Not a yacht in a movie... but a yacht in a book: The megalomaniac bad guy invites a guest aboard his yacht... "a 100-foot Lurssen". I couldn't help but laugh... when's the last time Lurssen built a yacht that was only 100 feet long? The smallest yacht listed on their site is Ronin at 191'11" built in 1993. Perhaps if this would-be world conqueror was trying to be unpretentious he should have bought a Sunseeker?
Viola may have been the yacht in the Clara Bow movie "It ". I have a nice photo of it, but this site says it's too big to post (what a royal pain it is to post pix on this site!!!). Viola was built by Lawley in 1895 to a design by A.S. Chesbrough. She was a pretty typical steam yacht of the period.
Portola is a beautiful old yacht, but she was never in "Some Like It Hot". That yacht was originally Analgra.
It was one of two near sister ships designed by Cox & Stevens and built by Germania Werft (Krupp) in 1929. One was Lone Star, later Nancy Baker, then USS Moonstone at 172' LOA. The other was Carissima, later Virginia and Robador then Osprey then HMS Oracle at 185' LOA.
Glad you enjoyed them. Nobody seems interested in these great old yacht images. I've offered to share my whole huge collection of digital images, but have had no takers. I just wish I could find someone else interested so I had someone to correspond with on this stuff.
I don't want to de-rail this thread, but why not start a new thread with some of your images. I, for one, would be very interested! I'll bet a few others (at least a few) will chime in as well.
Well, I thought of that , but this site is SOOOO awkward and user unfriendly, I got ticked off and gave up. You can only add one photo at a time here - major pain. then sizing is a problem - gotta stay under a certain size. Heck I like the images as large as possible! Then there are lots of scary rules about copyright and such. Boo! I'm not trying to make money off this! And then finding threads is absolutely Byzantine. They wouldn't let me put up something on the home page like "Classic Power Yachts" No, I had to put it as a sub heading of a sub heading of something only loosely related such that no one would ever find it. I think I may have even started a thread but got discouraged and didn't upload much. And I couldn't find it again if my life depended on it. I'm thinking of starting a Facebook group which is infinitely easier to work with. Then maybe I can put links to it in various places here and on other nautical sites to build a membership. This site really only has a small handful of potentially interested people , and they rarely see my stuff . I'd be happy to send you my collection on a couple of DVD's if you like. Just send me your address. You could burn up a lot of hours just going through it all!
Manusel - There are probably more boaters on this site that would appreciate your pictures than you would think. Don't be frustrated by the YF rules as the mods do an excellent job of keeping this forum content-oriented and dagger free. I agree about the picture sizing being a pain and that's why I rarely post pictures, but you have some photos that will be appreciated and hopefully after posting for a bit, you will find the gratification of sharing worth the efforts. Btw, in the category of the administrator having reasons for rules, think about the bandwidth expense for those at sea being charged for the size of the pics to download.