Hi, I subscribe to a weather service that is usually pretty good. Thankfully I am not trying to get away from this TRS Last Updated: 02 March 2014, 13:00:00 0 Wind: 85 KPH Location: 10.3N 210.5E Movement: NNE at 4 mph
Hi, Some of the viewers are probably wondering why I posted this. It is the longitude figure given that caught my eye. I have never seen a position that exceeds 180 Deg E or W. Even if you counted around to 210.5 Deg E you would be at 144.5 W on all the charts I have looked at. Or have I been living in a vacuum and missed a new way to show a position?
Didn't notice the position the first time I went through the post, thought it was about the wind speed! Silly me!! After your clarification, it is strange, I thought this system, (named SOMETHING-ocentric), is used in astronomy only! Where there is no east or west and it is all in relation to the rotation of the earth in one constant direction negating the need for east or west bearing. Unlike the Anti-Meridian system which is limited to 180 degrees in each direction, so 210.5Deg is 144.5DegW. Strange why they put it like that. Back in the late nineties, a trip planning program, mapEgator, had this problem because it used SQL database which did not allow for letters nor duplicates, it was a calculator mainly, so the user had to do the conversion and add lettering of east or west. Maybe this is a simple answer to this situation too!
Here is a fantastic visualizer tool. Yacht forum members will probably appreciate it: earth :: an animated map of global wind and weather