a few days ago, I started running an 84 Lazzara skylounge for owners who used to charter the 70 Johnson we used to run. They wanted a bigger boat but wanted the same crew so after doing some research i suggested the Lazzara They closed on the boat earlier this week and I brought it from Naples to miami. During the surveys I was surprised to see not only how fast she was but also thought she was pretty economical During the 200nm trip home I got to experiment with different power settings and jot down some numbers. The slow cruise numbers are incredible. 19kts, 40% load and only 65 GPH! combined of course That s for an 84 footer with enclosed flybridge, about half tanks and no tender... But still impressive. At 24kts, fuel burn goes to about 100GPH but the 1650hp C32s are just running 65% load. Top speed is just over 31kts. I am amazed by these numbers And that's with 5 guests staterooms and 2 crew staterooms...
1600 rpm. And the boat doesn't even have trim tabs! Doesn't need them, pops upon plane without any significant bow rise
Maybe impressive compared to other boats, but still more than 50 % over the Delta 80 IPS which is about the same size. At 19,2 knots she takes 40,9 GPH and at 26,1 knots 63,9 GPH. Top speed 38,2 knots with triple IPS 1200... Yes, my design...
Yes, owners want to charter. Mostly Exumas New name is La Balsita which means little raft We took her out today with the owner and I took this picture. 1550rpm 19kts on 39% load and 60 GPH combined Bow rise while accelerating measured at only 3 degrees.
2285 rpm (the missing 15 rpm were due to heavy handed sea trial jock who could t keep the rudders centered and didn't center the stabs) with 100% load, 180 gph combined and 31kts But anyone can make a boat fly with enough horsepower, it's the slower cruise setting efficiency that really amazes me. And how they designed and balanced the hull so that it gets up with almost no bow rise. And all without using trim tabs. I think it's the first boat i run without tabs
But you found 100% load close to the top RPM line. I think your numbers are impressive. So, fill us in more on her ride; Enough hull, flare and V to ride well in da slop?? Remember, I'm an old heavy, Deep V, No MPG, Bertram slob (crapper).
Lazzara's are very efficient but at the expense of ride in a sea. The 68' cruises at 22 knots with only 1000 hp C18's. They are built very light and that's reflected in their shallow draft. They also tend to have a very flat aft section of the hull which is why they tend to pop on plane so quickly. Lazzara cored even the hull bottom, so make sure to seal any screws and such you put into it for bilge pumps and such. They do seem to be built strong enough though.
Any boat is a collection of compromises... And light can indeed affect the ride. So far on the trip home around south Florida conditions were pretty mild with only 3 foot chop off the stbd bow in Hawks with 15-20kts wind. It was a smooth ride, smoother than other boats if run in such condition. I m not a fan of balsa cored bottoms and usually I considering it a deal killer. In this case Lazzara seem to have done it right judging by the blue prints and diagrams of all hull penetration. Survey was clean. Don't think we ll need to add anything that would affect core but you can bet I will be watching of the shoulder of any yard worker. I also like big heavy and sharp entry... But in this case considering how the owners will use the boat, mostly frequent trips to the Exumas, we can afford to pick our days. Because the owner used to be charter guests of ours, for 6 or 7 years and as much as 8 to 10 weeks a year, I know their needs and this is it. In fact, except for the listing and a walk thru video I made when I first looked at the boat, the owners saw her for the first time after I brought her back to miami The 5 guests stateroom plus two crew layout matches their needs, and will be great for Exumas charters as you usually need to get around 100' to get that. I also looked at the 80 hatt but as usual the aft deck and swim platform were way to small. And because a skylounge was an absolute must have, the options were fairly limited.
Yes, Lazzara really does excel at layout. Their layouts for the size of the vessel are very impressive. A 2006 80' Hatteras MY with an enclosed bridge recently sold for $1.65 mill, it was a distress sale and it was a nice boat.
It's been a very long time since I was on one. 140-150 GPH at 20-22 knot cruise......somewhere in that range. 10-12 knots they're very economical as are most yachts that size.
The Delta 80 numbers are impressive, but that boat is also a lot smaller in Volume and sheer size and therefore a lot lighter.
I think she is bigger in volume (if you don´t include the flybridge), but she is built in 100% Carbon fiber, so therefore she is a lot lighter...
I'm not sure without seeing her in person. I know the 80' Hatteras well (and the 84' Lazzara) they are very tall with tons of interior space. The hatteras has 4 staterooms plus 2 nicely sized crew staterooms as well as a very large galley and salon. Does the carbon fiber make her noisy when running? I rode on a cold molded kevlar sportfish once and the noise inside when running was crazy, it sounded like the entire boat was coming apart.
Actually the opposite. The test I've seen shows that the loudest the boat is at any speed is 72 decibels, ranging from 62-72 depending on speed. I have not been on the 80, but I did once get a short ride on the 54. Felt a little like I'd entered the world of the Jetson's.
I think you can fit a Lazzara 84 inside the hull of a Delta 80. And of course our boats have a good sound insulation, with around 70 dB(A) inside at cruising speed...