Well, uh. Dog sitting at da house, but at the boat show I be dancing with the girls. Wish you were there, Mr. rcrapps: Rum and Cokes on you
I'm thinking I can only come one day and that'll be friday so I can make the Lurssen party as well; I have invitation in hand Now I should find who can get me a comp ticket! Help!
If I had known that earlier I could have helped you out. I sent mine to another guy when I found I wouldn't be making it.
Got a comp ticket for you, but looks like Sunday if I decide to go. You can be my date. (No touching) If I don't go, 2 tickets available, pick up at my house 12-15 mins drive from the show, bring 6-pack of Coors Light for both tickets. How is the show so far? Big crowds, good time, or so-so?
Traction needed, he can not walk on a slick surface like a tiled floor. No dancing girls this week, boat show now delayed to Sunday.
Got another free ticket. probably going Sunday or Monday, got 2 give-away tickets and my own. Happy to donate, my buddies already went and wife and is not interested.
Well, how was it? Anything new and exciting? Going Sunday, not sure why, already got all the boats I need and all the equipment, but a few new SS cleats for my dock and and a few bits and pieces Of this, that and another could be okay. Feee samples of Cuban Rum and Bahamian lobster tails also on the menu. Who else is going Sunday?
Quite busy even with the rain which came and went several times. It actually made walking around a bit easier so that was good for me. The mood seemed good and folks were happy; I think that's due to the lack of past negativity regarding the economy. My mission was to talk with two yacht builders and a brokers agent- got that accomplished. I wanted to tie the knot on a fiasco of a bogus job offer from earlier this summer (appeared to be the job of a lifetime!) that caused me to turn down several other offers- one of which was very lucrative with a great owner and super program. I was able to tie that knot. I'm still not employed but that should change soon enough I believe. The show was better than past years IMHO and once again I parked downtown and took the ferry for $10 which is a great option.
Still un-decided. Not on the Trump/Hillary problem, but on the FLIBS, whether to go or no-go. Looks like tomorrow is the day off if I do it, 1PM perhaps. Never done Monday before, is it still going 100% or are they packing up and shutting down some of the stands? Still have a couple free tickets up for grabs, priority goes to models for the latest Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue. Then fashion models, Bond Girls, South Beach Brazilian Bikini Girls, regular but very friendly females, then to YF Members.
Monday is the best day. Still going 100% and no crowds and nobody hounds you as they're all tired from the past 4 days.