PDF ROI 24 SEP 17.PDF The Board holds the Captain primarily responsible and says they would have issued criminal charges had he survived. They said he misread the storm and overestimated his ship's ability and failed to monitor and prepare for heavy weather. They recommend civil, but not criminal, penalties against TOTE including charges over not replacing a safety officer and crew rest periods and working hours. They've also proposed 31 safety regulations and 4 administrative.
I'm quite disturbed by no criminal charges against TOTE or any of their employees. They didn't sail the vessel but they could have stopped it at any point and prevented the event. They also created the culture and environment that contributed to the situation. I'm always disappointed when corporations aren't held accountable.
I agree. The sad thing about this is that this incident was totally preventable. I am not familiar with how the liability will work. However perhaps a civil penalty in the millions of dollars may have an effect on future maintenance.
I am not familiar with ship engines but leaving port, especially with a storm brewing, with lower than needed line oil is nuts. Had they not lost propulsion they probably would have made it. Incredible.
I figured this same post received enough attention on the other forum you posted on. A lot of strong opinions on both sides, and it got a bit heated for my taste.
After checking the other sites I may visit from time to time, Yep,, spread some tude on one just now,,, I did not find a lead. OB, please send me the opinionated lead also. They may need some Crappy help also.
And not the final report. Executive summary out and complete report soon. The board voted to adopt the probable cause, which cited the captain’s decisions and the shipping company’s inadequate oversight among numerous contributing factors, and concluded the NTSB’s 26-month investigation into the accident. The board also voted to adopt 81 findings, 53 recommendations, along with the NTSB’s entire report. Here is the executive summary. The video animation of the events leading to the sinking is also available. Also 291 containers, 294 vehicles and trailers aboard. To see the video, delete the xxx's in the address below as that site is apparently rated xxx by this site.