As requested, here are some shots of my DC distribution panel installed along with the mess I cleaned up. I am amazed that Ocean wired this boat with no battery shut-off switches and only a solinoid to parallel banks. Disconnecting batteries was a nightmare in the off season. This new panel allows me to emergency parallel the house and start banks, shows me voltage on both banks and is pre-wired to replace my charger with an inverter charger which will be phase 2. And now nothing is wired directly to the batteries except for the primary leads and the jumpers. What you see here probably cost me near $1000 in parts and took at least 30 hours from start to finish including building the panel and getting it installed. During intall I began to think I may have bit off more than I could chew. But everything is hooked up and everything I was able to check including kicking over engines and genny appears to work as it should. Feel free to let me know if you have any questions.
Very nice! My 55's battery bank is also a nightmare. I've added 6 6v scrubber batteries for an inverter bank, and will transition house loads from the original bank over to it throughout the season. Are your starters 12 or 24 v? I launched last week, one engine fired find but the other had a low battery. Other issues delayed me looking at it but I would like to be able to parallel them too. I thought I had something that would do that, but it didn't appear to work (or at least it didn't help start).
12v Starters. Hoping to launch in next couple of weeks. Now that this is out of the way I can move on to boring stuff like buffing and waxing.
Nice job, good to see you clean up the mess. Not sure what the factory was thinking, apparently not much supervision of the electrical guys.
Both mine were upgraded to Flat Screens. In the MS stateroom the tube TV was removed and a custom teak panel was fabricated to cover the space. Then a 19"? flat screen was surface mounted. In the salon, they took out the tube tv, cut out the opening larger and flush mounted a pretty big 32" ish TV in it's place.
Stir -- we met at Brewers Plymouth this summer. Salon TV will be my winter project. Have a 32 LCD in the salon mounted on a decent but not great horizontal hinged wooden backer. Frankly just a PITA. Need to keep access to all the space behind it that was formerly accessible via the factory vertically hinged cabinet doors. I'm going to build a new teak enclosure on a vertical piano bracket and put the biggest LED TV I can fit. Pretty sure I can make 50" work. Luckily I'm better at word working than wiring.
I am not a big TV watcher, but with the kids on the boat it needs an upgrade. I was able to find a 39 inch smart TV that will fit in the existing opening and will fit flush with the existing cabinet. NO need for a crazy modification. My father is building a cabinet door to swing on a piano hinge, so we don't lose the storage. the new TV will fit both horizontally and vertically with less than a 1/4 inch reveal on all sides. I saw this same setup on a boat I looked at a few years back. I wanted the TV mounted flush, I think it looks stock, versus slapping a TV on a mount like I see in so many TV upgrades. I also bought a new 32 for the master cabin, that will just barely squeeze in. Tashmoo, I still need to get over and see how you rigged up your engine flushing system.
View attachment 80050 This is as far as we have gotten. We have 4+ inches of depth to keep the tv flush. I am not a huge Vizio fan, but the size is perefect for this opening.
Dan - flush mount is good. I'm building a teak insert on a piano hinge that will fit inside the existing opening, then mounting a LED on the panel. Like you I want access to the space behind. I removed a circa 2000 KMart special FM / cassette unit from the stbd side and now considering a home theater system with changed out JL speakers and subwoofer to take advantage of all the pre-wired outputs that run to cockpit and salon speakers. I'll let you know how it progresses. Boat will be heated all winter. Anytime you want to check out the fresh water flush conversion give a call -- and bring a six pack Here's my hole, for comparison
Image removed We ripped down a piece of the old trim, so when the tv is attached the only piece of wood you will see is a factory piece. I will either stain or paint the cabinet plymood. Have you found a piano huge you like? I am on the hunt for a hinge now.
Kailherd, Please reduce your images to under 640 pixels. The pics above are are 3300 pixels, taking up 23.4 megs of bandwidth. If you were on satnav and opened this thread, you wouldn't be happy with all the data you just wasted to see a TV hutch! I resized one of your earlier pics, but I can't do this as fast as you load them!