In advance, I know that this is a your mileage may vary question. What would the price range be to pull a 56' Viking with no tower, winterize, wrap and store it for 5 months in Connecticut? Looking for a safe and secure yard. Thanks
You also are going to have everything winterized unless it's in a heated shed, and even then recommended in case of a power loss and loss of heat. I don't know the answer to your question.
The wintering is the part I'm most comfortable with. Lots of pink antifreeze. Probably $1K +/- to winterize. I'm with you on staying away from engine heaters and so on. One power glitch away from disaster.
Around here heated storage is length x width x $7 to $8.50. That includes hoist and bottom cleaning, fresh water might involve less cleaning. The more expensive place has more access, more utilities, the cheapest has minimal access and no utilities.
It’s been years since I hauled and winterized, so I cant even guess on pricing, but depending on location you will find a pretty wide range. As it’s now December, you will be hard pressed to find any indoor storage available. Most was spoken for 6-8 months ago.
In Erie, PA 56' Neptunus sedanbridge Lift, bottom clean, store until May and splash in spring, 10 rental stands - $1500.00 Change all fluids, oils, and have oil analyses performed by CAT as well as winterization of everything on boat and wrap - $3500.00 Long story short - $5000.00 Can't help you with the yard in Ct. Hurry Spring !!!!
Wondering why you wouldn't just call yards in CT to see who has space and what they would charge? Weed out the smaller ones that do not have the ability to haul a boat that size, and go from there.
Sounds like he is looking for cold storage. Most places can find a place to tuck a 56' in a parking lot or somewhere. Marinas are down in staff now, it will be the marina owner and manager trying to remember how to start the Travelift, calling around for crew to wash the bottom, winterize, wrap, scrounge for stands and shoring. They might not be eager for the little money this will be, so be thankful and bring sweet rolls and pigs or some kind of bribe.
Anyways .. for a short list of recommendations for the original posters: Beacon Point Marine, Cos Cob Hinckley Stamford is managed by someone I know well as being a very good boatyard guy Pilots Point Marina in Westbrook is an excellent choice.
Very helpful. Thanks. I'm using the information for planning next year. I'm running the boat north next season and considering leaving it their to save some fuel and Irma type drama here in FTL.
Boulder, prices can vary quite a bit depending on how full service the marina is and how prime the location. Your typical Brewers Yard on the CT shore is probably going to be $45-55 per linear foot for haul, block, launch, store. Shrink wrapping would be additional, probable $25 or more a foot. Probably extra fees for dropping riggers as well. This would be for outdoor storage. Having said all of that, you can certainly get better deals if you shop around.