I am curious the door to get into my cabin is an actual door, I’ve noticed actually all the pics I’ve seen from other Post have a slide not a door. Was this a factory option or possibly a custom job from a previous owner. Just wondering if anyone else has a door? Pic attached hopefully you can see it. Thank you for any and all input.
Umm, I was thinking more of the early "woodies". There are a number of 46's on this forum, maybe they can give you better info. I have never seen bridge steps in the cabinet like that before?
I’m sorry i didn’t mean it in an improper way, just saying what year mine was. I knew that’s why you meant
Herman Did not take it so at all. I thought for sure you had an earlier boat. I should have noticed the fiberglass in the picture. It will be interesting to hear what others say....
I’ll be honest so am I because i have yet to see one with a door! No worries that’s one of the text/internet issues in understanding
I saw an older woodie (1970's ?) with that type of door many years ago (it was painted), but not since they went with fiberglass. Other guys will help us out with more info as they come to this thread. Is your rear window covered with a canvas?
I think that door must be custom\aftermarket. Have only seen sliding doors on 42' and larger Posts. Being an 88. yours would have slid on the inside of the bulkhead behind the couch. Any signs of the old sliding tracks behind the valence or on the floor behind your couch?
Now that you mention it i remember seeing sliding tracks on the port side behind the couch and on the roof. I’ll double check Friday when i go to the marina. My old boat had a door also kind of use to the door. But it does bother when it’s open. By the way anyone in south Florida going to Dania flea market this weekend?
I think that is factory. When the cockpit cabinets were rounded and the trim removed, they built the 2 bridge steps into the cabinet. Probably a bit easier to climb.
For the kids that have the sliding door, Do you still have those big windows as in the picture? The windows seem to have a white screen or storm curtain over them.
Those look to be the standard bulkhead factory windows. Just have a sunscreen covering them. This door looks very similar to the factory door, just changed a bit to hang and swing along with some door jamb changes. My guess the previous owner wanted it to look more like some custom sportfishers with the opening door? My preference would have been a pneumatic opener for the original door. Very cool. Nothing wrong with different preferences.
I’ve kept those on as of now used to give some shade I’m the cabin till i get some for the cabin, not happy with it because looks sooooo much better without them. I don’t mind the door I’m use to it but probably would of been nice the slider. For now it’ll stay that way there’s other projects to be done or maybe leave it like that till it or if ever breaks. I love my original skeleton key to lock the door it’s probably my best conversation starter. I’m completely loving the boat wouldn’t change it. Hopefully starting on upgrading the cabin floor, reupholster the couches, and have the cockpit deck painted before Summer.