Congratulations.... the results from the sea trials of the new Heesen Alive... Prove out the value of the hull vane system. Innomare you should post the results here... better than even predicted!
Those Horseshoe Rudders you refer to would most likely have been on the Levi Drive equipped Virgin Atlantic challenger. They make for very good handling at speed and seemed to me to do exactly what it said on the tin as it was only the very bottom of the blade in the water once on the plane and it effectively gave you four rudders and directed the massive jet of water produced by the surface piercing props.
Pics always help. P.S.- Page 12 shows Virgin Atlantic Challenger II
Yep, that is it. Not what I thought originally, then I found some old photos of her on the hill. Maybe I was remembering a bad dream; upside-down Tempest.
Page 13 shows the vessel I was on from build to sale to the Greeks, the text on the page tells a somewhat off course story. She was built for a well known American man.
I have already saved this levi drive info for reference thanks guys.... Now this is what I am talking about... on the Heesen "Alive" seems to quantify in real terms the Hull Vane...
For those that subscribe or read on line. PBb, Issue 160, has a nice rite up on installing a stern foil (vane) on a poor preforming boat. Results were great. It re-kindles my late thoughts for a bolt on kit on older boats.
Hull Vane, Naiad jointly launch ‘Dynamic’ Hull Vane September 19, 2019 Hull Vane BV of the Netherlands and Naiad Dynamics, the US maker of marine motion control systems, have jointly developed an “actively controlled” version of the static Hull Vane that the Dutch company launched in 2014.