. And now you're the rich yacht owner who was ignoring coast guard regulations and the poor ba6tard on the jet ski who creamed himself on your gunwale never had a chance and now his kids have to go to college.... pan to the mother in the jury box pinking a tear...... So.... I fly the ball. But so far on sail boats. Handy that long mast with all kinds of flag halyards...
Got a ball up, a few pieces of hardware from West Marine, not a perfect fit, but it will do and hopefully keep my tail out of jail..
Lawyer bashing isn't sarcasm in my books. Would you like to be referred to as a "boat monkey" and think it cute?
Ouch, you are a lawyer? I am a pilot, been called flyboy many times, also been called boat-***** when working on somebody else’s boat, got a thick skin. As for Anchor Ball, or not: If one ends up being run down by a drunk, an idiot, or someone who lost their steering, whatever: A required Day Shape would certainly look better in court if it goes that far than no Day Shape? (Or the Anchor Ball could attract bikini babes on Jet Skies wanting to know what that there big black ball is for? ) Either way, all good, will use it from now on.
As the sun cooks the ball, ensure it stays black and not fade to blue. That may help keep the babes away.
I don’t have a problem with that. Considering how much I run up and down stairs all day, boat monkey is pretty accurate. Just a few minutes ago our tender comes back with the guests to a big nurse shark hanging by the platform. Knowing the answer I asked... “how many lawyers do we have on board?” Four hands came up to which I replied “Birds of feather flock together”. They burst out laughing. I guess some lawyers do have a sense of humor
Pascal I have a great sense of humor, but your remark was not written as a joke. You would be recasting the past if you say you did. You gratuitously referred to my profession as Crooks and Pirates to be offensive and I was offended. What response do you think you would have gotten today if you called those fishers crooks and ambulance chasers in the "tone" you used yesterday? Enough said on this subject for me. Let's get back to anchor balls. I've hijacked Norseman's thread.
my wife and I swam with the great hammerheads of Galapagos at Wolfe Island - 500 fish at a time . I fit right in.