Hi, I guess that most of this once had wheels and was a car. Seen somewhere in Bavaria in 2010. I had passed it a couple of times before stopping to get a snap of it.
Funny you are posting it, just yesterday the Bremen Airport was partially crippled due to UFO sightings... I think you found that object! I always had the presentiment that the Bavarians are out of this world!
UFO on top of the roof That "Thing" was built for and used in the low budget nonsence SF film "Xaver und sein außerirdischer Freund" (Xaver and his allien friend) in the mid-80s. The film is on Youtube and the DVD is still for sale. But do not waste your money on that BS. That junk on the roof is a leftover from the set. To bad, they ruined a nice BMW Isetta for that prop. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=sVuplnUycsc
Hi, I watched it and it looks like the pink thing hasn't moved far from where it was filmed as the countryside looks very like the area where I passed it.