Where do you find one if you want it to have a Tuna Tower on it, or fish rigged to start with in freshwater? Most Florida SF are VERY well taken care of, and repaired properly.....I'd prefer to buy a FL Sportfish.....maybe would prefer a freshwater motoryacht but not sportfish......
It was pointed out to me by one of my friends here at YF (yes guys I actually have a few here) I left out a couple of operative words in my statement "....but then again I'm not in the market for a new boat" what I should have added was "at this time". I still want to build a custom boat, but I just can't stand the thought of being without a boat to fish off of for the next four or five years. And besides I need to log some time on a bigger boat, to keep my insurance rates low for the "big" build.
Valid point J, most fresh water boats don't have a tuna tower, and although I'd rather a Marlin tower, it's still nice to have some type of tower. I'm also glad that marlin towers now have a center stairway/ladder. I remember when the ladder was mounted on the legs of the tower, and in anything larger than three foot sea, climbing into the tower required a tremendous amount of upper body strength, balance, and a healthy dose of a death wish.
Some food for thought: http://www.**************/boats/1996/Oceanfast-Sportfish-2715671/Miami/FL/United-States#.VFEypE0tBxA
Hi OP, the listing quoted the hull as being fiberglass. I don't know that Oceanfast ever made a FRP hull...they usually build out of Aluminum, and I don't want any part of an Aluminum hull, and the Engines are a joke, not only are they under powered, but you can't find parts for that powerplant. That boat was built for Greg Norman...I appreciate the effort but I'll take a pass. Thanks. And the interior...I'm not going to say anything, but when I saw it, I threw up in my mouth a little....
NEO, The 396 MTU is alive and well in many parts of the world . I am of the understanding that you can even have a new one if the colour of your boat is correct and 3000hp should be plenty to push her along just fine.
The 396 series engines are on their last leg and most major components are re-mans. Third world navy's are hoarding most of the parts to keep their patrol boats going and in the yachting segment They're being pulled from boats on a regular basis these days after W-6 plus, plus On the clocks as owners have come to the conclusion that it's cheaper to re power verses the crazy $$$ of rebuilding as the parts are getting thin and that's true especially on the electronic controls. There's a couple of people in the states that are making excellent livings specializing in CPR for the MTU 1800 Hz alarm -control systems from the old 80s technology . 22,000 $$ for a air charge cooler core? 16,000 $ for a fresh water pump? They were both re- mans also. I do like your sense of humor Kiwi about any new production of the 396? Pound per HP they couldn't be beat in their day but I would run as fast as I could from any listing that included 396's.
I have heard the same things. Not to mention, smoke on startup and for the first 20 minutes from them will CLEAR OUT a neighborhood.
We never turned the pre-heaters off on 396 and 595's and didn't have start up smoke issues out of the norm. MTU stopped production of the 331 / 396 in 1998 so it was a good run from the intro in 1973 and yes, you can purchase some "Barn Finds" of the 396 with zero hours ( very few world wide) from surplus or warehouse consigns of the 396 that have sat on pallets for years. Funny thing is that the majority of 396 production went to rail locomotives and large mining trucks & Gen plants. Heck, Even the Eifel Tower has three 12v 396 TB 92's in Gen. configuration for back up power so the tourists can take that iconic night time photo. A great site to visit is the diesel engine traders.com site for an interesting snap shot world wide to look at the availability of any manufacturers production runs. BTW Capt. J, I always enjoyed the very identifiable exhaust smell / smoke of a Multiple Trouble Units (MTU's). As it kept the no -seeum's and skeeter's away!
Here's something to satisfy the need, occupy time, and tease the fish. http://www.yachtforums.com/index.php?threads/1988-roscioli-donzi-z-65-sea-deuce.12826/#post-205725 http://www.yachtforums.com/index.php?threads/the-sea-deuce-65-donzi-hull-4.10464/page-5#post-197730 http://www.yachtforums.com/index.php?threads/the-sea-deuce-65-donzi-hull-4.10464/page-2#post-157832 http://www.yachtforums.com/index.php?threads/the-sea-deuce-65-donzi-hull-4.10464/ http://www.yachtforums.com/index.php?threads/the-sea-deuce-65-donzi-hull-4.10464/page-3#post-163107 http://www.yachtforums.com/index.php?threads/the-sea-deuce-65-donzi-hull-4.10464/page-3#post-174019 http://www.yachtforums.com/index.php?threads/the-sea-deuce-65-donzi-hull-4.10464/page-3#post-187037 http://www.yachtforums.com/index.php?threads/the-sea-deuce-65-donzi-hull-4.10464/page-3#post-187043
I'll let you gear heads debate the pros and cons of the powerplants, but I'll address the elephant in the room...Aluminum hull. Not going to happen. Carl did a review of a boat called the Mary P, built by Trinity, and while she is hands down the most beautiful Yachtfish I've ever seen, I wouldn't even take it as a Christmas present!
May not be your cup of tea; but spend a little time having a look-see at the links. Has any of this been a part of life, lately? http://www.yachtforums.com/index.php?threads/the-sea-deuce-65-donzi-hull-4.10464/ http://www.yachtforums.com/index.php?threads/the-sea-deuce-65-donzi-hull-4.10464/page-3#post-163107 http://www.yachtforums.com/index.php?threads/the-sea-deuce-65-donzi-hull-4.10464/page-2#post-157832 http://www.yachtforums.com/index.php?threads/the-sea-deuce-65-donzi-hull-4.10464/page-3#post-187037 http://www.yachtforums.com/index.php?threads/the-sea-deuce-65-donzi-hull-4.10464/page-3#post-187043
Thanks OP, But I'm sold on Enclosed Bridge models, a) as a live aboard, it provides a second living space, and 2) It doubles as an office with a nice view when tied up to the dock. And don't get me wrong Bob builds a very nice boat. Many years ago a Donzi was caught in a hurricane off the coast of Mexico, the side windows were blown out and if memory serves, the crew abandoned ship...only to come back after the storm to find her still adrift and afloat!
Was on a yacht with a pair of 16v396 engines, a cold start on a Sunday morning would sure give the diners in the Fisher Island beach club restaurant a bagel flavour they wouldn't forget in a hurry, like Capt Holli when the heaters were on and they were warm they started clean everytime.
So what's the deal with Sea Deuce? I've followed Bamboo's posts and have looked at the listing and that battle wagon looks like the best deal out there. The listing makes it obvious that she's been very well maintained and upgraded. Is it just a case of a boat being 26 years young , 1692's with slim tankage etc? I've looked at listings for the last five years with several different brokerage houses that have had the central & they had her priced from $229,000 to $299,000 depending I guess on the before and after DD rebuild & other upgrades. Maybe the other main eng. that hasn't been majored makes potential buyers pause? Dunno, but this boat looks like a good buy if it surveys well. Something doesn't add up here or this boat would have sold months ago. Could be un- educated buyers @ this price point thinking that if it sound or looks to good to be true... After following bamboo's posts I would certainly put Sea Deuce on my short list for survey.
That's true, but block heaters consume a lot of electricity which usually results in not having enough energy for everything else on the boat if on shorepower. If you leave the block heaters off, it would take a good 8+ hours for them to get any real temperature in the motor if turned on. Capt.Holli- That end of the SF market is just dead. The cost of maintanence compared to the cost of the boat is so high. Also that size market is rather dead in general. All of the custom builders have 2 year waits but they're only building and selling 75' +. Viking is also having great success with that size range and it's carrying the rest of the line.
I have often wondered the same given that it seems the Owners have not lost interest and continue to spend money on maintenance and upgrades. CAPTJ, The block heaters are only a couple of kW, if your shore power is that marginal a bit of smoke is one of the costs. They would always start from cold it just took a few start attempts as the starter ran on a timer to warm up the pistons enough to get ignition.