I recently purchased a 1987 36ft Carver Aft Cabin. I find that the forward/aft control levers for both port and starboard are very stiff. Same is true for both throttles. I find the stiffness is common for both the bridge controls and the control station in the salon. It takes two hands on the throttle levers and the same for the forward/aft levers. Note that all levers move smoothly, their just stiff. Is this normal?? Are there adjustment locations or are there lubrication points that might need some TLC?? Any input will be greatly appreciated. Jack, PelicanII
No. not normal. Eventually the amount of force needed is going to result in failure First thing to do is check whether the problem is with the cables or with the controls. Disconnect the cables and check which is stiff. Some WD40 can help if you get it inside the cable. Besides old age, cables can get stiff when poorly routes with tight radiuses. Check that before replacing them
"Note that all levers move smoothly, their just stiff " You are rite but this comment caught my attention.
Thanks for the input. I'm sure the controls are cables. It will give me something to look into once the boat goes in the water.
Smoothly, just stiff, I was thinking "no kinks or binds in the cables". More than happy to send pic's of control head, but boat is nice and warm in a winter storage barn in Michigan and I'm in FL. Thanks for the input.
Just been down to a boat where the owner was complaining of stiff shifting. The cables had corroded through the outer casing and were bulging into open air before engaging. No kidding, that's not a slick shifter!
On my 1984 boat, most things that were original have been replaced. That included the engine and transmission controls and the diesel runaway emergency shut offs. New cables and controls was the answer.