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Miami Beach Boat Show moving?

Discussion in 'Boat Shows & Yacht Watching' started by YachtForums, Nov 12, 2014.

  1. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    The Miami Beach Convention Center is undergoing renovation for the next 2 years, so Show Management is moving that portion of the show to the Miami Marine stadium for 2016 and 2017. I haven't seen the stadium in recent years, but somehow I recall it was deemed structurally unsafe following Hurricane Andrew? Maybe it has been recently renovated?
  2. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    No it has not been and it's also covered with graffiti, but apparently the plan is underway, subject to approval this month.

    Under an agreement with the city, the Friends of Miami Marine Stadium organization has until January to show successful fundraising and a viable operating plan in order to secure a long-term lease. The group must persuade city officials that the stadium, a perennial money-loser when open, can be managed without public subsidies.

    City Manager Daniel Alfonso said his staff is still reviewing the group’s finances, and there remain some issues with “cash flow.” But Hernandez and architect Hilario Candela, the stadium’s designer, say Friends of Miami Marine Stadium has fulfilled conditions and they’re asking the city to approve the lease as soon Nov. 20.

    The Friends group, which estimates the stadium renovation will cost around $30 million, has secured $15 million in commitments, including a $1 million State of Florida grant and $3 million from a longstanding historic-preservation commitment from a Miami-Dade County bond program.

    A third of that $15 million will come from the sale of historic-preservation tax credits to people who use them to offset federal tax liabilities, Hernandez said. Gloria Estefan, who performed at the stadium with Miami Sound Machine and is serving as the face of the campaign, has pledged $500,000.

    The boat show will also bring in significant money, but the precise amount has not been determined, and Hernandez and Candela said they were not ready to provide a figure on Tuesday. Sklar said the show netted the Miami Beach Convention Center $680,000 last year.

    There is also no word as to what would happen to the show after those two years. I do have an alternate recommendation, but they probably wouldn't like it. Move the show to Fort Lauderdale, a location equipped to handle it....ok, that wasn't nice. Plus I don't think those who have to move their boats for the show want another one. I'm not familiar with the stadium and whether the traffic will be improved or how this will work with the other locations.
  3. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    No it is structurally sound according to an engineering survey done recently, it does need cosmetics obviously

    This is great news, marine stadium is not just an interesting structure but a beautiful protected bay with breathtaking view of Miami skyline. We anchor out there all the time especially in the evening.

    I hope they move some of the in water display there to reduce the issues at bayside and sealine. Plenty of parking, easy access off i95. Perfect location.
  4. captainwjm

    captainwjm Senior member

    Aug 17, 2010
    Miami, FL, Cape Elizabeth, ME
    As I understand it, only half of the convention center will be available for the show. So, the marine stadium is being considered for those displays that cannot fit into the convention center and those that were in the parking lot, which will also be unavailable. What all that means, and whether an in-the-water venue [I agree with you, Pascal] will be part of the marine stadium venue remains to be seen. One thing that will be true is, I'll be there.
  5. SeaEric

    SeaEric YF Historian

    Jan 28, 2007
    out on the dock
    Here is an interesting video showing the Marine Stadium, from the website of the group looking to renovate it:
  6. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    The punk-@$$, POS kids that tag-trashed the MMS should be publically dragged behind an unlimited hydroplane.

    Yes, I said that.
  7. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    I used to work Sea Tow in the bay area. South East marine was a great help then. The Stadium was an eyesore then and I cursed those that let it get to that condition. What a great, wonder to go to waste.
    I can imagine the haz-mat removal (all that d$#% paint). I am happy to see anybody trying to put that area back to use.
    IF it happens, I'll visit that old shack / dive / pub on Virginia key again.
  8. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    There is a picture of them. When (S)MPD has a moment to stop writing traffic tickets (Dade revenue), maybe they can chase them or any other criminals.
  9. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Geeeez, what a disgrace they did to that stadium. The concrete supports and angles are amazing. There must be a complete tractor trailer or spray paint on it.

    I wonder how they'll get it off of bare concrete? Media blast it? Or just paint the entire stadium (primer/paint). It's a real shame they closed it.
  10. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    I hope they put in security or it will just happen again. Graffiti leads to more graffiti. On the other hand, a true marvel is the Atlanta subway system. No graffiti. Now, that doesn't mean no one ever paints a wall. It means immediately they paint over it so no one else gets the idea it's ok. I once saw fresh paint on a wall one morning. I went back through around noon and that wall was clean and white again.
  11. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    It s not graffiti guys, it s street art! Come on, didnt you get the memo? It was the same memo which converted Merry Christmas to Happy Hollidays...

    A couple of days ago, there were people with flashlights all over the stadium at night...I was wondering why trespassing laws aren't enforced. I guess the dade county cops sitting in their cars ambushed to catch folks exceeding the 45mph limit on the causeway behind the stadim are too fat to climb up the stadium and chase the "artists" and the punks who skateboard on the roof.

    Seriously, it is a great spot. It s a shame the public can't enjoy it like building a boardwalk with a restauratn on the north side to even a small marina.
  12. NEO56

    NEO56 Member

    May 2, 2014
    The MMS was a great place..we raced there, went to concerts there (great acoustics due to the clam shell design) and the stage was on a barge floated out and tethered. And occasionally took dates there to watch the submarine races! Good times, lot's of memories there. And back then the Miami Herald building, which was the tallest building in those days was lit so brightly, it was the only landmark visible across the bay.
  13. ScotL

    ScotL Senior Member

    Jun 29, 2009
    Green Bay/Milwaukee,WI
    It truly is a marvel and a shame to see it in that condition. Certainly a worthwhile effort o restore it.

    It has been used in several tv shows and movies. The only one to come to mind at the moment is Burn Notice.
  14. NEO56

    NEO56 Member

    May 2, 2014
    LOL ScotL, that episode of Burn Notice was the first time I'd seen the MMS in 30 some odd years...what a shame...I really do hope they restore that structure.
  15. 1000 islands

    1000 islands Member

    Apr 20, 2013
    Ivy Lea
    WOW !!!!!! What a structure !

    What was it primarily used for during it's hey day ?

    Nice place to stage a boat show.
  16. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    Power boat races and concerts
  17. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    I remember going to see the hydroplane, jersey skiffs etc race their as a kid. It was a great place.