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Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by YachtForums, Oct 3, 2014.

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  1. Opcn

    Opcn Senior Member

    Mar 15, 2009
    Nordland (near Port Townsend), WA, USA
    That makes total and complete sense. I love the reviews on YF and really appreciate the format. I don't think I should be able to post here either.

    It appears that I can post on any thread and even create threads in this part of the forum
  2. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
  3. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    Well said Ed. Completely concur. Custom and big boat builders have always been receptive to our media. Production boat builders; not so much. In the early years, I was feverishly trying to build a library of reviews to stave off competition from print media. I knew time wasn't on my side as the Internet was so rapidly evolving and magazines would have to abandon an antiquated business model, ultimately turning to the Internet, flush with decades of profits they could throw at young developers who could kick my butt.

    In recent years, I became very selective about the coverage we provide. Our reviews don't end up in a trash can like other forms of media. They live on; indelibly etched in the fabric of the Internet. And generally, our reviews top multiple keyword searches, becoming an effective sales tools for the manufacturer. I've striven to publish the most extensive reviews possible because the members of YF would accept nothing less. People like you, K1W1, CaptJ, OlderBoater, Marmot and many, many others set the bar very high. Because of you guys, I'm a better informed editor. And so are ALL of the editors and writers in the yachting industry. Your discussions became their latest issue topics. Our reviews became schematics for magazines putting together quick features to satisfy their advertisers.

    1) I'll be very open about this because its a bone of contention for me. Most yards have very little vision. They distribute images to almost any media, typically with writers who have absolutely NO knowledge of boats, onboard systems, navigation, maintenance, ownership, etc. In the end, they get a fluffy little feature by a media hoping to tap into their ad budget. None of this stuff is credible. In my opinion, it actually degrades the 1000's of hours of work by hundreds of craftsmen with an attention to detail that would melt the miniscule minds of most media folks. And don't get me started about teenagers with websites ending in Times that have nothing more than baseball playing card knowledge of yachts.

    Readers don't know (and I'm sure don't care) of the battle I've fought behind the screen with yards that release images and specs to media that put lipstick on a pig, then publish it as Filet Mignon. At YF, we actually go onboard the boat, sea trial it, check the specs and spend 40-60 hours composing editorial. In some cases, I find so many shortcomings that I walk away from the review. This has happened more times then I can count and it certainly hasn't helped YF's bottom line. This is why we chose to limit reviews to a handful each year, but each one will be a whopper and you can bet it will meet a high level of criteria.

    This past year has been quite a challenge. I set aside reviews for something FAR more important; securing the collective knowledge of YF's members. At this point, I'm more interested in expanding that knowledge than publishing reviews and I'll tell you why... See paragraph 3, labeled #1.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2014
  4. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    Thank you OP. These folks obviously uploaded avatars long after registering and I have no way of knowing it, unless I see them post. I have removed their mugs.
  5. Kevin

    Kevin YF Moderator

    Nov 25, 2004
    Montreal, Qc, Canada
    Speaking of avatars... I just noticed that the pics from the previous software didn't port over to this new one. I need to find a new yacht shot now. Oh well, the epic TWINE pic was getting a little old anyways, even if I did love it. :D
  6. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    I'm not sure why your avatar didn't port. It appears everyone else did. Maybe TWINE is due for a refit?
  7. Just load it manually.

    Attached Files:

  8. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office
    wasn't that a small furry rodents Avatar?
  9. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    Old Phart, maybe best to discontinue your new XF identity used for testing so folks don't get confused. OK?

    Everyone reading this needs to re-upload a new avatar that is a minimum of 96 x 96 pixels. Please don't use larger. ALL of the original avatars were 75 x 75, so they will appear blurry on the new XF-based YF until you upload a correctly sized avatar.
  10. It does look a little fuzzy.​


    P.S.- Interesting, cannot undo center code, when clicked edit.

    P.P.S.- CATERPILLAR looks a little fuzzy, too. o_O

    P.P.P.S. - Pull the plug?

    Bummer, thought I'd go for another T-Shirt.

    Oh, well, fun while it lasted.

    Bye, time for OldPhartThinker to take a dirt nap.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 6, 2014
  11. Belle

    Belle Member

    Nov 23, 2013
    Bye bye....I'll miss you. Maybe some of the Thinker will rub off on the clonee
  12. SFS

    SFS Senior Member

    Oct 4, 2013
    If you do not select the "stay logged in" checkbox when you log in, does the new system time you out due to inactivity? If so, what is the time limit?

    It appears that I am automatically logged off after some amount of time, which did not happen under the old system.
  13. Chasm

    Chasm Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2013
    Looks like there are a few more boards which are not yet write protected.
    Yacht News; Builds & Launches: the forum itself and the posts
    Yacht Links & Lists: the forum itself, posts are protected
    Luxury, Mega, Super Yacht Builders: the forum itself and the posts

    The simplest but tedious solutions is a YF wide review of write privileges. =)

    Edit time is already limited, that's good.
  14. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    Chasm: we need to put you on the payroll. Thanks!

    Beau: After clicking on 'New Posts' on the navbar, click "Recent Posts" on the top, right corner of the New Posts Search results. This will display YOUR latest post.

    SFS: It could be one of our add-ons or we may need to rewrite some rules in .htaccess. It's on the punch list.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2014
  15. Old Phart

    Old Phart Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2011
    I dunno

    Just trying to show it's not that fuzzy on new YF.

    Only needs minor adjustment for 96 x 96 (pic = 95 x 100).

    P.S.- Found link to old YF on new YF
    and avatar in question - simple copy/paste
    and upload did the rest.

    P.P.S.- Only lost the chance for a new YF T-Shirt.

    P.P.P.S.- Will try to be a Thinker; rather than a Stinker. :)
  16. Chasm

    Chasm Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2013
    Small bills, no sequential numbers.
    But fist and foremost: Don't forget to include all the information and forms I need for the tax declaration. The government does not understand jokes when it comes to money. ;)

    As with any software change some things the rules refer to have changed. Nothing major, just details like avatar size and changes to the picture upload.

    While playing with the .htaccess turn the directory listing off.


    Staying logged in. Here is how its supposed to work
    The difference is in the cookies that get set.
    If not checked a cookie is set to expire at the end of the session, aka when the browser gets closed.
    If checked an additional cookie is set, this one has an expiration date one month after a login.

    What may be the cause of the different behavior?
    Changing browsers does not seem to force a logout.
    Addons to the browser and toolbars may be deleting cookies associated with closed tabs. An example for this would be hhtp switchboard which can be set to remove session cookies associcated with closed tabs after 60 minutes.

    If "stay loged in" logins would get lost there are two other culprits:
    The browser may be set to delete all cookies when closed. Again, some addons and toolbars can delete all cookies and caches on exit. BetterPrivacy would an example.
    External tools like CCleaner also delete cookies unless you whitelist them or deactivate cookie deletion.

    All that said, I have to work on my reading comprehension. This could of course be a server side feature. So I left a YF tab open for three hours before posting which did the logout trick. (staying logged in not checked)
    So either a forum setting, an forum plugin or maybe even stuff like old php sessions aging of the server.
  17. SFS

    SFS Senior Member

    Oct 4, 2013
    I feel like it has to be on the forum end. Nothing else has changed. Same browser, same computer, same everything, leaving the session open, and I would come back after a time interval (almost certainly more than an hour, and likely less than 3 hours, but I am unsure) and be logged off. Tab would be open, and site would still be up, so I could browse. What made it clear that I wasn't logged in was the "recent posts" at the top instead of having the option of "new posts".

    At no time was I closing the browser window, so it is definitely a time out switch. Issue goes away when I select "stay logged in" at the login step.
  18. K1W1

    K1W1 Senior Member

    Sep 30, 2005
    My Office
    Try clicking the "stay logged in " box.

    Seems to work ok for me, I have only been asked to log in once since the new software has been in operation.
  19. SFS

    SFS Senior Member

    Oct 4, 2013
    Thanks. As I said in #118, issue goes away if I select "stay logged in". I'm bringing it up because it represents different behavior than the previous system, not due to the lack of a workaround.

    New issue: If I am logged in, and use the "Home" link at the top of the page (the one in between "News" and "Gallery") I get logged out upon the redirect to the "Home" page. This has only happened once, and I'm about to verify that it happens again, but wanted to get this posted first.