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Fire safety plan template

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by Lili429, Mar 8, 2015.

  1. Lili429

    Lili429 Member

    Feb 17, 2014
    Hugging the Coast Adventure
    I am sorry if in my research I didn't find a thread to join in on.

    Does anyone have a sample of a fire safety plan document used to brief guests?
  2. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Could be as simple as no smoking and no matches/lighters allowed.

    There was a web site that had data like this. Give me a few and I'll try to find it.
  3. AlfredZ

    AlfredZ Senior Member

    Oct 29, 2009
    Landlocked in Europe

    Search for Mini-ISM manual, use it only as a reference because you have to create one that is specific to your vessel and intended use. It is in fashion now a days to create a video of some sort to show to your guests and crew highlighting audible alarms and visual signs and things to look for in case of emergency, especially that reading is becoming less and less desirable. Read as many manuals as possible to get your head around the basics and common grounds, then go about structuring one that fits your vessel and intended guests under various conditions, at dock, at sea, anchored, etc.

    Just to point our something, it is not just fire you need to consider, as you will see in those manuals, flooding, loss of power, medical emergencies and what not. You will get the hang of it once you start reading. Than get back here and maybe share specific concerns or inquire about certain regards and surely you will find the support you need.

    Safe sail.

  4. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    I found this site. It's been posted on YF before so I hope it is not an issue re-posting it.

    Give it a few searches and you may find your answers.

  5. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    What does smoking, matches/lighters have to do with it. When it comes to boats those would be way way down the list of fire causes. Besides, a fire safety plan is about where extinguishers are located, how to use them, how to evacuate, where to muster, when to jump overboard and when not to, who to notify, etc. If you're looking to stop fires, don't put fuel aboard and don't use electricity. Just sit on an unpowered raft and enjoy a smoke.:rolleyes:
  6. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Not much, Just a redneck fire plan with an attempt at humor.
  7. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office
    All 3 can set fire to a boat so restricting or banning their use onboard is not a bad idea at all
  8. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    I'm so fed up with the anti-smoking crusaders that when one shows his 'concern for my well being' my response is to ask if they know why I smoke. When they say they don't I tell them that I do it to pi-- passive aggressive a-h---- like him off. Sorry for not catching your humor.

    K1W1 let me know what happens when you tell a smoker who's paying $20K to $50K for a week on a boat that they won't be allowed to bring smokes or a lighter on board. Even those who claim not to be smokers seem to like a cigar in the evening, and you'd be amazed how many women and men have mooched cigarettes off me, telling me not to tell their spouse. Everyone knows (or should) that there's no smoking inside a boat, but out in the fresh air? Good luck. P.S. Care to point our any boat fires caused by a cigarette or lighter (not at a fuel dock)? If you find any I'll bet I can find 100 for each that were caused by electrical wiring or fuel leak or such.

    Anybody who told me that as their fire plan would have to pick me off the floor where I'd be hysterical laughing (right before leaving the boat with my money).
  9. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office
    Wow, I guess I hit a nerve. I am not a reformed smoker either and I live with someone who does smoke.

    You might be surprised that there are a lot of folks like me who don't smoke.

    I am not trying to ram the non smoking message down your throat as such just mentioning what I see as a reasonable idea.

    I will not be the one telling the folks who pay more than the boat you run is worth to charter for a week not to smoke.

    If applicable a clause will be included in the Charter Contract.

    I guess if you get so wound up about your smoking you better scrub NZ off your future holiday plans too, the government is running a program called Smokefree 2025.

    They want to restrict access to tobacco and make it prohibitively expensive to reduce smoking. At the moment you cannot see any tobacco or smokes in shops for sale, there are grey or cream metal boxes and you have to tell the shopkeeper what you want. You cant say give me a blue box you have to know the brand. My other half was very confused when she first saw how it is there, followed by the shock at the price currently USD16.90 for a pack of 20 and to rise by 2017 to USD 24.25 for the same pack.

    You can't bring enough with you to last any sort of time either the limit is now 50 smokes down from 200 Duty Free on Nov 01 2014.

    You will be pleased to know that while tobacco is so heavily controlled you can each bring in 3 x 1125ml of Liquor, or 4.5 lt of wine or 4.5lt of beer duty free so you will be able to drown your sorrows for not being able to smoke those 50 smokes anywhere they are even going to make outside smoking in public areas illegal.
  10. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Not at all, and good for them. I happened to grow up in a time that only losers didn't smoke. Every actor in the movies and on TV had a smoke in their mouth, and you couldn't be cool without one. Marlon Brando, James Dean...............

    Understood. rcrapps sounded like he was because I didn't catch his joke.

    That's just it, it's a matter of control and money. Smoking was fine when the biggest industry was tobacco. Now that it's the medical profession ..................................

    Absolutely won't be visiting NZ. Almost crossed NYC off the list when control freak bully Bloomberg tried to do it there.

    They're not doing it to stop smoking. They're doing it to make money off the addicts they created, and to crush the poor since it's one of their only recreations. Way more poor smoke than rich. and the rich can afford to pay whatever they have to anyway. They know the poor can't afford detox (none offered for cigs anyway) so they'll always be smoking and turning what little money they have over to the state. So you've got people in poverty who HAVE to buy them, so they jack the price up driving them further into poverty. If they really wanted to stop smoking they'd approve free in hosp. detox.
    And if they really wanted to stop the "stench" problem they outlaw people wearing perfume. Many scents take the oxygen right out of the air, and I hate the smell of all but Sweet Honesty and Opium. Some people have serious allergies to some perfumes. Nobody has an allergy to tobacco smoke despite what some passive-aggressives claim when their 'let me help you' crock fails.

    And that puts a cap on this blatant hijack.:rolleyes: Sorry folks. Back to the subject of this thread.

    You're not going to train guests to fight fires and such, nor do you want to. The safety templet is simple: "In the event of ANY emergency grab you PFD and get to your muster station. The crew will instruct you from there."
  11. Lili429

    Lili429 Member

    Feb 17, 2014
    Hugging the Coast Adventure
    I got a copy of the floor plan for the boat and created a document that has the locations of each fire extinguisher and the class of fire.

    Creating a document for safety instructions for each room and posting their actual escape plan for their room.

    That is great advice. Get where you need to be and listen for the captains instructions. They cannot and should not fight a fire.
  12. CaptPKilbride

    CaptPKilbride Senior Member

    Mar 16, 2004
    On the water
    When you have your plan all figured out, be sure to test it, then train and practice on it. The best written plan is useless if the people involved with safety duties forget what to do when things start going south. Have a designated muster station and an alternate muster station in case the primary muster station cannot be used.
  13. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    The least pleasant classes you may ever take are fire fighting and they may, along with medical person in charge, be potential life saving classes. When they tell you the fire fighting course requires physical exertion that is a huge understatement. We play tennis and basketball and work out and we were both drained by the combination of the exertion and the heat.

    Then probably the leading avoidable loss of life results not from poor fire fighting skills but from not realizing when it's time to abandon the effort and get off the boat. You've got to know when to hold them and know when to fold them.

    Also, most with fires realize they're severely under equipped. If you've never researched it or known, you'll be amazed at how little extinguishers hold. Most of us have never used one, even as practice. We sure hadn't before taking a course. We beefed up what we have in our home after the class.