10-12 knots...all the trip or is that just some places you're doing that? You could find a trawler forum. Then you'd be fast... Guess it happens with age. Maybe in 50 years when I'm your age, I'll slow down...maybe even below 20 knots. Maybe 15-18. 10-12 doubt. Although we do it occasional in bad conditions or at night. Seriously it is whatever you enjoy. More people like those speeds probably than like ours.
I remember hearing/reading that, but too far away to keep in today mental file. Check where he's from. I'll have to give it only a "B" since it's local knowledge.
It seems to predominate in a very high number of posts, mostly in response to your questions and comments. So I guess you could say it is one of the major topics. If engineering topics disturb you, "don't ask, don't tell."
So engineering is fine, just not engineers....or not one or two engineers.. Actually I think you did introduce it, Nycap. You started talking about various electrical and mechanical issues. And really on most loops, probably a good bit of that.
As a transporter, it took some getting used to, but on this trip rushing will be the exception rather than the rule. To satisfy my need for speed I have my Harley. "Maybe in 50 years when I'm your age" Hey watch it. If that were the case your hubby would be Jerry Lee Lewis and in trouble. Actually, until the economy fell apart I think most people wanted as much speed as possible, and did mostly lunch runs with these small boats. But now at $4+ per gallon and limited incomes yes they are slowing down again.
Taking the day off. Tomorrow we'll head up to Port Huron. Once we cross Lake St. Clare we'll be in all new territory for me.
I'd recommend that you stop in Sarnia rather than Port Huron. There is a nice marina in Sarnia Bay, which is a very pleasant stop compared to the slips available in the Black River. If you do end up in Sarnia, give a shout out to Ken Sr. on the Duc d'Orleans cruise boat. That's my family business, where I got my start 30+ years ago.
No worries. If you do go to Sarnia, make sure to go to Sarnia Bay Marina, which is better suited toward transients than Bridgeview Marina. There are a couple of good restaurants within walking distance, and a pretty good one on premises. If you end up there, send me a PM and I'll give you my Dad's contact info. Or you can just look him up at DucD'Orleans. He's a YF lurker, so I'm sure he'll know NYCAP
Thanks KEN. Talked with the boss. The Canadian flag is now up. We'll pull over to the fuel dock about 0830 to pump out, then head up to Sarnia if we can get dockage. I'll try to say hey to you dad when I get there.
Fog We'll be getting a late start this morning due to dense fog, and we're waiting for the marina to open so we can pump out. Probably heading out between 0930-1000.
The Waterway guide says they can take up to 103', but it also says they're in Port Huron. The bay looks shallow, mostly showing 4-5', but water levels on the lakes are up this year. Don't think you'll want to go in with the new boat, but Ken would probably have better info. This is new territory for me.
That's what it looked like to me, was 4-5'. Waterway Guide says approach of 8', depth at dock of 6'. Also, I couldn't guess the slip sizes but they look 50' or under which would only leave 4 T's for over 50'. But then I'm just eyeing it. Looks beautiful but doesn't have that information on their website either. One could call or email to find out.