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An apology regarding Australia

Discussion in 'YachtForums Yacht Club' started by craigsduc, Nov 15, 2013.

  1. craigsduc

    craigsduc New Member

    Feb 24, 2010
    Thousand Oaks
    As a result of feeling I genuinely upset some members out there with regards to my post on trading a home for a boat...that became somewhat of a dissuasion on bashing the Aussies...which I truly did not intend to do....I want to extend an apology to anyone that took offense. I now have friends we met in Queensland that we intend on having for a very long term.....The Aussies were for the most part always friendly and willing to assist....which is exactly what we expected we would find there. In reality, we are the same way and I truly believe most people throughout the world are genuinely good and willing to assist visitors in need....Its the human way! In times of need, we tend to gather and act as one! Its sad sometime it takes a natural disaster to bring out this incredibly trait.....

    No one asked me to apologize at all yet I,m sure there are those that felt I I am. I did not intend on causing any anxiety to anyone......and soon found it was happening and escalating..... I may have not chosen my words as well as I could have as what I was truly attempting to do was merely tell of our travels there....which came as a result of finally selling our home and heading for Australia to see if it was a good fit for us to relocate to. We simply had grown out of California.... that is all. We have always loved the water and knew we needed to get our 9 year old daughter on it soon....before it was too a place where we could find a slower paced society that was more boating oriented than what exists in Southern California.

    We simply found Australia to be a bit different from our expectations......that is all. Everyplace in the world has pros and cons .....Australia and the USA included. After 3 months in Queensland, we simply decided to come back and pursue a different place here in the US instead of leaving and returning to satisfy their maximum 90 day stay at a time visiting under a " visitors visa " which was the easiest option for us to travel there to see what we could find. The challenges there simply were not worth pursuing to us..... We could have earned working visas eventually but until you have one under your belt, you simply cannot work legally in any way..... We learned a lot about the immigration process there and found some things we were told prior to traveling there were a bit different in reality. After almost 90 days, we made the decision to come back where we could at least work legally...where our hard earned credentials and licenses were recognized.......and we are full citizens...

    Our visa allows us to return for another 90 days which would most likely result in a position offer to my wife......because of the new school year upcoming the first of the year....very different from the US school year. There was interest in her credentials but as mentioned by some other members, the construction demand is very low right now in the areas we were interested in relocating to. My plan was to pursue a business opportunity there once she had her working visa ( 457 )....which would have been 100 % legal to do as only one of us needed a working visa ( sponsored or not ) for the other one to pursue almost anything they chose. Rather than go back, we chose to simply relocate here in hopes of finding a better place to raise our daughter....that is all. We simply feel we will not be happy there overall. Some could find a great life there...some would not!

    Again, I,m sorry for offending wasn't intended!
  2. Old Phart

    Old Phart Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2011
    I dunno
  3. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    That's well written and appreciated, at least by me. I fully understand a place that's just not for you. I also understand initial impressions. There is one city we cruised to months ago and it was near the end of a trip, after a few days in one of our favorite ports. We planned to spend three days, but left after one, totally unimpressed. However, in a different mindset we returned a month later and found the parts of the city to love.

    There are certainly many places I would choose not to live. Most due to climate. Some due to other cultural issues where we wouldn't fit in. Frankly, they'd like us far less than we'd like them. There are other places I love to visit, but couldn't imagine living.

    I think also misinformation by well meaning people can lead us astray. It's like going to a movie that's actually pretty good but so many had talked it up as the best ever and you just didn't find it that. So, you're very disappointed in a good movie.

    Probably the biggest example is taking jobs. How do you find out about an employer and company? Most of them sound good on the interview and when they make the offer. Many people accept and a week after starting know they made a huge mistake.

    I'm glad you and your wife have found what is right for you. That's an excellent lesson for everyone. Don't settle. Don't go with what others think. Find your Xanadu.

    If I remember correctly, you ended up in South Carolina? I'm not sure. But Myrtle Beach is the first place my wife and I ever traveled together and we've gone back every Christmas holiday since. A family there became our adopted family.

    At least you didn't make the mistake one person I knew did. He went on a cruise and fell in love with one of the stops. Spent two days docked there. Resigned his job, sold his car and furniture, and moved. Shocking that the tour sponsored by the cruise line didn't reveal the entire city.

    Best of luck to you. Hope you continue to find the right boats for you as well. Of course, you may be like me and like nearly all of them you see.
  4. craigsduc

    craigsduc New Member

    Feb 24, 2010
    Thousand Oaks
    We actually ended up in NE Florida and have found a place that has a tremendous number of very content and happy people living here. No place is right for everyone but so far, it seems we have found a place certainly worth staying for a while and seeing if it fits long term. Renting for now and bought a 3370 Pursuit. The little one is beyond excited finally having a boat to go out fishing and exploring on. Its all we wanted....a grounded area with great schools and a society that embraces life on the water.....It reminds me a lot of The SE North Carolina where I met so many incredibly warm and content people as well. My dearest friend lived in Myrtle Beach S.C. you mentioned but sadly passed away last year before we could come visit as neighbors....almost! They posted bill boards in town honoring him as he was loved by everyone there. When you go there next, look at the billboards and see if Edward Fanjoy is still honored....He was someone we truly looked up to...........everyone did...... I promised him a boat ride when we got out his way but sadly was a year short......

    Regarding Australia, we almost sent our 40 ft container just prior to flying out! Thank god we listened to the Aussie immigration office and held off sending it until we had positions.......Another lesson learned as your buddy on the cruise ship most likely learned.....things are not always as they seem.....

    We will probably VISIT Australia again someday and will visit the Sydney area as well as Melborne when we do.....We have friends in the Blue Mountains area West of Sydney and we haven't heard from them regarding the fire storm that raged through there recently. The recent fire season was terrible and occurred just after our departure. Hoping they are OK...but no word as yet.

    Put Australia on your bucket list as a place one should definitely we experienced some very cool areas and things there.

    For now, we are fine here in NE Florida enjoying some anticipated Southern hospitality...that we anticipated...and found! What a concept!

    Best to your travels ...........
  5. craigsduc

    craigsduc New Member

    Feb 24, 2010
    Thousand Oaks
    You first! If you find its everything you imagined......share it with the forum. Just don't bash the Cubans though in doing so.:D
  6. Liberty

    Liberty Senior Member

    Sep 13, 2011
    Brisbane, Australia
    So out of curiosity, where in Australia did you go boating?

    I lived in Atlanta GA and Miami FL for 3 years, and I do agree with your point on cultural fit.

    And yes, our visa application is no less draconian than the US!
  7. craigsduc

    craigsduc New Member

    Feb 24, 2010
    Thousand Oaks
    We did not buy a boat in Australia but considered buying a 3370 if we had stayed. We had planned on keeping it in Airlie had we stayed. WE are not upset with the immigration process there as we understand it needs to be that way. Its that way here as well as you know. Its all good as we are settling in NE Fla.

    Re Brisbane, we witnessed the most incredible fireworks show there before we left marking the end of the Brisbane fair I think. Low F 15 fly bys....over the river and through Brisbane.....and then the fireworks display from almost every building top, bridge, barge, etc music....for 30 minutes.....AMAZING!
  8. Liberty

    Liberty Senior Member

    Sep 13, 2011
    Brisbane, Australia
    Shame you didn't get out onto Moreton Bay, immediately outside Brisbane.

    That's my backyard every weekend!
  9. olderboater

    olderboater Senior Member

    Sep 2, 2013
    Fort Lauderdale
    There is nowhere in the world, no country, no city, that doesn't have it's pluses and it's minuses. The best way to explore a new place is with someone who lives there or knows it very well. However, that is not always possible. So then it's best to find as many reviews, comments, and people to chat with or ask as possible. Sometimes even limo drivers or cab drivers or hotel concierge's. And the absolute most knowledgeable of an area is a good real estate agent.

    I learned this lesson years ago when hiring people who would have to relocate. They'd bring their spouse to look the area over and make a decision. After one bad experience, I found a local real estate agent who met all in the future at their hotel and showed them around the first day they were in town, so that they saw the good first. She didn't try to sell them anything, just build their view of the area and build future goodwill.

    As another example, our first trip ever to South Florida, we actually met a real estate agent in the airport before we left on the trip. She was vacationing and heading back home. Well, we all became friends and since it was the start of a weekend, she ended up spending the weekend with us, exploring and showing us around. We had no thoughts at that time of ever moving here. Well, we fell in love with the area and then some time after that our situation changed and we did decide to move here. She remains one of our best friends and we do love this area.

    I like my hometown of Charlotte, NC, but you get on the wrong street and try to get through town and see all that is there as the traffic doesn't move at all, and you'll want out faster than one can imagine. We lived the last ten years on a beautiful lake a few miles out from town with mostly great neighbors. But there was a time when one main thoroughfare was the home of business competition and shootouts between Hell's Angels and the Outlaws, both of which made Charlotte their East Coast headquarters. Fortunately, that was before I can remember as they'd mostly killed each other or gone to prison for killing each other by the time I was a child. However, that thoroughfare is still disgusting. Even in the past ten years that area has remained littered with prostitution, drugs, and other crime.

    Even on our boating, we go to great lengths of reading and finding out at each port the attractions we want to see, areas to go to, places and areas with bad reviews. Of course it starts with finding all we can about the marinas. Still we've made our mistakes.

    Glad NE Florida has worked so well for you. Florida has so many diverse areas. Most of us have our preferences and like the other areas less. If you like it there as much as it sounds like, you'd probably not like South Florida nearly as much simply because al the areas of Florida are very different from each other. We love Key West but we met an older couple not long ago that thought the entire Keys should be outlawed as they were so shocked by what they saw on their trip there. Of course, they were a bit shocked by South Beach as well. I think they were very happy to head back to their home in Utah.
  10. SeaLion

    SeaLion Senior Member

    Nov 11, 2013
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Well stated olderboater !

    I've lived in PA, MA, NJ, FL, CO. There is no perfect place. Almost everywhere is what you make it.

    I recall a Dear Abby column where a woman from NYC moved to NC and said the southern hospitality thing was a myth and nobody was friendly. Abby said something to the effect of "Um... YOU have to be nice too."

    I don't tolerate cold well so I put up with South Florida drivers who make NYC cabbies look courteous. (I like to confuse them by properly using turn signals and stopping for pedestrians in crosswalks.)

    Also, we lived in NJ where we didn't have to deal with hurricanes, then Irene and Sandy hit...