I'm looking to purchase a 32' to 50' cabin cruiser (picture a 1967 Chris Craft style) and I live in Bakersfield CA. San Diego is a bit far although it's about the only area I'm familiar with personally, Coronado specifically (I use to live on a 47' CC in the marina right across from the naval base at a mooring). My use will be day/weekend cruising off shore just to get away and relax with friends and family. My ideal spots would be anything between Cambria and Santa Monica, anything more south than that would be quite a drive but may be worth it if prices proove to be too expensive for me where I desire. I would like a slip in a secure marina so I never have to worry. What are my options? I must admit that not being from the west coast I really have no clue in the slightest what any of these areas look like or offer marina wise. I've come here more or less for suggestions on where I guess, then I can better narrow my marina search down and drill into pricing and offerings. Any advice/suggestions would be great! Thanks! Alex
Probably the cheapest slips for you will be in Wilmington there on the Cerritos Channel just west of the Henry Ford bridge There's some old marinas right down there such as Newmarks.
That's a bit too far south but I'll keep it in mind! Thanks! I guess I'm looking to keep it under $200 a month.
Not a chance in hell. Figure about as cheap as you'll find a slip in Cal is $7.00/ft/month, that's $245 for a 35'er. Many places are considerably more expensive. Some places slips are hard to get and you need to buy a boat in the slip to get it. Check for a dock or mooring in Morro Bay or San Louis Obisbo.
Ok I'll look into that, thanks! I had seen prices of $150-$250 for covered 35' slips all over the east coast and since the west coast seems more popular I figured there would be even more marinas out there driving the prices lower vs. the east coast...
The West coast south of the Bay area has only a few limited protected places to put boats. The east coast has thousands of miles worth of inland waterways. The $150-$250 places are back in slews in the mid Atlantic region. You won't find any prices like that in So Florida nor California in the region you're looking at. If you were OK with Santa Monica, it's no more of a drive to get to Wilmington from Bakersfield. The closest marina to Santa Monica is Marina Del Rey, and I don't think you can get a slip there for less than $10 a foot. You may look around Stockton in the Delta for a cheap berth, especially around Bradford Island and such..
Other options . . . Don't forget Ventura Harbor and Channel Islands Harbor in Ventura County. Ventura Harbor has 3 marinas and a yacht club with slips; Channel Islands Harbor has 5 marinas and 2 yacht clubs with slips. Prices vary and deals can be made as some marinas have empty slips. We live in Bahia Marina / CI Harbor. Hope this helps! Sue
State Park Marina, Morro Bay. Long waiting list but you get in you are golden. Does it have to be a slip? Have you considered a mooring in Morro Bay, Port San Luis (Avila Bay), or Santa Barbara?
Did you figure out on the end which of West Coast Marinas is the cheapest one? I will need to move out 37ft sailboat and work on it for about a half the year in the dry dock, any recommendation? What is the budget I might prepare? PS: I am taking just about a space for boat + electricity, not other stuff needed. Thanks for recommendations! Dali
Sunset Aquatic has a long term storage yard for DIY. I was the cheapest I found for a two month stay in So Cal.
Thank you, do you mean this one? Sunset Aquatic Marina Huntington Beach How much did you pay there? Thanks.
Yes this is the place. The shipyard is part of the marina. I don't have the bill nearby but I remember it being about 2200 for a 2 month stay. There min stay is 2 months. This price was for a 37 footer and several years ago.
The west coast covers a lot of geography. Are you looking at California or southern California specifically? Sunset Aquatic in Huntington Beach is fairly expensive, as are most any direct water access yards in southern California. For long term on the hard you may want to consider something a few miles inland such as The Boat Yard in Costa Mesa or San Diego Boat Movers in San Diego. Otherwise, prices should come down the further north you get away from Los Angeles.
Where in CA is the cheapest dry dock? (for DIY) Thanks, yes W coast is a big area. Actually I am about to purchase a boat and now I trying to figure out where to move it for DIY. The boat is now in Marina del Rey and need to move out, I also need about 6~8 months to work on that. So anywhere in Ca is okay, I still consider if move it to Oregon would be cheaper. But If I need to work in winter, then will be better to stay south as much as possible. So, maybe the question "Where in CA is the cheapest dry dock?" would be better. Thanks
I am from the monterey bay area mosslanding is coast guard approved safe harbor. They have quite a few open slips that will accept up to 50 foot. They charge 6.00 per foot. Monterey charges 10.00 per foot. Then the Sacramento delta charges between 5.00 to 10.00 per foot. Depending what marina you choose. The delta dose have 60+foot slips available and can end tie 90 ft. at some of the marinas. That info is pretty current as I have been checking on prices for my boat. Good luck